The Taliban are being quick to try and intimidate the locals in Pakistan's northwest after a couple of U.S. predator drones killed a number of Taliban - the Taliban captured a couple of local tribesmen and then killed them - one of the bodies was hacked into pieces and the other was burned. Both of the bodies were left by the side of the road to be found my fellow tribesmen and had notes stating that the same fate would await those who spy for the U.S.
From the report at DAWN:
Taliban militants killed two men in Pakistan’s restive tribal district after accusing them of spying for the United States, police officials said Sunday.
The bodies were found on road sides, one hacked into pieces, in the Nawi Adda and Boya areas of the Datta Khel region in North Waziristan, a remote tribal district bordering Afghanistan.
They were local tribesmen who had been captured after two separate US drone attacks in the region on Thursday and Friday, the officials said.
“A charred body of local tribesman was found dumped on the road side in Nawi Adda area on Sunday morning with a note in Pashto language,” said local tribal police official Jalaluddin — who goes by one name.
The second body, which had been cut into pieces was found in Boya area, another local police official, Habibullah Kahn said.
Local intelligence officials also confirmed the incidents adding that the bodies were found with notes warning “all those spying for US will suffer the same fate.”
And you wonder why the people of Afghanistan really aren't thrilled with the concept of the Taliban regaining control of Afghanistan's government.
The interesting thing about this report is that these two predator drone strikes by the U.S. OBVIOUSLY bothered the shit out of the Taliban - I don't remember the Taliban sending a message to the tribes this quickly after a UAV attack. Perhaps what we don't know is that a fairly influential Taliban commander or official was taken out. Let's hope that is the case.
Militants kill two ‘spies’ in North Waziristan: officials
MIRANSHAH: Taliban militants killed two men in Pakistan’s restive tribal district after accusing them of spying for the United States, police officials said Sunday.
The bodies were found on road sides, one hacked into pieces, in the Nawi Adda and Boya areas of the Datta Khel region in North Waziristan, a remote tribal district bordering Afghanistan.
They were local tribesmen who had been captured after two separate US drone attacks in the region on Thursday and Friday, the officials said.
“A charred body of local tribesman was found dumped on the road side in Nawi Adda area on Sunday morning with a note in Pashto language,” said local tribal police official Jalaluddin — who goes by one name.
The second body, which had been cut into pieces was found in Boya area, another local police official, Habibullah Kahn said.
Local intelligence officials also confirmed the incidents adding that the bodies were found with notes warning “all those spying for US will suffer the same fate.”
Islamic extremists frequently kidnap and kill tribesmen, accusing them of spying for the Pakistani government or US forces in Afghanistan, where Taliban fighters are leading an insurgency.
The US has branded the northwestern tribal area, which lies outside Pakistani government control, one of the most dangerous places on earth and a global headquarters of al Qaeda — whose leader Osama bin Laden was killed by US forces in Pakistan on May 2.
The majority of militants are concentrated in North Waziristan, the most notorious hideout of the Afghan Taliban and al Qaeda, and where the United States wants the Pakistan military to launch a ground offensive.
But Pakistan says its troops are too overstretched to conduct a full assault.
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