Okay, most of the world is doing back flips because Saudi King Abdullah has called for a worldwide dialogue among the major religions. Here's what the Saudi ruler said:
Now, for those that know me well through Holger Awakens, I wouldn't trust an islamist as far as I could throw him. And I certainly don't trust this gesture by the Saudi King. Flat out, this is a smokescreen, in my view. Look at what is said specifically about the Saudis and muslims actually meeting with Jews:
You see what I mean? This is the same song and dance we've heard for years and decades. These Saudi swine are looking for a world forum to hopefully pressure and embarass the Israelis. Believe me, this is not about religions coming together (afterall, as a muslim, the Saudi King knows he is tasked with overcoming all infidels and making them submit or pay up) ...no this is all about the dredges of palestine - this is a renewed effort to focus the world on those poor innocents in palestine and how unjust Israel is to them. This is bullshit.
Let's not forget one other thing. At the peace conference last year in Annapolis, the Saudis would not even meet in the same room with the Israelis - it was discovered later that the Saudis did not want any chance of having to shake hands with a Jew. When is the world going to wake up to the fact that Islam is NOT a religion and that these messengers of this political ideology are all liars and villains?
Here' s the full story from Breitbart.
"The idea is to ask representatives of all monotheistic religions to sit together with their brothers in faith and sincerity to all religions as we all believe in the same God," the king told delegates Monday night at a seminar on "Culture and the Respect of Religions."
Now, for those that know me well through Holger Awakens, I wouldn't trust an islamist as far as I could throw him. And I certainly don't trust this gesture by the Saudi King. Flat out, this is a smokescreen, in my view. Look at what is said specifically about the Saudis and muslims actually meeting with Jews:
Prominent Saudi cleric, Sheik Muhammad al-Nujaimi, said he saw no reason why any Saudi official, including Abdullah, cannot meet with Jewish religious leaders. "The only condition is for the rabbi not to be supportive of the massacres against the Palestinian people," he said.
You see what I mean? This is the same song and dance we've heard for years and decades. These Saudi swine are looking for a world forum to hopefully pressure and embarass the Israelis. Believe me, this is not about religions coming together (afterall, as a muslim, the Saudi King knows he is tasked with overcoming all infidels and making them submit or pay up) ...no this is all about the dredges of palestine - this is a renewed effort to focus the world on those poor innocents in palestine and how unjust Israel is to them. This is bullshit.
Let's not forget one other thing. At the peace conference last year in Annapolis, the Saudis would not even meet in the same room with the Israelis - it was discovered later that the Saudis did not want any chance of having to shake hands with a Jew. When is the world going to wake up to the fact that Islam is NOT a religion and that these messengers of this political ideology are all liars and villains?
Here' s the full story from Breitbart.
Saudi King Calls for Interfaith Dialogue
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) - The Saudi king has made an impassioned plea for dialogue among Muslims, Christians and Jews—the first such proposal from a nation with no diplomatic ties to Israel and a ban on non-Muslim religious services and symbols.
The message from King Abdullah, which was welcomed by Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders, comes at a time of stalled peace initiatives and escalating tensions in the region.
Muslims have been angered by cartoons published in European papers seen as insulting the Prophet Muhammad and by the pope's baptizing on Easter of a Muslim journalist who had converted to Catholicism.
"The idea is to ask representatives of all monotheistic religions to sit together with their brothers in faith and sincerity to all religions as we all believe in the same God," the king told delegates Monday night at a seminar on "Culture and the Respect of Religions."
The specifics of Abdullah's initiative—and who would participate—remained unclear, in particular whether Israeli religious leaders would be invited to a Saudi-brokered dialogue. The kingdom and all other Arab nations except Egypt and Jordan do not have diplomatic relations with Israel and generally shun unofficial contacts.
The call—the first of its kind by an Arab leader—was significant. The Saudi monarch is the custodian of Islam's two holiest shrines in Mecca and Medina, a position that lends his words special importance and influence. Abdullah said Saudi Arabia's top clerics have given him the green light—crucial backing in a society that expects decisions taken by its rulers to adhere to Islam's tenets.
It also raises the possibility that a religious dialogue could have a political impact in the Middle East, easing tensions between Arabs and Israelis in a way that years of off-and-on negotiations and political conferences have failed to do.
The White House welcomed the king's gesture.
"We think increased dialogue is a really good thing," presidential spokeswoman Dana Perino said Tuesday. "And, of course, when you have someone like the king of Saudi Arabia, and all of his stature, that is recommending such a dialogue, it can only give us hope that there would be further recognition of everyone's right to freedom and freedom of expression and religion. So we are encouraged by it."
Abdullah said he planned to hold conferences to get the opinion of Muslims from other parts of the world, and then meetings with "our brothers" in Christianity and Judaism "so we can agree on something that guarantees the preservation of humanity against those who tamper with ethics, family systems and honesty."
Abdullah, who said he discussed the idea with Pope Benedict XVI when they met at the Vatican in November, framed his appeal in strictly religious and ethical terms, aimed at addressing the weakening of the family, increasing atheism and "a lack of ethics, loyalty, and sincerity for our religions and humanity."
A Saudi official with knowledge of the proposal said it was not intended to have a regional political angle, saying "the initiative is not aimed at the Middle East but at the whole world. It's a global initiative." The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.
Thanks to LGF I have found your Excellent blog. Bookmarked for daily reading.
Glad you found us here at Holger Awakens!
Stop by any time...usually doing some sort of jihadi rattling here.
:Holger Danske
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