Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Female Muslim College Student Hits Democrat Senator Levin In Face With Pie, Protesting His Support of Israel

And to top it off, she used an all American APPLE pie! A muslim student from Michigan State University, Ahlam Mohsen, has been arrested after she hit Democrat Senator Carl Levin of Michigan with a pie in the face during a stop by Levin in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

From the report at The Hill, here's WHY she threw the pie:

Mohsen told a local ABC affiliate her action was to protest Levin and other Democrats' support for Israel.

"Carl Levin is one of the most respected senators in Congress," she said. "People tend to blame the war on Republicans, but we wanted to target Levin today to send a message that liberals and Democrats are just as implicated in the violence as the Republicans."

Well, considering that about 80% of the Democrats in Congress added their signatures to letters to Barack Obama showing support for Israel, this woman and her little band of terrorist supporters in Michigan better start baking a lot of pies.

I figure the next step in this incident will be for Carl Levin to drop charges against the woman, do a photo op with her and then we'll probably hear Levin announce his understanding of the woes of Islam in America and he'll promise to support the Free Gaza movement. If I was Levin, I'd double down on the charges and do my best to see that she is prosecuted to the fullest...that she is banned from Michigan State University, that she sits in jail for a good long time and just for good measure, I'd commemorate her action by drafting a new resolution in Congress giving 100% support of Israel and condemning the actions of the Gazans.

Sen. Levin hit with pie, woman arrested

A Michigan State student was arrested Monday after allegedly throwing a pie in the face of Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.).

According to multiple reports, police arrested 23-year-old student Ahlam Mohsen on assault and battery charges after she reportedly threw a pie in the senator's face during a question-and-answer session at a deli in Big Rapids, Mich.

Mohsen told a local ABC affiliate her action was to protest Levin and other Democrats' support for Israel.

"Carl Levin is one of the most respected senators in Congress," she said. "People tend to blame the war on Republicans, but we wanted to target Levin today to send a message that liberals and Democrats are just as implicated in the violence as the Republicans."

Levin said that people who throw or hit someone with an item don't "understand the blessings of America."


in the vanguard said...

Let her try that in Iran, or any other islamic country - I think we should punish her as per Shariah law too. This good for nothing represents a majority of muzlims. They don't appreciate the freedom they have.They take it for granted. They only come to abuse it. Remember, there is no "moderate" muslim. In the end, the imams will impose and these good for nothings will follow in obeisance. And then it won't just be pie-throwing any more.

Holger Awakens said...

at the edge,

Once again, your comment nails things right on the head! Awesome.

:Holger Danske