Okay, it's official that Barack Hussein Obama is running for re-election in 2012. And with that announcement, of course, comes a new campaign strategy and endless planning to ensure that a President who hasn't enjoyed much success so far is safe for his 2nd bid. The Obama strategists are smart. They realize that this time around Obama won't be given some of the free passes that were handed out in 2007 and 2008. They also know that Michelle Obama, who during the first campaign, was a relative unknown has become a political figure in this country - she has waded into policy and commented on what direction the country should take. This time around, Michelle Obama is fair game.
So, here's the game that Michelle Obama is up to. Like her husband has tried to move to the center politically from his far left persuasion in order to try and retain many votes in the middle, Michelle Obama has decided to move from her anti-American resentments to a more "patriotic" image. Perhaps you have seen Mrs. Obama's initiatives in supporting families of American troops - this all coming from the wife of a U.S. President who has even more disdain for the American military than Bill Clinton.
But, the other day on ABC's The View, Mrs. Obama took the cake. We saw the game unfolded before our eyes. We saw this woman who has a chip on her shoulder for America larger than the country itself try her best to come across as Betsy Ross. Here's what she said on the program, from Real Clear Politics:
"What we have to do in this country is remember who we are and that's the reason why I like to travel and to get out because, look no matter what people say, when they see you.. They're excited and they're proud and you know, everybody, everybody has their detractors and that's part of what the political process is all about," First Lady Michelle Obama said on ABC's "The View" today.
"I want to embrace the country that I love. The country that I know is positive and fair and there’s so much of that out there, that’s it very easy to kind of push the other stuff aside and not take it in. It's easier than you'd imagine," Michelle Obama said.
Now, with that being said by the First Lady in front of a nationwide audience, let's back up a few years and see what she said about the country that she "loves." From ABC News Blog:
Speaking in Milwaukee, Wisconsin today, would-be First Lady Michelle Obama said, "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback."
Then in Madison, she said, "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change."
I don't know...do YOU see a bit of a change in the way she feels there? Let me ask you this...do you REALLY think Michelle Obama has suddenly decided to embrace a country that she was not proud of just 3 short years ago?
Let's get one more reminder here of what Michelle Obama had to say that fateful day:
You know, it's enough that we have to put up with insincere, game-playing and lying politicians but when their spouses join right in, it's hard to swallow.
You'll recall in the campaign for the Presidency in 2008, there was one time that Barack Hussein Obama lost his cool. He showed his anger very clearly...he revealed his thin skin for the first time and that was when he was asked questions about what his wife said about being proud of her country for the first time. He lashed out and demanded that families be "off limits." Of course the press backed down like they had been found with a KKK sheet in their closet. Well, as we saw Mrs. Obama eating up our tax dollars on her extravagant vacations as First Lady and saw her lecturing us on issues like what we should be allowed to eat in this country....she went from "the protected" to fair game.
Believe me on one point, you will see the game play out fully with Michelle Obama. By the time of the next election we should see her on stage wrapped in an American flag cheering on the Founding Fathers. You gonna believe her?
Like her husband, Michelle Obama is an anti-American fraud. Only a citizen who is anti-American could go 44 years without feeling pride in their country. I was proud of my country as a kid for crying out loud. She doesn't love America, she loves the IDEA of what America can be transformed into.
So good to have you stop by and truer words haven't been written here at Holger Awakens - spot on man.
:Holger Danske
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