he is said to dwell in the castle of Kronborg, his beard grown down to the floor, and to sleep there until some date when Denmark is in mortal danger, at which time he will rise up and deliver the nation
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Holger Awakens, the Blog, Bids Farewell
It’s been quite a run, folks. Holger Awakens here at Blogspot began its journey back in November of 2007. Since then, I’ve tried to bring you all the latest in the fight against the scourge of Islam upon this world and mix in a Conservative’s view of American politics. But what I am most proud of has been the coverage I have given of the Iraq War and the War in Afghanistan where I tried to bring the truth of the valor of our American fighting men and women.
On April 30th, you will see the last day of posting here at Holger Awakens.
I have had the honor of serving a terrific bunch of regular readers and true supporters of my efforts here – you all are the absolute best! At the same time, I must assure you that this closing of this blog is no indication of my giving up the fight against Islam nor giving up the fight for returning America to the land it once was.
We have come to a fork in the road here in America which demands that we all take up the urgency of fighting Sharia law and fighting a socialist Marxist takeover and I believe, at this time, that my energies would be better suited to other activities. As most of you know, I have blogged on a part time basis – I have a full time job elsewhere. At the same time, the readership of Holger Awakens has gone down steadily over the past year and that trend is continuing with each passing month – I don’t really know the reasons for that but to continue these efforts to a smaller and smaller audience certainly doesn’t make sense – especially when our situation is so dire.
You will continue to see me posting comments at some of my favorite blogs and raising some hell from time to time at Blog Talk Radio and I will be continuing The Awakening at Blog Talk Radio – my regular show there.
I want to take this chance to thank a few people who have been so influential to Holger Awakens. They are: Henry Bowman, Doug@Sondrakistan, Katie at Monkeyinthemiddle, Sharku, “Duhn”, Bigfoot and SmokieTX.
It’s with a heavy heart that my journey will now take this turn but the goals and passion will never change.
As I always close my shows out at Blog Talk Radio….”G_d Bless America! G_d Bless Our Troops! G_d Bless the Nation of Israel!”
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The War On Sarah Palin....Chapter 10
Perhaps many of you have seen the video below of Sarah Palin's "baptism of terrorists" comments. I love it.
But many of the misfits of the Left continue to wage war on Mrs. Palin. Look at the comments below the video that were taken right off the comment section at YouTube. Read these comments and understand that these people live amongst you.
4 hours ago
The fact that this cunt still has a following almost completely murders my last bit of faith in humanity.
Ex Mil in MA
12 minutes ago
The fact that you re using such inexcusable chauvinistic language demonstrates your ignorance, lack of manhood, and obvious sheepish Liberal bias. Do you also do drugs?
8 minutes ago
"chauvinistic language"
So I can call a guy a dick when he acts like an evil fuckhole, but I can't call a woman a cunt when she acts the same way? Who's sexist?
2 hours ago
Lots of name calling in the comments here. This is completely unacceptable.
If she was liberal, you'd scream bloody murder if someone even mentioned the lesser slur for a woman, "slut", and directed it at her, and yet I'm seeing the nasty four letter slur and you guys seem to think it is okay.
Guys, calling her names proves her point that you are hypocrites!
Ryan Martin
4 hours ago
If only she could see the irony of invoking GOD to justify torture.
2 hours ago (edited)
What irony? Waterboarding is not torture when you realize that US marines and sailors have historically been whipped with cat o nine tails when they break military rules, and that was not considered "cruel and unusual punishment".
Do note that God commands the Death Penalty for many capital sins that you don't think are immoral, such as a woman committing fornication before she marries, for example.
Ryan Martin
2 hours ago
Noted, I'm pretty familiar with the murderous and brutal parts of the Bible. Are you supporting the murdering of people for pre marital sex because a book claims God commands it?
26 minutes ago
How is it humanly possible this woman is paid to speak anywhere? Talk about "intolerant" that is her DEFINED in a nutshell. A hateful and ignorant woman she is. You do no speak for the majority of Americans, Sarah. That's why you lost the election (and yes, it was you who lost it for Jonny boy).
danny notofconcern
7 minutes ago (edited)
Oh my god imagine if mcain had won and some how died she would of been president this person right here that you see before you had a more than average chance of being president of the freaking united states of america
6 hours ago
Crazy evil bitch getting applauded by demented crowd of theocratic fascist scum
View all 3 replies
Kris Yeates
31 minutes ago
+GreyWolfLeaderTW Last time I checked, the very idea of a left-right political spectrum is futile, it is insane to try and lump every political persuasion into one group or the other. But as a matter of fact there is very little in the traditional left that resembles fascism; there is a reason that fascists are known as 'the far right'. To even call the modern Democratic party left wing is kind of debatable itself.
Regardless, I have nothing against either the left or the right but I am always wary of people who spend their time calling eachother fascists and leftists. It's little more than name calling and, really, is there any point?
Kris Yeates
31 minutes ago
4 hours ago
It's really scary to think that this woman could have been Vice President. I hope she sticks to her new job in right-wing punditry. That way everybody's happy. She gets to rake in the cash while rational people get to sigh with relief that she's no longer involved in politics.
View all 3 replies
2 hours ago
Is that a serious question?
I'll answer it anyway: yes. I may not be overly fond of Biden, but I do think he's the lesser evil by far.
6 hours ago
You're a vapid twit, Sarah Palin.
Travelocity Gnome+ Anal Lube
7 hours ago
To think you retards almost elected this bitch as Vice President
8 hours ago
Wow, a shitty joke. This was so worth wasting my time.
I think some people are just looking for reasons to hate this broad.
Mark Cornelius
6 hours ago
Actually this comment supplies plenty of substantial reasons for disliking Palin.
1. Waterboarding is a terrible policy. In addition to being ineffective, it's inhumane.
2. She totally belittles an ancient Christian ritual, taking what's intended to celebrate redemption and life and turning it into a means of intimidation and suffering.
3. She unnecessarily fuels the resentments of the radical elements who would seek to do our nation harm.
4. By stressing "if I were in charge," she hints that she may still consider a run at the presidency-- when every sane person realizes she'll never run and that this is her way of suggesting that she's still relevant and can therefore earn higher speaking fees.
5. And, you're right, it wasn't funny in the slightest. But that's the least of her problems here.
Elijah Allen
4 hours ago
she wasn't telling a joke at all. her tone is such that she honestly believes what she is saying to be the correct way.
7 hours ago (edited)
You see, there really isn't a joke here. This is how most conservatives feel, especially on the fringe. Sure they'll take credit, call it a joke, but we know they're really being sincere and would have no qualms pulling everyone else into a bloody, holy war.
They're essentially a tribe trying to find their place in a 21st century society, without actually having to join the rest of society. The least we can do is give them credit for the small victories, like when they figure out how to upload a video to Youtube.
Yellow Rain
8 hours ago
is she drunk?
Marco Tucker
8 hours ago
What a moron, she's really a fucking clueless twit
14 hours ago
Look at all those dumb idiots ... wow ... oh and Sarah Palin, can you please just drop and die ... fucking cunt ... !!!
Majestic Cactus
13 hours ago
Put the fear of god into people suicide bombing us in the name of...god.
Ok I'm confused. I thought America was the "civilized" country, and that we at least claim to follow the Geneva conventions.
Sarah Palin is the same person who bought 500,000 copies of her own book to make herself get on the best sellers list.
View all 3 replies
7 hours ago
+TommygunNG has it never crossed your mind that beheading is bad and torture is also bad? I know it must be a difficult concept for you to grasp
18 hours ago
She quits her elected position as governor mid-first term for no reason, at all, and then utters "If I were in charge....". Unbelieveable.
Ice Lore
20 hours ago
If that whole building would have burnt down, with all of them in it, it would have been a stroke of luck for humanity. Clearly there is no god.
1 day ago
Any politician or law maker who endorses torture ought to be required to undergo no less than a days worth of torture that they endorse... and it should be up for renewal every year and will require the same endorsement and days worth of torture to renew... If it's really worth all that much then there shouldn't be a problem.
View all 3 replies
Ice Lore
20 hours ago
+Matthew Ray That...that didn't even make sense. I know those shiny words like "freedom" and "baptize" make you all excited, but you can't just string them together randomly and expect a standing ovation. You're not Sarah Palin.
But many of the misfits of the Left continue to wage war on Mrs. Palin. Look at the comments below the video that were taken right off the comment section at YouTube. Read these comments and understand that these people live amongst you.
4 hours ago
The fact that this cunt still has a following almost completely murders my last bit of faith in humanity.
Ex Mil in MA
12 minutes ago
The fact that you re using such inexcusable chauvinistic language demonstrates your ignorance, lack of manhood, and obvious sheepish Liberal bias. Do you also do drugs?
8 minutes ago
"chauvinistic language"
So I can call a guy a dick when he acts like an evil fuckhole, but I can't call a woman a cunt when she acts the same way? Who's sexist?
2 hours ago
Lots of name calling in the comments here. This is completely unacceptable.
If she was liberal, you'd scream bloody murder if someone even mentioned the lesser slur for a woman, "slut", and directed it at her, and yet I'm seeing the nasty four letter slur and you guys seem to think it is okay.
Guys, calling her names proves her point that you are hypocrites!
Ryan Martin
4 hours ago
If only she could see the irony of invoking GOD to justify torture.
2 hours ago (edited)
What irony? Waterboarding is not torture when you realize that US marines and sailors have historically been whipped with cat o nine tails when they break military rules, and that was not considered "cruel and unusual punishment".
Do note that God commands the Death Penalty for many capital sins that you don't think are immoral, such as a woman committing fornication before she marries, for example.
Ryan Martin
2 hours ago
Noted, I'm pretty familiar with the murderous and brutal parts of the Bible. Are you supporting the murdering of people for pre marital sex because a book claims God commands it?
26 minutes ago
How is it humanly possible this woman is paid to speak anywhere? Talk about "intolerant" that is her DEFINED in a nutshell. A hateful and ignorant woman she is. You do no speak for the majority of Americans, Sarah. That's why you lost the election (and yes, it was you who lost it for Jonny boy).
danny notofconcern
7 minutes ago (edited)
Oh my god imagine if mcain had won and some how died she would of been president this person right here that you see before you had a more than average chance of being president of the freaking united states of america
6 hours ago
Crazy evil bitch getting applauded by demented crowd of theocratic fascist scum
View all 3 replies
Kris Yeates
31 minutes ago
+GreyWolfLeaderTW Last time I checked, the very idea of a left-right political spectrum is futile, it is insane to try and lump every political persuasion into one group or the other. But as a matter of fact there is very little in the traditional left that resembles fascism; there is a reason that fascists are known as 'the far right'. To even call the modern Democratic party left wing is kind of debatable itself.
Regardless, I have nothing against either the left or the right but I am always wary of people who spend their time calling eachother fascists and leftists. It's little more than name calling and, really, is there any point?
Kris Yeates
31 minutes ago
4 hours ago
It's really scary to think that this woman could have been Vice President. I hope she sticks to her new job in right-wing punditry. That way everybody's happy. She gets to rake in the cash while rational people get to sigh with relief that she's no longer involved in politics.
View all 3 replies
2 hours ago
Is that a serious question?
I'll answer it anyway: yes. I may not be overly fond of Biden, but I do think he's the lesser evil by far.
6 hours ago
You're a vapid twit, Sarah Palin.
Travelocity Gnome+ Anal Lube
7 hours ago
To think you retards almost elected this bitch as Vice President
8 hours ago
Wow, a shitty joke. This was so worth wasting my time.
I think some people are just looking for reasons to hate this broad.
Mark Cornelius
6 hours ago
Actually this comment supplies plenty of substantial reasons for disliking Palin.
1. Waterboarding is a terrible policy. In addition to being ineffective, it's inhumane.
2. She totally belittles an ancient Christian ritual, taking what's intended to celebrate redemption and life and turning it into a means of intimidation and suffering.
3. She unnecessarily fuels the resentments of the radical elements who would seek to do our nation harm.
4. By stressing "if I were in charge," she hints that she may still consider a run at the presidency-- when every sane person realizes she'll never run and that this is her way of suggesting that she's still relevant and can therefore earn higher speaking fees.
5. And, you're right, it wasn't funny in the slightest. But that's the least of her problems here.
Elijah Allen
4 hours ago
she wasn't telling a joke at all. her tone is such that she honestly believes what she is saying to be the correct way.
7 hours ago (edited)
You see, there really isn't a joke here. This is how most conservatives feel, especially on the fringe. Sure they'll take credit, call it a joke, but we know they're really being sincere and would have no qualms pulling everyone else into a bloody, holy war.
They're essentially a tribe trying to find their place in a 21st century society, without actually having to join the rest of society. The least we can do is give them credit for the small victories, like when they figure out how to upload a video to Youtube.
Yellow Rain
8 hours ago
is she drunk?
Marco Tucker
8 hours ago
What a moron, she's really a fucking clueless twit
14 hours ago
Look at all those dumb idiots ... wow ... oh and Sarah Palin, can you please just drop and die ... fucking cunt ... !!!
Majestic Cactus
13 hours ago
Put the fear of god into people suicide bombing us in the name of...god.
Ok I'm confused. I thought America was the "civilized" country, and that we at least claim to follow the Geneva conventions.
Sarah Palin is the same person who bought 500,000 copies of her own book to make herself get on the best sellers list.
View all 3 replies
7 hours ago
+TommygunNG has it never crossed your mind that beheading is bad and torture is also bad? I know it must be a difficult concept for you to grasp
18 hours ago
She quits her elected position as governor mid-first term for no reason, at all, and then utters "If I were in charge....". Unbelieveable.
Ice Lore
20 hours ago
If that whole building would have burnt down, with all of them in it, it would have been a stroke of luck for humanity. Clearly there is no god.
1 day ago
Any politician or law maker who endorses torture ought to be required to undergo no less than a days worth of torture that they endorse... and it should be up for renewal every year and will require the same endorsement and days worth of torture to renew... If it's really worth all that much then there shouldn't be a problem.
View all 3 replies
Ice Lore
20 hours ago
+Matthew Ray That...that didn't even make sense. I know those shiny words like "freedom" and "baptize" make you all excited, but you can't just string them together randomly and expect a standing ovation. You're not Sarah Palin.
Until we see you again, Holger
As many of you know Holger is closing down his blogging operation as of today. I have made it a daily stop to see what is happening in the War on Terror and with the military fighting the war.
Holger has been a great inspiration to me and many others that blog. I was honored when Holger asked me to be a contributor on this blog. I have a small inkling that we will see and hear his work for a long time to come.
Until that day I want to say "Thanks for all you have done and will continue to do through your Blog Talk Radio show Holger. G_d Bless America. G_d Bless our troops. G_d Bless Israel."
Holger has been a great inspiration to me and many others that blog. I was honored when Holger asked me to be a contributor on this blog. I have a small inkling that we will see and hear his work for a long time to come.
Until that day I want to say "Thanks for all you have done and will continue to do through your Blog Talk Radio show Holger. G_d Bless America. G_d Bless our troops. G_d Bless Israel."
Monday, April 28, 2014
EXTORTION 17: BILLY AND KAREN VAUGHN on TECS_2NITE! 04/28 by TheExceptionalConservativeShow | Politics Conservative Podcasts
Karen and Billy Vaughn will talk about their son, Aaron, Navy SEAL lost in Extortion 17. Should be a great show. Please share everywhere you have a social media account. Let's fill the chat room.
EXTORTION 17: BILLY AND KAREN VAUGHN on TECS_2NITE! 04/28 by TheExceptionalConservativeShow | Politics Conservative Podcasts
EXTORTION 17: BILLY AND KAREN VAUGHN on TECS_2NITE! 04/28 by TheExceptionalConservativeShow | Politics Conservative Podcasts
Common Core and Communism
From Family Security Matters.
Common Core and Communism
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth," said Vladimir Lenin who led the revolution that imposed Communism on Russia.
When he wrote, ‘Mein Kampf', Adolf Hitler said "whoever has the youth has the future." In his vision for the Nazi Party, education would be the key that ensured that he had ‘the youth' of Germany fully indoctrinated.
All dictators and authoritarian regimes know that what is taught in their schools offers the greatest opportunity to maintain control over their societies.
That is what has been occurring since the introduction of the Common Core standards that the Obama regime has imposed on our national education system and the good news is that protests against it from concerned parents and others are beginning to increase and gain momentum.
Teachers will tell you that "one size fits all" does not apply in the classroom and never has. Children learn at a different pace with some doing so rapidly while others need extra help and attention. Learning that is entirely dependent on ceaseless testing puts stress on every child and that is the most common complaint about Common Core.
Education in America has been in decline since the 1960s when the teachers unions gained control over the process, putting themselves between the local boards of education and parents. Would it surprise anyone to learn that the Department of Education was established by President Jimmy Carter who signed it into law in 1979? It began operation on May 4, 1980. You will find no reference, no mention of education in the U.S. Constitution and it should not be a function of the federal government.
In a recent commentary by Joy Pullmann in The Daily Caller, she said, "The latest scheme is the field testing of Common Core assessments. This spring more than four million kids will be required to spend hours on tests that have little connection to what they learned in class this year and will provide their teachers and schools no information about what the kids know."
"Parents who object to this scheme," said Pullman, "face bullying and harassment from public officials. From New York to Denver to California, some schools are responding by forcing kids who opt out to sit at their desks and do nothing during the several-hour tests. Normal people call that a ‘time out' and it is a punishment."
Wyoming has become the first State to block a new set of national science standards that address climate change. In Michigan last year a group of protesters stopped the State from adopting the science standards.
Here are some excerpts of what the science standards teach as "The Essential Principles of Climate Science."
# "The impacts of climate change may affect the security of nations. Reduced availability of water, food, and land can lead to competition and conflict among humans, potentially resulting in large groups of climate refugees."
# "Humans may be able to mitigate climate change or lessens its severity by reducing greenhouse gas concentrations through processes that move carbon out of the atmosphere or reduce greenhouse gas emissions."
# "The most immediate strategy is conservation of oil, gas, and coal, which we rely on as fuels for most of our transportation, heating, cooling, agriculture, and electricity. Short-term strategies involve switching from carbon-intensive to renewable energy sources, which also requires building new infrastructure for alternative energy sources."
From "A Framework for K-12 Science Education" children are to be taught that "If Earth's global mean temperature continues to rise, the lives of humans and other organisms will be affected in many different ways." Only the Earth's mean temperature is not rising! The planet is in a natural cooling cycle that is now seventeen years old, meaning that none of the students in today's schools have ever experienced a single day of "global warming."
By the end of grade 8, the Framework teaches that "Human activities have significantly altered the biosphere, sometimes damaging or destroying natural habitats and causing the extinction of many other species." This, too, is untrue. The U.S. Endangered Species Act, despite listing thousands of species, has not officially "saved" more than a handful at best and this assertion is questionable.
By the end of grade 12, students are expected to believe that "Changes in the atmosphere due to human activity have increased carbon dioxide concentrations and thus affect climate." While it is true that there has been an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide this is a good thing because it is an essential factor in the increase of all vegetation that includes food crops and healthier forests. Moreover, this increase does not play any role in the Earth's climate.
The central theme of these "science standards" is to teach that we should be reducing our use of fossil fuels, the primary energy sources our nation and the world requires. What these standards do in reality is repeat and reinforce federal government laws and regulations to justify its CO2 emissions regulations based on the current method of computing the Social Cost of Carbon, but these "costs" are pure fiction.
None of the computer models that have predicted global warming over the past four decades have been accurate. None are capable of representing the state of the Earth's vastly complex climate.
The sooner Common Core is removed from the nation's education system, the better.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Four British Muslim Men Sentenced For TWENTY Sexual Assaults On 14 Year Old Girl
Yet another underage British girl has fallen to the Islamic scourge in Britain - four Muslim men have been convicted of 20 sexual offenses against a 14 year old British girl. 14 years old. How many victims of Islam will the West allow. Each and every one of these four men should be hanged in the public square - not by a rope but the large intestine of a hog.
The story comes from Kafir Crusaders via The Religion of Peace.
The story comes from Kafir Crusaders via The Religion of Peace.
Another Muslim Grooming Gang Found Guilty
Another bunch of evil Muslim paedophiles found guilty of 26 sex charges against one schoolgirl. Again this grooming gang case had escaped the media’s attention as they pick and choose what they report for community cohesion reasons. There is no place for political correctness or any kind of Muslim pandering when it comes to child abuse. The public have a right to be informed about it.
Jail For Four Men Who Sexually Attacked Girl 20 Times
5:53am 24th April 2014
(Updated 6:14am 24th April 2014)
Four Buckinghamshire men have been found guilty of twenty sex offences against one girl.
The 14-year-old was forced to take part in sexual acts and have sex a number of times between December 2011 and July 2012.
During their three week trial, Nazakat Mahmood, Ghulfaraz Nawaz, Omar Sharif and Haroon Rauf told Reading Crown Court that they thought she was 17.
But after Mahmood, Nawaz and Rauf were arrested, Sharif contacted the girl and said he’d undermine her statement.
He then blackmailed her into having sex with him.
Investigating officer Det Con Natalie Golding from Aylesbury Major Crime said:
“This was abuse of a young vulnerable girl in the most horrific way.
“All four men used this girl and then, when she had the courage to come to police, they denied the offences and continued to deny them.
“I want to thank the victim here for her bravery in coming forward and helping us to put these men behind bars.
“Hopefully this will go some way to showing other victims of sexual offences that we will listen to you and we will take you seriously.”
The full convictions are:
Nazakat Mahmood, aged 28, of Batchelors Way, Chesham was convicted of seven counts of sexual activity with a child and two counts of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.
Ghulfaraz Nawaz, aged 27, of Benham Close, Chesham, was convicted of two counts of sexual activity with a child.
Haroon Rauf, aged 30, of Drakes Close, Amersham, was convicted of two counts of sexual activity with a child, one count of assault by beating,
Omar Sharif, aged 25, of Brockhurst Road, Chesham, was convicted of six counts of sexual activity with a child.
They’ll all be sentenced on May 16.
Muslim Mohammed Shahid Given Soft Suspended Sentence For Grooming Schoolgirl
Another Muslim Grooming Gang Found Guilty
Yorkshire Grooming Gang In Court, Bet You Can’t Guess Which Religion They Follow
Two Paedophiles From Slough Charged With Child Sex Crimes
Muslim Beast Arshad Mohammed From Rochdale Jailed For Grooming 3 Teenage Girls
Peterborough Muslim Grooming Gang Targeted White Girls For Gang Rapes And Exploitation
Newcastle Grooming Ring Update 62 Arrests, 80 Victims, 8(Muslims/Immigrants) Charged
17th Muslim Grooming Gang Member Charged In Bristol
Experts Warn More European Muslim Youth Are Radicalizing
From The Investigative Project on Terrorism.
Experts Warn More European Muslim Youth Are Radicalizing
So violent, so bloodthirsty, is the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), a Syria-based jihadist group, that even al-Qaida will have nothing to do with them.
But young European Muslims will – and do.
Earlier this month, German authorities arrested two men, one Turkish and one German, on suspicion that they were connected to ISIL, also known as ISIS. A woman with German-Polish dual-nationality was also arrested for allegedly paying €4,800 to ISIL to facilitate their work. According to Die Welte, police also searched the homes of several other Germans believed to have joined or be planning to join the terrorist group.
On Wednesday, Dutch authorities reported that two men with Netherlands passports had committed suicide attacks in recent weeks – one in Iraq, the other in Syria. A third Dutch Muslim was caught by the Syrian Secret Service reportedly carrying Sarin gas.
They are not alone. Among Western Muslims who have gone to Syria to fight, roughly two-thirds have joined ISIL or the al-Qaida-affiliated Al Nusra Front, according to a report by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation in London. In fact, Al-Monitor estimates that "European jihadists in Syria are more numerous than official statistics indicate. Indeed, they point to the existence of entire French-speaking and German-speaking brigades in the Aleppo region." Others, like the Dutch suicide bombers, venture elsewhere – mostly to Somalia and Iraq.
More are likely to follow: throughout Europe, officials are again sounding alarms about radicalization among Muslim youth. As has long been the case, many of them are radicalizing through the Internet, thanks to various extremist web sites and YouTube videos, several featuring U.S. and European preachers. Others are being led by imams at their local mosques, and, in the UK, by schools.
In the Netherlands, for instance, a February report from the office of the National Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism and Security reaffirmed the country's "high-risk" status, largely a result of Dutch Muslims returning from the Syrian front. Many of these youths – men and, increasingly, women – have taken on a recruiting role on jihadist fora online, and have become emboldened in their public statements and activities, including public statements of support for the ISIL and al-Nusra. Moreover, noted the report, a Dutch-language jihadist manifesto appeared online in October, titled "De Banier" ("The Banner") which "brings the ideas of a global jihad directly into the spotlights for the Dutch-speaking public. The booklet provides a strongly anti-Western pamphlet, and can be used as an instrument to support the jihadist narrative."
In addition, Carmen Becker of Radboud University in the Netherlands has found that many Dutch imams promote Salafism – a fundamentalist strain of Islam which seeks a return to the Caliphate and the strictest forms of the religion. In Europe, a PBS "Frontline" report notes, Salafism, which rejects Western notions of a separation between church and state, has also become nearly synonymous with violent jihad, as its practitioners encourage violence and terrorism in order to achieve their objectives.
Deepening the problem is the fact that Europe's Salafists and other pro-jihadist Muslims, especially youth, attempt to "intimidate" those within the Muslim community who speak against joining the Syrian rebels, the Dutch National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security report said. The situation has become so incendiary that debates on Islam and democracy or the situation in Syria "are practically impossible" without security present.
The Dutch counterterrorism office estimates that there are around 3,000 Salafist youth in the Netherlands; but University of Amsterdam researcher Ineke Roux, takes a more ominous view, describing about 80,000 as "susceptible."
Most of these are second- and third-generation boys – young men born and raised in the Netherlands who therefore should, theoretically, hold Dutch – Western – values. That they do not, and that their numbers are increasing, has national security officials deeply worried.
Similar numbers can be found across the EU. In 2013, France counted about 13,000 Salafists in its Muslim population, Germany around 4,500. And in the UK, the numbers are growing by the day.
For jihadi recruiters and those working to spread the Salafist and other extremist messages, the war in Syria provides a perfect narrative, the connection they exploit to reach out to and radicalize Western Muslim youth even in their homelands – whether they actually go fight or not.
Much of that recruiting is done on the Internet. As Dutch national daily Trouw noted in a discussion of Carmen Becker's research:
"Who tells them what pure Islam [Salafism] looks like? And how you should incorporate these things into your life? The questions are heavily discussed in fora and chat-rooms, and the youths listen to young Dutch imams, some of them converts, who give sermons and lectures online. 'During the sessions they are warm and friendly; they give their mobile phone numbers and answer question patiently,' [Carmen] Becker says."
According to Trouw, the discussions center on how to live in a Western society as a "pure" Muslim, including such questions as "how can we establish Sharia in the West?"
But the Internet is not the only source. New tools also appear to be emerging, such as an alleged plot described by the Guardian as aiming to "'overthrow' teachers and governors in secular state schools in the city and run them on strict Islamic principles." The allegations come as the result of the discovery early in March of the so-called "Operation Trojan Horse" dossier, which the Guardian says "offers a five-step plan to take over schools in communities with large Muslim populations with the help of what it calls 'hardline' parents who follow the strict Salafi branch of Islam." More than 25 schools are said to be involved.
Though some have called the Salafist-led "Operation Trojan Horse" a hoax, most believe the situation is quite real – and evidence of a deeper problem. As Charles Moore pointed out in the Telegraph, "The schools in question are mainstream, secular, taxpayer-funded state schools, but even asking about them provokes outrage. It is alleged, for instance, that at Park View, speeches in favour of the now-dead al-Qaeda ideologue of terrorism, Anwar al-Awlaki, have been made. Yet there is tremendous institutional resistance to investigating."
It is striking that these events come in the wake of recent efforts to clamp down on homeschooling in the UK, after evidence emerged that many Muslim children were being radicalized at home. That discovery last month led London Mayor Boris Johnson to describe radicalization as "a form of child abuse," and to call for the children of radical Muslims to be placed in State care.
While perhaps not an ideal suggestion, the proposal highlights the challenges that Europe's lawmakers now face: as the threats and means of radicalization in the West become clearer, solutions remain elusive. In the Netherlands, for instance, youth considered likely to travel to Syria have had their requests for passports (or passport renewals) denied.
But the truth is that it's easy enough to enter Turkey (and from there, cross into Syria) with a standard European ID card, and many of these youth have Turkish or Moroccan passports, anyway.
Other proposed solutions have obviously been equally unsuccessful. As long ago as 2005, author Gilles Keppel told "Frontline":
"They are against European democracy. They would rather build citadels of jihad within Europe out of which to reach out not only to the young, deprived people of Muslim descent who live in European suburbs, but also to reach out to what is happening in the Middle East. And this is the major battle."
It is, it seems, a battle we will continue fighting for a long time to come.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Al Qaeda In Iraq Makes Iraqi Shias Pay For Supporting Assad In Syria, 33 Dead in Attack
The venue was holding a rally on behalf
of the League of Righteous, an Iranian-funded Shia militant group that
is one of Iraq's most feared and powerful militias Photo: KARIM KADIM/AP
The Shias in Iraq best be on alert as al Qaeda is hitting back at the source of some fighters who joined Bashar Assad's forces in Syria - al Qaeda jihadis have attacked a known source of Shia fighters for Assad and left 33 dead.
The story comes from The Telegraph.
The Shias in Iraq best be on alert as al Qaeda is hitting back at the source of some fighters who joined Bashar Assad's forces in Syria - al Qaeda jihadis have attacked a known source of Shia fighters for Assad and left 33 dead.
The story comes from The Telegraph.
Syria's bloodshed spills into Iraq as al-Qaeda bombs Shia militant rally
Al-Qaeda has attacked a Shia militant group in Iraq that has sent fighters to support Syria's President Bashar al-Assad
Syria's sectarian war came to the capital of neighbouring Iraq as al-Qaeda bombed a rally for a Shia militant group that has sent fighters to defend the regime in Damascus.
A team of suicide bombers killed at least 33 people and left many more injured after detonating two huge blasts in a stadium packed with around 10,000 people in eastern Baghdad on Friday.
The venue was holding a rally on behalf of the League of Righteous, an Iranian-funded Shia militant group that is one of Iraq's most feared and powerful militias.
It carried out numerous attacks on British and American troops during their occupation of Iraq, and was responsible for the 2007 kidnapping of a British IT contractor and his four bodyguards.
In the last two years it has also been sending fighters across into Syria to support the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, a fellow Shia.
Responsibility for the bombing was claimed by al-Qaeda in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), whose forces are fighting on the rebel side against President Assad.
The bombing is believed to be the first time that ISIL, a joint Iraqi-Syrian group, has struck directly against the League of the Righteous. Retaliation by the League, which has several thousand fighters at its command, could drag Iraq back into its own sectarian civil war, which claimed the lives of 30,000 people between 2006 and 2008.
A senior Sunni politician in the southern city of Basra, Abdul-Kareem al-Dussary, was shot and killed Friday night in what appeared to be an initial revenge attack for the Baghdad bombings.
The bombing took place at a rally organised to introduce the League's candidates for Iraq's parliamentary elections, which are to be held amid a massive security operation on Wednesday.
As men and women in colourful Arab medieval costumes did a short performance of a 7th century Shia religious play, the rally was hit by two huge explosions about ten minutes.
Witnesses spoke of pandemonium in the aftermath, with security forces posted to guard the rally firing automatic weapons in all directions.
"I saw four charred bodies and several wounded people asking for help," said one man. "There were also several damaged cars. Then, other blasts took place. People were in panic."
The rally was addressed by Asaib Ahl al-Haq's leader, Sheik Qais al-Khazali, a young cleric who spent years in US custody but was released in a part-prisoner swap for one of the five kidnapped British men, Peter Moore. His four bodyguards were killed while in captivity.
After the first explosion, Mr Khazali's security entourage surrounded him and then rushed him to an armored SUV.
At Friday's rally, Mr Khazai challenged Sunni militants holding parts of two cities in Iraq's western Anbar province, which is predominantly Sunni.
"We are ready and prepared to defend this nation," he said. "Let it be known that Asaib will be the remedy."
A website used by militants said that the bombings were to avenge what it called the killing of Sunnis and their forced removal from their homes by Shiite militias.
The League of the Righteous, known in Arabic as Asaib Ahl al-Haq, was formed around 2006 as a splinter group from the Mehdi Army militia run by the radical Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.
Trained by Iran's Revolutionary Guards, it styles itself as the defender of Iraq's Shia communities against violence from Sunni extremists loyal to al-Qaeda. Western diplomats, though, say it formed Shia death squads that carried out tit-for-tat killings against both ordinary Sunnis and al-Qaeda militants during the 2006-8 civil war.
Al-Qaeda's recent resurgence in Iraq has sparked concerns that the League, which has now officially embraced peaceful politics, could activate its death squads once again. Friday's bombing could prove to be just that kind of trigger.
Last year, the death toll in Iraq climbed to its highest levels since the civil war. The United Nations said that 8,868 people were killed in 2013. More than 1,400 people have died in the first two months of this year alone.
Obama's Link To Al Qaeda: Former Egyptian Jihad Leader: Morsi Gave $25M to Al Qaeda
Nabil Na'im, former leader of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and close confidant of current Al Qaeda leader Ayman Zawahiri
Let's put the pieces together - the Obama administration was in full support of the Arab Spring in Egypt, the Obama administration was in full support of the Muslim Brotherhood taking power in Egypt, and now it all comes full circle as the link between the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda is clear - so, put the Muslim Brotherhood together with al Qaeda and then steer your attention to Benghazi and I would say you have a pretty solid theory of why Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton made up the "Mohammed video" fairly tale.
The story comes from The Clarion Project.
Let's put the pieces together - the Obama administration was in full support of the Arab Spring in Egypt, the Obama administration was in full support of the Muslim Brotherhood taking power in Egypt, and now it all comes full circle as the link between the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda is clear - so, put the Muslim Brotherhood together with al Qaeda and then steer your attention to Benghazi and I would say you have a pretty solid theory of why Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton made up the "Mohammed video" fairly tale.
The story comes from The Clarion Project.
Former Egyptian Jihad Leader: Morsi Gave $25M to Al Qaeda
Nabil Na'im, formerly a close confidante of Al Qaeda's leader, said the money was to help organize support for the Brotherhood.
Speaking on Haya TV, Nabil Na'im, a former Islamist who was the leader of Egypt’s Islamic Jihad and who was previously a close confidante of current Al Qaeda leader Ayman Zawahiri, asserted that during the reign of former Egyptian president Mohammad Morsi, Zawahiri was given $25 million from Muslim Brotherhood leader Khairat al-Shatter to organize, fund and assemble the jihadi groups “in order to support the Brotherhood.”
Al-Shatter, though not a member of Morsi’s government, was imprisoned after the overthrow of Morsi. Al-Shatter was asked for personally by John McCain during his visit to Egypt last summer after Morsi's ouster at which time McCain pushed for the reinstatement of the Brotherhood. U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson was reportedly seen visiting Shatter often.
Na'im has previously said that attempts by the U.S. to “reconcile” Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood was “nothing but a conspiracy by the American administration,” and that the Brotherhood, when in power, had betrayed Egyptian sovereignty, adding that ousted president Morsi granted Egyptian citizenship to more than 60,000 Palestinians, many of whom were in the ranks of the jihad.
al Qaeda,
Barack Hussein Obama,
Muslim Brotherhood
Friday, April 25, 2014
The Khomeinist Dome: Iran’s larger nuclear strategy
From Family Security Matters.
The Khomeinist Dome: Iran’s larger nuclear strategy
As a reader of Khomeinist global strategies since the early 1980s, and as I have argued over decades in books and articles, Tehran's regime possesses a much larger nuclear strategy than the simple acquisition of mass destruction weapons. Over the last few years, the United States and its Western allies have been led to focus on the visible part of the Iranian buildup, missing the much greater construct undertaken over several generations of rulers of the same Iranian regime. Since the so-called "Iran nuclear deal" was inked last fall, Washington acts as if it has somewhat halted (or at least slowed) the strategic program of Tehran and thus has been rewarding the Ayatollahs, but the reality flies in the face of this assumption and agreement. Iran's regime is employing a much larger strategy in order to reach the level of an armed nuclear power, and - perhaps ironically - one of the regime's strategic policies is to mislead the international community, particularly the U.S., in its campaign to irreversibly transform itself into a nuclear power.
The Iranian global construct can be perceived as a "Khomeinist Dome." Iran's strategy has been twofold-and sustained over decades, not simply implemented over the past few years and months. The regime has two simultaneous goals. One is to create a defensive sphere over the forthcoming strategic weapon before it is unveiled, and two is to suppress any internal opposition to the regime's policies. The "dome" is a complex integration of Iranian foreign policy: Terrorism backing, using financial luring, exploiting Western weaknesses while at the same time expanding influence in the region so that by the time the greater shield is established, most U.S. and allied measures will be useless.
The regime knew all too well, years ago, that if they produced one atomic weapon (or even two) without being able to protect it, they would run into the almost certainty of military action by the West and/or by Israel to disable it. They were unable to circumvent this strategic theorem for decades, at least since the end of the Iraq-Iran war of 1980-1987. The issue for them was not about obtaining the nuclear weapon, but how to deter their enemies from destroying it. Iran did not have the geopolitical or economic capacities, nor the international stature of either India or Pakistan, to produce large scale numbers of bombs and later announce them the way south Asia's nuclear powers detonated their devices in 1999. Hence Iran's grand strategy to equip itself with the ultimate weapon was different-and thus far successful.
After the Soviet collapse, Tehran knew Israel, or possibly a U.S. administration, would bomb the nuclear installations, not to mention the location of a potential weapon. The Israeli raid on Osirak in 1981 was clear evidence of Western determination to strike at a nuclear weapon in the hands of a dangerous regime. The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and the coalition's massive response in 1990-1991 also told the Khomeinists that a post-Cold War West is more assertive than under the previously bipolar world. Finally, the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and of Iraq in 2003 brought two powerful and hostile armies to Iran's two borders. Tehran's reading of the landscape change was so nervous that it declared itself as abandoning its nuclear ambitions, almost simultaneously with Moammar Gaddafi. The fear of being toppled by outside military forces pushed Iran to hide its nuclear ambitions while awaiting the outcome of the regional evolution.
By 2005, as the U.S. offensive in the Middle East came to a halt, the Iranian regime displayed its hardliner face with the coming of Mahmoud Ahmedinijad to power. From then on, the grand strategy of the atomic conquest went full steam ahead. On one track, Iran activated the production of nuclear material, making Bushehr and its sister sites the center of international focus. Washington responded with targeted sanctions, well-crafted but aiming at pressuring Tehran to halt the project. The failure of the sanctions-only policies to exert a full strategic halt was caused by the inability of the West to support a strong and organized Iranian opposition inside the country with a significant presence in neighboring Iraq. Sanctions to pressure, without a real resistance movement to push the regime into a corner, were doomed to fail and they did.
But the Iranian regime's wider strategy was to create a shield for the nuclear weapons as they were produced. In fact, the Ayatollahs calculated that they would only unveil the weapon if and when it is protected. Hence, while the U.S. focused primarily on the fissile material, the fast track production of missiles was never stopped. The greater dome strategy includes missiles, anti-aircraft systems, geopolitical space and terrorism.
A large missile force, which would target a wide spectrum of cities and sites, has been under construction for years. In addition, the regime has been attempting to obtain advanced anti-aircraft missile systems to protect the potential offensive missiles. And when the two structures are fully ready it will be a greater challenge to eliminate the entire network as it would be armed with nukes and other WMDs while also surrounded with a vast AA system; all the while, the uranium production is moving forward. In parallel, Tehran has been expanding its reach in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, the Arabian Peninsula and parts of East Africa with its influence and through terror networks. Once the combination of all the above systems is in place, the bomb will come, but not before.
The Khomeinist dome is about preparing for the nukes before they are displayed and claimed. It is about signaling to the West that once the greater Iranian power is asserted, there will not be a first indefensible bomb. Rather, Iran will jump to the level of unstoppable power with a vast network of retaliation as deterrence will have been achieved. Unfortunately, Western posture towards Tehran has only helped in the building of the dome: sanctions worked but were limited, all Iran's other military systems were unchecked, and its interventions in the region unstopped. Worse, a nuclear deal with the U.S. injected time and energy into the regime's veins.
At this point, the regime is out to complete the buildup of its strategic shield while offering to slow down its fissile material production. Once the dome is complete, the nuclear material production will speed up, and by the time the West realizes the maneuver, the Middle East will have changed forever.
Foreign Jihadis Are Leaving Pakistan In Droves For Syria
The usual gang of foreign jihadis who float from country to country to raise holy hell are leaving Pakistan in droves for the new "place to be".....that being Syria.
If these reports from DAWN are true, Syria is probably about due to blow up all over again and that advantage that Assad has been enjoying may not last long.
If these reports from DAWN are true, Syria is probably about due to blow up all over again and that advantage that Assad has been enjoying may not last long.
Foreign militants seeking ‘safe passage’
MIRAMSHAH: As the government team prepares for another meeting with the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), many of the foreign militants based in and around North Waziristan feel they are facing an uncertain future and are not only seeking assurances from their hosts but are also weighing options for moving out to others places, like Afghanistan and Syria, to continue their ‘jihad’.
This emerged during a series of interviews conducted by this corespondent with scores of foreign militants, mainly around North Waziristan, on getting exclusive access to various groups and to some of the most wanted fugitives in the country.
“Most of us do not think that the talks would succeed. But if there is give and take from both sides then we fear the government would try to isolate us. Our hosts did take us into confidence before the talks started, but we feel the government would put them in a tight spot and their options may be limited,” said Azzaam, a senior member of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU).
But some of the foreign militants also see the developments as an opportunity.
“Jihad is not restricted to a single land. We have the flexibility to move around. At the moment most brothers realise that one of the noblest jihadi fronts is Syria,” said Sheikh Abdul Salam, a Saudi national based here.
“Iran is one of the belligerents in the blessed land of Syria and it is right next to Pakistan,” he said, while arguing about the “importance” of dragging Iran into a direct confrontation with Pakistan.
Another Arab fighter in Mir Ali Bazaar said he was interested in moving to Syria, but added that he had been unable to make arrangements to shift along with his large family.
“My mother’s condition makes it difficult for me to pursue the difficult land route. Perhaps as part of the talks, if the government of Pakistan provides us with a safe passage then a number of people in a situation similar to mine could fly out,” he said.
At the same time, a member of the TTP shura claimed that a large number of foreign fighters had already left. “I can tell you that 8,000 mujahideen, mostly Arabs, Chechens and Uzbeks, have shifted to Syria,” he said.
When cross-questioned about the big figure, he asserted that he was speaking with knowledge and authority. He pointed out that almost all of them had taken the land route while sneaking through Iran where a number of them have been arrested.
It’s difficult to verify this figure, and it is not clear how many more foreign militants are still holed up in North Waziristan and other parts of the tribal territory.
When asked about the issue of foreign fighters, TTP spokesman Shahidullah Shahid was reluctant to talk on the subject. “We are holding talks with the government with all sincerity and we hope for a positive outcome that is in the interest of Islam and Pakistan,” he said.
While Afghanistan would seem as the more convenient place to shift, many of the foreign fighters have their sight on Syria. “There are many sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) about the virtues of Syria, so naturally many of the mujahideen look that way,” said Khalid Saif al-Muhajir, TTP’s head of media.
But the Saudi national, Sheikh Abdul Salam, points out another aspect. “It is not about which land is easy for us to relocate to. You have to look at it strategically. The next big fight across many Muslim lands would be between us and the Rawafidh,” he said, using a pejorative term to describe Shias.
In the meantime, for those foreign fighters choosing to stay in Pakistan, there is help on offer from another front – the staunchly sectarian Lashkar-i-i-Jhangvi. “All these people have left their lands for jihad. We cannot betray them. If the government tries to make things difficult for these mujahideen then they will find us standing by them,” said a member of the Lashkar-i-Jhangvi who features on the list of most wanted militants in Pakistan.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Ukraine forces kill up to five rebels, Putin warns of consequences
There are times in this world when how a guy dances on The Ellen Show doesn't mean shit.
The story comes from Times of India.
The story comes from Times of India.
Ukraine forces kill up to five rebels, Putin warns of consequences
SLAVIANSK (Ukraine)/ST PETERSBURG (Russia): Ukrainian forces killed up to five pro-Moscow separatists in the east of the country, the interior ministry said on Thursday, as Russian President Vladimir Putin warned of "consequences" if Kiev used the army against its own people.
Interior ministry forces backed by the army removed three checkpoints manned by armed groups in the separatist-controlled town of Slaviansk, the ministry said in a statement.
"During the armed clash up to five terrorists were eliminated," it said, adding that one person had been wounded on the side of government forces.
Under an international accord signed in Geneva last week, illegal armed groups, including the rebels occupying about a dozen public buildings in the largely Russian-speaking east, are supposed to disarm and go home.
However, the Kremlin, which has deployed tens of thousands of troops on Ukraine's border, maintains it has the right to protect Russian-speakers if they come under threat, a reason it gave for annexing the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine last month.
In St Petersburg, Putin said that if the authorities in Kiev had used the army in eastern Ukraine, this would be a very serious crime against its own people.
"It is just a punitive operation and it will of course incur consequences for the people making these decisions, including (an effect) on our interstate relations," Putin said in a televised meeting with regional media.
The Geneva agreement, signed by Russia, the United States, Ukraine and the European Union, is already in trouble as Kiev launches its offensive to regain control of the east.
East and West have put the onus on each other to ensure the accord is implemented on the ground. U.S. President Barack Obama said earlier he was poised to impose new sanctions on Moscow if it did not act fast to end the armed stand-off.
Moscow also flexed its economic muscles in its worst stand-off with the West since the Cold War, with the government suggesting foreign firms which pull out of the country may not be able to get back in, and a source at Gazprom saying the gas exporter had slapped an additional $11.4 billion bill on Kiev.
Washington accuses Moscow of fomenting unrest in the east. Russia denies this and counters that Europe and the United States are supporting an illegitimate government in Kiev.
Obama said the Russian leadership was not abiding by the spirit or the letter of the Geneva agreement so far.
"We have prepared for the possibility of applying additional sanctions," he told a news conference on a visit to Japan. "There's always the possibility that Russia, tomorrow, or the next day, reverses its course and takes a different approach."
US troops arrive in Poland
So far, the United States and EU have imposed visa bans and asset freezes on a few Russians in protest at Moscow's annexation last month of Crimea from Ukraine.
In NATO member Poland, the first group of a contingent of around 600 U.S. soldiers arrived on Wednesday. They are part of an effort by Washington to reassure eastern European allies who are worried by the build-up of Russian forces near Ukraine's borders.
Earlier on Thursday, Kiev forces with five light armoured vehicles took control of a checkpoint north of Slaviansk after separatists appeared to abandon the position, Reuters journalists said from the scene.
The government said the city hall in another eastern town, Mariupol, which had been seized by separatists, was now back under central control. Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said the mayor was back in his office.
"In this instance there were no casualties ... The process of getting the situation back to normal in the city will continue," he said in a post on his Facebook page.
Kiev also reported a shootout overnight in another part of the east when a Ukrainian soldier was wounded, while pro-Russian separatists in Slaviansk were holding three journalists, including U.S. citizen Simon Ostrovsky.
Ukraine, a former Soviet republic, slid into unrest late last year when Moscow-backed President Viktor Yanukovich rejected a pact to build closer ties with Europe. Protesters took over central Kiev and he fled in February.
Days later, Russian troops seized control of Crimea. Moscow then annexed the region, saying it was protecting Russian residents, while the West called the action a land grab.
The focus has now shifted to eastern Ukraine, the industrial heartland and home to a large Russian-speaking community.
No way back?
With rhetoric building from the United States about the imposition of a new, tougher round of sanctions, Russia suggested on Thursday that Western firms which pulled out of the country may not be able to get back in.
"It is obvious that they won't return in the near future if they sever investment agreements with us, I mean there are consequences as well," Natural Resources Minister Sergei Donskoy told reporters.
"Russia is one of the most promising countries in terms of hydrocarbons production. If some contracts are severed here, then, colleagues, you lose a serious lump of your future pie," the minister added.
However, Western oil majors BP and Royal Dutch Shell were sticking with their projects in Russia, he noted.
Supplies of Russian gas to Europe are also, potentially, at risk from the crisis over Ukraine. Moscow has threatened to cut Kiev off unless it pays off its debts, and drastically raised this bill this week.
State-controlled Gazprom sent Ukrainian energy firm Naftogaz an additional bill on Wednesday of $11.4 billion, more than five times its previous claim, a source at the company said. This was in addition to the $2.2 billion that Naftogaz already owes for supplies in 2013 and 2014 so far.
Moscow nearly doubled the gas price for Ukraine from April but Kiev, which is in financial trouble, is refusing to pay.
If Moscow cuts off the flow to Kiev, this would have a knock-on effect on European customers further West, because many of the pipelines that deliver their gas run through Ukraine.
European and Ukrainian officials were to meet in Slovakia, which borders Ukraine, on Thursday to try to work out ways to mitigate the impact if Ukraine is cut off.
The options include reversing the usual east-west flow of the pipelines to Europe to pump gas back into Ukraine, but the volumes that could be supplied this way would be only a small fraction of the amount that Ukraine needs.
Unarmed mediators from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe are in eastern Ukraine trying to persuade pro-Russian gunmen to go home, in line with the Geneva accord.
Reuters reporters have not been able to establish that any Russian troops or special forces members are in the region, though Kiev and Western powers say they have growing evidence that Moscow has a covert presence.
Putin has described as "nonsense" allegations that Moscow has its forces in eastern Ukraine. It says the unrest is a spontaneous protest by local people who fear persecution from the government in Kiev which it says is illegitimate and has far-right links.
British MPs Condemn Alleged Islamist School Takeover Plot
It's almost like the Muslims emigrated to Britain to make it THEIRS, isn't it? :wink:
The story comes from Family Security Matters.
The story comes from Family Security Matters.
British MPs Condemn Alleged Islamist School Takeover Plot
An alleged plot by Muslim extremists to subvert state schools in Birmingham, England and run them according to a rigid interpretation of Islam has angered members of the British Parliament.
A purported letter which surfaced in March detailed a plot to take over the schools, using dirty tricks to drive out headmasters and replace their staffs with people who supported the plot. Britain's Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) is investigating the rumored plot and plans to release a report in May.
Tahir Alam, one of the alleged plotters, denounced the letter as "a fabrication" and the called the allegations about the plot a "witch hunt" motivated by "Islamophobia."
Khalid Mahmoud, a Muslim Labour MP who represents Birmingham charged that "a small group of individuals" was trying to change the ethos of the schools under the cloak of secrecy. Mahmoud also claimed that that radical Salafists were attempting to impose their views on the majority of the city's Muslims.
A mother of one student who attends an affected school told the Daily Express newspaper that her daughter had been harassed by older boys who were denouncing girls who refused to wear veils and stay separate from the boys.
"My daughter tried to bring in an Easter egg for a friend and one boy grabbed it and smashed it against a wall," the mother said. "Another girl of about 11 brought in a little Easter bunny toy that she wanted to show her friends. They grabbed that off her too."
Such reports disturbed former British Foreign Minister Jack Straw, who said Muslim school leaders "must respect British values." He denounced what he called an effort to proselytize Islam in "an exclusive way and claim that those who are not of the Muslim faith are infidel and have fewer rights."
The Park View Educational Trust that runs the schools that have come under scrutiny said the reports have generated hate mail and were "causing unwarranted and unnecessary alarm" among affected families.
A senior source with the U.K.'s Department of Education told the Sunday Telegraph that an "overlapping web of connections" has been discovered and that the driving force appeared to be "explicitly Islamist."
The Ofsted reports are likely to result in Alam's ouster as chairman of the Park View Educational Trust and as chairman of Park View Academy - one of the affected schools, according to the Telegraph.
A separate Department of Education report found that girls at Park View and Golden Hillock, a sister school, were forced to sit in the back of the class, while Christian students at Golden Hillock were left to "teach themselves." An al-Qaida supporter was invited to speak at Park View.
Members of Birmingham's city council were informed of these problems in six months ago but took no action until the letter became public.
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