The American people continue to be set up for an era of state control as now, even the Director of the FBI, Robert Mueller, has come out and compared the threat of right wing extremists and militias in America with that of islamic terror groups like al Qaeda. So that makes two references to this in just a couple of days - we had ex-President Bill Clinton flapping his gums about the dangers of all of the "Timothy McVeighs" roaming around America and now the head of the FBI setting the stage for what has to be viewed as a threat to keep Americans with any sort of dissent against a Marxist takeover of our country, in check.
I'm hoping that everyone is reading the writing on the wall here. The stage is being set. And yes, I firmly believe this is 100% political in nature.
Let me say one thing to FBI Director Muller: If you are foolish enough to put your name to statements like this while the evidence in our country shows HUNDREDS of al Qaeda and islamic terror plots in this country and actual terror attacks that have killed thousands of Americans, then don't be surprised if it all comes back as egg on your face. It's my experience that most Americans don't like to be shoved around by a totalitarian government - we don't tolerate tyranny. And I'm not talking about a group of men in the middle of the woods in a northern Michigan locale - I'm talking about steel workers in Pittsburgh, housewives in Colorado, businessmen in North Carolina and Marines serving in Afghanistan.
Janet Napolitano was crucified for her Homeland Security memo targeting right wing extremists and military veterans ....so now, apparently Robert Mueller wants to join the circus. One other thing Mueller...even though you might feel comfortable because Bill Clinton started this little witch hunt, you will more than likely find yourself on that same little island that Napolitano found herself on, fighting every day to keep her job...and in the end, losing all credibility with the American people and all American law enforcement.
One other thing I'd like to add. This warning, or as I see it, a threat is based upon what the FBI calls "recent upsurge in anti-government rhetoric." Well, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT YOU FUCKING MORONS?!!!! We have a Federal government that has: taken over the banking industry in America, taken over the car industry in America, taken over the healthcare industry in America, and wants to take over the energy industry in America and the whole time has ripped our Constitution into shreds and YOU EXPECT US TO BEND OVER AND TAKE THIS MOVE TO MARXIST SOCIALISM UP OUR ASSES?!!! In the history of the United States of America, we have never seen the tyrannical takeover by the centralized Federal government like we are now - not even close to it and it "shocks" people like Bill Clinton and Robert Mueller??? Perhaps that is why Bill Clinton had impeachment charges enacted on him and why Mueller will end up parking cars at a Virginia hotel in a year.
We are being set up folks. The message is clear: either fall in line with the Marxist mandate of Obama and the thugs of D.C.'s federal government or find yourself in a federal prison or FEMA camp.
I'm hoping that everyone is reading the writing on the wall here. The stage is being set. And yes, I firmly believe this is 100% political in nature.
Let me say one thing to FBI Director Muller: If you are foolish enough to put your name to statements like this while the evidence in our country shows HUNDREDS of al Qaeda and islamic terror plots in this country and actual terror attacks that have killed thousands of Americans, then don't be surprised if it all comes back as egg on your face. It's my experience that most Americans don't like to be shoved around by a totalitarian government - we don't tolerate tyranny. And I'm not talking about a group of men in the middle of the woods in a northern Michigan locale - I'm talking about steel workers in Pittsburgh, housewives in Colorado, businessmen in North Carolina and Marines serving in Afghanistan.
Janet Napolitano was crucified for her Homeland Security memo targeting right wing extremists and military veterans ....so now, apparently Robert Mueller wants to join the circus. One other thing Mueller...even though you might feel comfortable because Bill Clinton started this little witch hunt, you will more than likely find yourself on that same little island that Napolitano found herself on, fighting every day to keep her job...and in the end, losing all credibility with the American people and all American law enforcement.
One other thing I'd like to add. This warning, or as I see it, a threat is based upon what the FBI calls "recent upsurge in anti-government rhetoric." Well, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT YOU FUCKING MORONS?!!!! We have a Federal government that has: taken over the banking industry in America, taken over the car industry in America, taken over the healthcare industry in America, and wants to take over the energy industry in America and the whole time has ripped our Constitution into shreds and YOU EXPECT US TO BEND OVER AND TAKE THIS MOVE TO MARXIST SOCIALISM UP OUR ASSES?!!! In the history of the United States of America, we have never seen the tyrannical takeover by the centralized Federal government like we are now - not even close to it and it "shocks" people like Bill Clinton and Robert Mueller??? Perhaps that is why Bill Clinton had impeachment charges enacted on him and why Mueller will end up parking cars at a Virginia hotel in a year.
We are being set up folks. The message is clear: either fall in line with the Marxist mandate of Obama and the thugs of D.C.'s federal government or find yourself in a federal prison or FEMA camp.
Let me leave you all with a quote:
"I desire what is good. Therefore, everyone who does not agree with me is a traitor." - King George III
Mueller: Home-Grown Extremists as Threatening as Al Qaeda
The warning, from the FBI Director, Robert Mueller, came as the former President Clinton drew parallels between the Oklahoma City tragedy and a recent upsurge in anti-government rhetoric.
Fifteen years after the Oklahoma City bombing, the specter of domestic terrorism has returned to haunt the Obama administration, with a warning from the FBI that “home-grown and lone-wolf extremists” now represent as serious a threat as Al Qaeda and its affiliates, The Times reported on Saturday.
The warning, from the FBI Director, Robert Mueller, came as the former President Clinton drew parallels between the Oklahoma City tragedy and a recent upsurge in anti-government rhetoric, while American television audiences heard Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, describe the “absolute rage” that drove him to plan an attack that killed 168 men, women and children.
An FBI spokesman said Friday that Mueller was referring to right-wing extremist groups and anti-government militias, as well as American Islamists, in his testimony to the Senate committee that must approve the FBI’s $8.3 billion budget.
Last month federal agents arrested nine members of a Christian militia based in Michigan, calling itself the Hutaree. They have been charged with plotting to murder local police with a stash of guns, knives and grenades.
Since the passage of President Obama’s health reforms, the FBI has also made arrests in Seattle and San Francisco after death threats were sent to Democratic senators.
“It’s one thing to express dissatisfaction with the Government but once you cross the line with a violent threat, that’s a violation that we take extremely seriously,” Bill Carter, the bureau’s spokesman, said.
The Oklahoma bombing was followed by an exhaustive civilian trial in which McVeigh became a hate figure to most but a hero to some members of the survivalist fringe on which he was radicalized.
He was executed in 2001, but not before granting 45 hours of death-row interviews to the authors of a book, American Terrorist, whose tapes will be broadcast for the first time on Monday.
McVeigh never confessed to the bombing in court but he appears to do so on the tapes.
“I feel no shame for it,” he says. “This was something that I saw as a larger good, and I know that, as I analyzed the history of not just the U.S., but all nations throughout the history of mankind. People have killed for what they believed was the greater good, and it’s accepted. Sometimes killing is accepted.”
The White House was careful to emphasize that the threat of external terrorism remained acute but senior officials are privately confident that military operations in Afghanistan are going well and putting Al Qaeda on the back foot.
Few people in Washington are as confident about the domestic threat.
Thanks Holger. In the spirit of giving credit where it is due, I saw that at Crusader Rabbit blogspot. Sofa left a great comment over there too.
This is so rediculous. I started listing the problems with this and it was getting book length. So I will just say they are trying to expand government here too. If you don't think that government expansion into our lives isn't happening quickly you would be wrong.
Kirly, Holger, Bob - Here's teh comment I left at CrusaderRabbit:
It is time to put a stop to the lefty violence. Repeated threats and murder and kidnap by those folks, for many years.
Put Alinksy in the FEMA camp!
And the lefties who beat Jindal's staffers.
And the Black Panthers.
And the BATF and FBI are targetting 'we the people' again.
Violence comes quicker to marxists (compared to americans), as they don't value the individual.
Years and years of lefty violence, and then quickly condemn the victim for violence.
Create a crisis, so you can take advantage of the crisis. Is that Rahm, starting the Reichstag fire?
Here's a list of more recent lefty violence, from: http://www.joebrooks.me/a-list-of-left-wing-violence-including-videos-compared-to-the-tea-party-in-d-c.html
•It was not the fear of conservative violence that caused Ann Coulter’s speech to be cancelled this week.
•It was a liberal who bit the finger off a man who disagreed with him on healthcare.
•It was Obama-loving Amy Bishop who took a gun to work and murdered co-workers.
•Joseph Stack flew his plane into the IRS building after writing an anti-conservative manifesto.
•It was liberals who destroyed AM radio towers outside of Seattle.
•It’s liberals who burn down Hummer dealerships.
•It was progressive SEIU union thugs who beat a black conservative man who spoke his mind.
•It’s doubtful that a conservative fired shots into a GOP campaign headquarters.
•In fact, Democrats have no monopoly on having their offices vandalized.
•Don’t forget it was Obama’s friend Bill Ayers who used terrorism as a tool for political change. SDS is still radical, with arrests in 2007 and the storming of the CATO Institute in July 2008.
•It was a liberal who was sentenced to two years for bringing bombs and riot shields to the Republican National Convention in 2008.
•It was a liberal who threatened to kill a government informant who infiltrated her Austin-based group that planned to bomb the RNC.
•It was liberals who assaulted police in Berkeley.
•It was liberals who intimidated and threw rocks through the windows of researchers.
•The two Black Panthers who stood outside polls intimidating people with nightsticks were probably not right-wingers.
•Every time the G20 gets together, it’s not conservatives who destroy property and cause chaos.
Create the crisis. Blame the victim.
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