Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Video: Nancy Pelosi Doesn't Want the Ground Zero Mosque Imam Investigated...She Wants Those OPPOSED To It Investigated

Please, I beg of you people of California.....I'm on my knees here....recall this woman from the House of Representatives, put her up in a one room flat on Alcatraz Island for the rest of her life and I swear I'll help you all recover from your economic crisis. :)


in the vanguard said...

The parts of the puzzle, in completing the picture, paint a demeaning agenda going on under our noses.

First, Saudis smash into the Twin Towers and kill 3,000 Americans. Then they decide to build a mosque where the buildings went down. You hear how such a scheme empowers the Arabs in that its a victorious memorial in their favor, ie., in their struggle to defeat the West. Then, because of jerks like Bloomberg, they get the ok to go ahead and build - but not just any building - a huge beautiful 110 million dollar edifice for the cause. At first you don't know where the money is coming from to fund this project. A waiter? Then you find out that the money is coming mostly from - get this - Saudia Arabia, the very country from which the perpetrators of this evil disaster originated from. And then you also find out the imam's trip, going to Saudia to get the financial backing, is paid by - the taxpayer!

Then to crown off this glorious American humiliation, Pelosi wants an investigation against the humiliated.

Should this disgraceful scenario materialize, we deserve what we get. It's only too bad that the "WE" includes "US" who know better and feel powerless to rebel.

Anonymous said...

And if you want to see a pattern, check this out, at
"While Americans are bitterly debating the proposed building of a mosque near New York's ground zero, Muslims have been praying for years less than 80 feet from where another hijacked jetliner struck. …"

Soylent Majority said...

Nasty Pelosi is an epic embarrassment to most Californians. Study her gerrymandered district lines and you will see how she gets re-elected year after year. If I described her constituency here I would loose my posting access.

Holger Awakens said...

at the edge,

Great, great take on things. Thank you.


thanks for the tip on that

Soylent Majority,

I'd like to hear your description of Pelosi's constituency - chances are pretty slim that your posting status would change one bit (you might even progress to the Platinum Club)...LOL

:Holger Danske