Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Obama's "Stellar" Foreign Policy Tanks Again...Iran's Ayatollah Says They Won't Even Talk With America

You know, I swear that Barack Hussein Obama was out there on the streets and stages during the 2008 Presidential campaign promises this new era of open and vibrant foreign policy communications by the U.S. with the entire world....if only we'd elect his ass into the Presidency. Well he's President and today we saw just another example of how our Doofus of a Leader isn't any further along with Iran than he was those days in 2008 when he was slobbering all over his teleprompter. Big talk, no action. That's the story behind this fake President.

Anyway, Iran's supreme leader (also know as King Goatfucker) announced today that Iran won't even speak with the U.S. at this point unless we play all nice nice with him. Well, if America had chosen me President instead of the undercover muslim jihadi, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, wouldn't have said a word today - the fragments of his body would still be buried under the rubble of what used to be Tehran.

Anyway, here's what the clown had to say from Reuters via Breitbart:

Iran's supreme leader said on Wednesday the Islamic Republic would not conduct talks with the United States about its nuclear program unless sanctions and military threats were lifted.

"What they say, our president and others are saying, that we will negotiate -- yes we will, but not with America because America is not negotiating honestly and like a normal negotiator," Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a televised speech to senior officials.

"Put away the threats and put away the sanctions."

You know, I'm guessing it'll be another couple of months of further progress by the Iranians in their developing murderous nuclear weapons and some reporter will finally gather the balls to ask Obama about Iran and Obama will more than likely respond with "Well, let me make this clear, if we don't see some opening of their fist in Iran, I'm prepared to slap more sanctions on them." Come to think of it...that isn't a bad impression, is it? LOL

Sanctions, smanctions. Bomb these bastards back to the gates of Hell.

Khamenei: Iran won't talk with U.S. in current climate

(Reuters) - Iran's supreme leader said on Wednesday the Islamic Republic would not conduct talks with the United States about its nuclear program unless sanctions and military threats were lifted.

"What they say, our president and others are saying, that we will negotiate -- yes we will, but not with America because America is not negotiating honestly and like a normal negotiator," Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a televised speech to senior officials.

"Put away the threats and put away the sanctions."

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that Iran is willing to resume negotiations with a group of six global powers in the coming weeks.

It was not entirely clear if Khamenei was ruling out resuming talks with the six, which include the United States, or saying there would be no bilateral talks with Washington -- an unlikely prospect given the lack of U.S.-Iranian diplomatic ties.

The powers want such talks to concentrate on a deal to rein in Iran's disputed uranium enrichment program, something Iran has said is non-negotiable. Iran says the work is for producing electricity, not nuclear weapons as Western powers suspect.

Previously talks have been held with the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council -- the United States, Russia, China, France and Britain -- plus Germany. Ahmadinejad said he wanted other countries to be included this time.

But Khamenei, who wields ultimate power in Iran, rejected talks with the United States which, in addition to successfully pressing for a fourth round of U.N. sanctions against Iran, reserves the right to use military action should such punitive measures and diplomacy fail to rein in Iranian nuclear activity.

"If superpowers want to threaten and put pressure and impose sanctions and show an iron hand and, on the other hand, seek to sit at the negotiating table, this is not a negotiation and we will not have this kind of negotiation with anyone," he said.

Khamenei added that Iran did not rule out talking to the United States in different circumstances. "If these conditions are implemented, as I announced some years ago, we haven't sworn not to negotiate forever."

Washington has not ruled out a pre-emptive strike to prevent Iran getting a nuclear bomb, but has said it remains committed to a "dual-track approach" of sanctions and diplomacy with the offer of incentives to Iran to suspend sensitive nuclear work.

Tehran is due to start installing fuel rods in its first nuclear power-generating station -- a Russian-built complex unrelated to its enrichment activity -- on Saturday.

Khamenei also warned Washington against striking Iran.

"It is unlikely they (United States) will carry out such a stupid measure but everybody should know that in the event of any such attack the Iranian nation's response will not be limited to the (Middle East) region and it will have a wider reach."

Iranian officials have often said they could close the Strait of Hormuz in the event of military action -- cutting off the Gulf shipping route for 40 percent of all seaborne oil.

Analysts say the Islamic Republic could also target U.S. forces in the region and that militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah could also take retaliatory action in support of Iran.

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