Saturday, July 23, 2011

While Norway Sorts Out the Motives of Apparent Bomber/Assassin Anders Behring Breivik, Muslim Terrorists Continue To Kill Across the Globe

The horrific bombing and subsequent shooting of youths at a camp in Oslo, Norway is apparently the work of a lone figure, namely Anders Behring Breivik...a native Norwegian with no apparent ties to Islam. I am waiting to see more coming out of confessions and interviews of Breivik to hear exactly what he is saying about his motive for this grisly assault on innocents in Norway, but in the meantime I want to address some of those that have appeared at this blog (out of the woodwork, I might add) to suddenly come to the defense of radical islam and scold me for my rush to judgement to blame these attacks on al Qaeda and islamists.

1. Naming al Qaeda/Islamists as the culprits in the Oslo bombing and shooting rampage

Okay, before I get too far into this, I'd like to point out to every one of the Muslim defenders and Leftist hacks who have come to this site since I put up the original post, that EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU thought this was the act of radical islamic terrorists. Of course I reached that conclusion immediately and SO DID YOU. And if you won't admit it, you're a pussy and in self-denial.

Secondly, if you recall, this attacks wasn't more than moments old when an islamic group took credit for the attacks.

Finally, with nearly 17,500 acts of world terrorism committed by radical islamists since 9/11 are you going to doubt me for my summation of what happened in Oslo?

2. "Christian fundamentalist" vs. Islamic jihadi
I find it funny that this person, this Anders Breivik, is being portrayed as a Christian. Headlines are carrying that all over the place. It's funny because after reviewing hundreds of documented stories of terror attacks around this world in the past month, I have yet to find a single headline that identifies the perpetrators as "Islamic." People on the Left in America have been sitting on the edge of their seats for years for this kind of a situation - they've had their little signs and banners getting dusty in the corners of their basements in preparation to protest and march down the street about the violence of Christians and right wingers.

Does anyone remember the rush to judgement that the Left in America made in blaming the Tucson shooting on a right winger? At the same time, does anyone remember Mayor Bloomberg of NYC suggesting that the Times Square Bomber was someone dismayed about national healthcare?

3. The REAL terrorism

In the month of July alone, radical islamic terrorist have done the following:

  • Killed 49 people in Pakistan
  • Killed 77 people in Afghanistan
  • Killed 25 people in Nigeria
  • Killed 4 people in Thailand
  • Killed 55 people in Iraq
  • Killed 20 people in Yemen
  • Killed 3 people in the Sudan
  • Killed 1 person in Algeria
  • Killed 1 person in the Philippines
  • Killed 2 people in India

So, with all of that being said, this cowardly act in Norway is more than disturbing. It is abominable no matter who did it and for what reason. But while the yellow belly Marxists and islamist appeasers in America and Europe point their little Cheetos-stained fingers and scream about the identity of the accused, I'll continue to blog about the hundreds and thousands that are dying each and every day at the hands of those who follow the direction of the Qur'an.

One last thing. If tonight the news broke that a bus had been bombed in central London and that 38 people had been killed, would you think it had something to do with radical islamic terrorists?



Lysol said...

I'll admit, my first thought was Muslim attacks just like 99% of people around the world. They have quite the track record for staging these kind of attacks. Anyone claiming that Islam didn't cross their mind is a lying pile of crap.

And like most of the world, I was even more shocked when I found out it was a homegrown right wing nutcase.

Whether it's Hasan or Breivik....The same area of hell is reserved.

Ernest T Bass said...

I did not immediately believe that the attacks were perpetrated by jihadis - my original comment says as much. If the attack in had happened in America I would have immediately suspected Islamic radicals but in Europe there are too many violent factions on the right and the left. When I heard about the attack on the Labor Party youth camp I suspected domestic terror right away. There are Norwegians who are so nationalistic they consider Christianity a foreign religion and advocate worshiping the Norse gods like their Viking ancestors.

This is what I have trouble understanding - this Breivik asshole hated Muslims and hated the fact that Norway has become a multicultural society. I would understand his logic if he had blown up a mosque or something, but instead he attacked Norwegians belonging to a political party that he saw as being soft on immigration. Brevik did not view members of the Labor Party as "real Norwegians". Some in America don't consider me a "real American" because I voted democrat - even though my ancestors fought in the Revolution.

As of this morning Norwegian authorities say they have a "manifesto" written by Breivik calling for a Christian war to defend Europe against Muslim immigration.

Lysol said...

Ernest: The ironic thing about your "Some in America don't consider me a "real American" because I voted democrat - even though my ancestors fought in the Revolution." is that our founding fathers would probably be freaked out by the Democratic(Socialist) party in America.

The current financial mess is a direct result of your votes. I wouldn't be bragging about causing the downfall of America if I were you.

Ernest T Bass said...

Lysol - if you think the president can take blame or credit for the economy then you need an economics lesson. I said the same thing when people blamed Bush - the US economy is much bigger than who is president.

The economy BOOMED in the 1990s - I give no credit to Clinton for that, nor do I blame Bush for the decline from 2007 - now.

"Founding Fathers" were for the most part landed gentry here in the South. My ancestors worked for a living.