Sunday, May 20, 2012

Video: Palescuminian 101: If You Don't Throw Rocks At Israeli Settlers, You Don't Get Shot In the Face


Findalis said...

You have it Holger. The Israelis are fed up with the Arabs sending their kids to throw rocks then claiming that they were innocent kids.

Notice these macho men throwing rocks. Notice how they run away when the Jews fire guns.

And the IDF was standing back, letting the Israelis defend themselves.

Anonymous said...

This video has been edited to only show one aspect of what went on. No matter how plat you make a pancake there are two sides. Full video shows ISraelis throwing rocks at a few protesters. As a result of the ISraeli throwing rocks, more fakestinianians show up and throw rocks back. All is good so far because each side is using the same weapon. Rocks, and neither side is too good at hitting one another. Then out steps fatso ISraeli pulls out his pistol adopts a weaver pose and shoots four rounds. All while teh soldiers stand around. Rock throwing was started by teh settlers, and when got rocks back they went to their guns and claimed self defense. That dog don't hunt. It is not a service to only show selected parts of the video as it gives a false impression. Palis arent blameless, neither are the settlers who claimed self defence. As for teh soldiers, where was their CO and why did they not move to control the settlers and move them away from a dangerous situation. IDF has its share of blame. Stupid people all around doing stupid things that seem to come natural to these stupid people. Its a tough world , its even tougher when your stupid "John Wayne" We just witnessed stupid on this video

I do not think that having viewed the entire video that the IDF were expecting the settlers to open fire. either way, settlers need to have their guns taken away as they are currently the dsingle greatest reason ISrael has problems with fakestiniabns