Whoa boy. Just as a reminder to everyone, this group in Britain called "Muslims Against Crusades" is the group that followed through on a promise to disrupt the moment of silence in London on 9/11 - the moment of silence to pay memorial to all of those lost in the 9/11 attacks in NYC and Washington, D.C. Now this group is headed for terrorism stardom as they are asking why it shouldn't be acceptable to assassinate American President Barack Hussein Obama.
From the article at MEMRI:
On its website, the U.K. Islamist group Muslims Against Crusades posted a notice titled "Is the Assassination of Obama Legal?" The notice, which is dated October 3, 2011, features a photo montage of Osama bin Laden, Anwar Al-Awlaki, a masked gunman, and President Obama with what appears to be a bullet wound on his forehead, and includes U.K. phone numbers for "media enquiries" and "general enquiries."
"President Barack Obama is treading on very thin ice. In the space of less than half a year he has proceeded to murder what are probably two of the most influential Muslim men in modern day history: Sheikh Usamah bin Laden (rh) and the U.S. citizen Sheikh Anwar al Awlaki (rh).
"His brazen attacks and cowardly drone strikes have shattered any hope of reconciliation, for he has made it clear: America is out to shoot and kill and is taking no prisoners. No negotiations, no rule of law, no due process – nothing.
"Human rights and justice have lost all relevance in Obama's war, as assassination takes over as his preferred weapon of choice. He has managed to convince the whole world that he is right, that murder, rape and torture can be justified as long as you can be labeled as the enemy. Are his actions to be taken as an example for other U.S. citizens to imitate? In light of this we would like to introduce a new question into the psyche of the West by asking: 'Is the assassination of President Barack Obama now legal?' [emphasis in original] What we mean by this is, if the President of America were to be caught off-guard in Washington or St. Louis, would his death be justified given his new criteria in light of his horrific track record against Islam and Muslims and his own confessions?
"If the answer is no, then we ask, why not? And if the answer is, yes, then we ask how many people would be likely to want to repeat the horrors of 1963[2] against this very evil man?
Now, no matter what beefs we Americans have with our current President, no one in the world gets away with making a threat of assassinating our leader. I imagine the phone lines are pretty hot right now between the CIA/FBI and Scotland Yard/MI6.
This group in Britain is a bunch of jihadi wannabes - a bunch of punks. These misfits sit in their luxurious flats in London and wage their "jihad" on street corners while snacking on crumpets and sipping tea - I don't know...I don't see any reason why a predator drone can't fly down Downey Street and take a bunch of these asswipes out.
U.K. Islamist Group 'Muslims Against Crusades' Asks, 'Is Assassination Of Obama Legal?'
On its website, the U.K. Islamist group Muslims Against Crusades posted a notice titled "Is the Assassination of Obama Legal?" The notice, which is dated October 3, 2011, features a photo montage of Osama bin Laden, Anwar Al-Awlaki, a masked gunman, and President Obama with what appears to be a bullet wound on his forehead, and includes U.K. phone numbers for "media enquiries" and "general enquiries."
"President Barack Obama is treading on very thin ice. In the space of less than half a year he has proceeded to murder what are probably two of the most influential Muslim men in modern day history: Sheikh Usamah bin Laden (rh) and the U.S. citizen Sheikh Anwar al Awlaki (rh).
"His brazen attacks and cowardly drone strikes have shattered any hope of reconciliation, for he has made it clear: America is out to shoot and kill and is taking no prisoners. No negotiations, no rule of law, no due process – nothing.
"Human rights and justice have lost all relevance in Obama's war, as assassination takes over as his preferred weapon of choice. He has managed to convince the whole world that he is right, that murder, rape and torture can be justified as long as you can be labeled as the enemy. Are his actions to be taken as an example for other U.S. citizens to imitate? In light of this we would like to introduce a new question into the psyche of the West by asking: 'Is the assassination of President Barack Obama now legal?' [emphasis in original] What we mean by this is, if the President of America were to be caught off-guard in Washington or St. Louis, would his death be justified given his new criteria in light of his horrific track record against Islam and Muslims and his own confessions?
"If the answer is no, then we ask, why not? And if the answer is, yes, then we ask how many people would be likely to want to repeat the horrors of 1963[2] against this very evil man?
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