Everywhere you look on the net today you will see headlines such as: Sadr's Mahdi Army Battles in Four Cities or Basra Scene of Sadr Militia Fighting Iraqi Troops. The problem with that is that it isn't primarily Mookie's army that is waging battle, it is Hezbollah's entrant into the Iraq War, namely Hizballah Brigades of Iraq. The fact of the matter is that the Hizballah Brigades and Sadr's bunch of militia misfits are aligned but don't be fooled, this latest wave of violence and attacks is Hezbollah's doing. This is from the article:
Now, what this opportunity does afford the United States is a unique scenario. If members of the Hizballah Brigades of Iraq are captured and confess to their base of operations being Hezbollah in Lebanon, then we have every right to go after Lebanon operations. It's my view that the U.S. has always been lacking a direct damning reason to be able to attack Hamas or Hezbollah - we have always had to defer somewhat to Israel as they have been the target. Now, WE are the target of Hezbollah and it's time to lower the boom on these clowns.
Who knows, if we are able to lay some hurt on Hezbollah in Lebanon, it may just flush out Ahmadinejad's hand in Iran - and it would be a very good thing to see the Iranians have to play their cards well before they are ready.
Bottom line here is that with the Brits bailing out of Basra, the Iraqi Army and police are not going to be able to match up with Hezbollah training and expertise. Sooner or later, unfortunately, we are going to have American blood spilled by a Hizballah Brigades jihadist and when that happens, I , personally, want to see retribution happen in a Beirut suburb. Yeah, Nasrallah...i'm talking about you, chump.
Here's the full story from DEBKA.
It was the governments first challenge to the dominant new armed force, the Hizballah Brigades of Iraq, which our sources report raised its head in mid-January in several parts of the country, including Baghdad
Now, what this opportunity does afford the United States is a unique scenario. If members of the Hizballah Brigades of Iraq are captured and confess to their base of operations being Hezbollah in Lebanon, then we have every right to go after Lebanon operations. It's my view that the U.S. has always been lacking a direct damning reason to be able to attack Hamas or Hezbollah - we have always had to defer somewhat to Israel as they have been the target. Now, WE are the target of Hezbollah and it's time to lower the boom on these clowns.
Who knows, if we are able to lay some hurt on Hezbollah in Lebanon, it may just flush out Ahmadinejad's hand in Iran - and it would be a very good thing to see the Iranians have to play their cards well before they are ready.
Bottom line here is that with the Brits bailing out of Basra, the Iraqi Army and police are not going to be able to match up with Hezbollah training and expertise. Sooner or later, unfortunately, we are going to have American blood spilled by a Hizballah Brigades jihadist and when that happens, I , personally, want to see retribution happen in a Beirut suburb. Yeah, Nasrallah...i'm talking about you, chump.
Here's the full story from DEBKA.
Exclusive: At least 27 killed, 100 injured, in first Iraqi forces' showdown with Hizballah in Iraq
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that heavy fighting was sparked in the southern Iraqi oil hub city Tuesday, March 25, by the major clean-up campaign embarked on by Iraqi government forces under prime minister Nouri al Maliki‘s personal command. It was the governments first challenge to the dominant new armed force, the Hizballah Brigades of Iraq, which our sources report raised its head in mid-January in several parts of the country, including Baghdad. More than 27 dead and 100 injured reported in the first hours of the Iraqi clampdown. The Shiite towns of Kut, Samawa and Nasiriyeh are under curfew.
DEBKAfile reports: Some of Muqtada Sadr’s Mehdi Army followers threatened civil revolt in solidarity with Hizballah. The two radical Shiite groups are closely allied.
The next DEBKA-Net-Weekly out Friday closely examines Iraq’s changing battlefield and brings fresh disclosures.
The new arrival has joined the armed Shiite groups and criminal gangs battling for control of Basra and its oil resources. Ignored by the international media, the Iraqi Hizballah draws on its Lebanese command for orders, fighters, arms and cash. A tentacle of the Lebanese Shiite terror group has therefore quietly grabbed a piece of the insurgent action in Iraq under the aegis of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards al Qods Brigades.
The free-for-all in southern Iraq drove a reduced British force into a closed base in the region last December. They are not involved in the current combat, although “coalition air power” is said to be assisting the Iraqi forces.
Hizbullah takes its cues from Iran, just so we've got our players straight.
Thanks for stopping by - you are 100% spot on with Iran controlling Hizbullah behind the scenes (and Hamas for that matter). How long have we seen Iranian influence in Iraq with IED materials and training? 1 year? 2 years? And now they have approved the Hezbollah influence into the fray. It's all connected and I'm proposing that instead of chopping off the Iranian head to start, we amputate it's biggest arm, Hezbollah.
:Holger Danske
Great job on the article. I still think we need to bomb Iran now. Each day they are getting closer to getting the nuke. I think we need to use this as proof that Iran is fueling the death of our troops and start sending in the cruise missiles and bombs.
We have had a reason to lay the hammer of doom on the hesbos since that black day in Beruit when they killed 240 Marines. They are due, they are long over due for a serious ass kicking by us.
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