Sunday, May 20, 2012

Video: So You Decide To Rob a Gas Station....


Findalis said...

That is the problem with these idiots. They believe that their knives, their guns give them the advantage.

Against one who is trained this is never true.

Anonymous said...

A trained person has a distinct advantage, however many a trained person has been badly injured by a untrained person with a knife or gun who just happened to get a lucky shot or stab in and teh trained person is dead. It is precisely the arrogance of findalis comment that gets people killed. As a Combat vet, and a Master In Combat martial Arts, I never for one second forget how dangerous anyone could be with a weapon or underestimate my assailant. Make no mistake though. Trained people do die because of untrained and unpredictable people.

Findalis said...

@ Anonymous

I too am a vet and is knowledgeable in Martial Arts. Did you listen to the vet on the tape. He was more concerned for his cigar rack and his potato chip rack than for his safety. That wasn't cockiness, that was training. An untrained man can get lucky, but 99% of the time they get the worse of any fight.