Why would the American people believe in Obama's fake tears today when he had no tears for the victims of Ft. Hood, Benghazi, 9/11 or the millions of babies killed in the womb by the abortionists?
Barry the Faker said today:
“We’re going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics.”
So with that said, let me cut to the Blog Comment of the Day from over at Pat Dollard:
Fiona. -Version 2.0 • 2 hours ago
Your people can "come together", Barry...and then OUR people are going to come together...and in the end, your people are going to be ripped apart at the seams, you Godless fucking piece of shit.
Kinda like Bush's emotions while reading my pet goat? Where are your emotions for the 4,000+ dead American men and women who died needlessly in Iraq? Where are your emotions for the tens of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians? Obama is a tool. And you're an even bigger one by getting all worked up about his "emotions."
Yes meaningful actions like eliminate the 1000 ft no gun rule around schools...meaningful actions by allowing teachers to carry concelaed ..had a single armed teachers just fired rounds at teh intruder it may have very welled stopped teh carnage. had there been more than one this would have ended differently. Thank teh feds for making these kids victims. Well done Obama and other weak kneed presidents.
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