So, the Israelis have captured and arrested the Palestinian terrorists who ruthlessly massacred most of the Fogel family while they slept in their beds a few weeks ago. Now we know the identities of two men who will rank in the top ten of most insidious mass murderers in the history of the world. Meet Amjad Awad, 19, and Hakim Awad, 18, of the Arab village of Awarta that sits next to the Israeli settlement of Itamar where the Fogel household was soaked in blood.
Go ahead, look again... these two assassins are 19 and 18 years old. So I ask you this - how much hate can two young men possibly have gathered in such few years to commit one of the most hideous crimes in all of mankind's history?
Let's look at what information has come out of the interrogation of these two by Israeli security officials, from Israel National News:
Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) lifted a gag order on the investigation of the massacre at noon Sunday (5 a.m. EDT). The terrorists were indentified as Amjad Awad, 19, and Hakim Awad 18, residents of Awarta, an Arab village neighboring the Jewish community of Itamar, where the Fogel family lived.
The teenage terrorists, who are members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), were assisted by at least six others, four of them from Awad’s family.
The massacre of the Fogels took place at night on Friday night (Sabbath), March 11. The terrorists climbed over the fence surrounding Itamar, a Samaria community, and entered the Fogel family's home. They stabbed to death Rabbi Ehud (Udi) Fogel, his wife Ruth, 11-year-old Yoav, four-year-old Elad and three-month-old Hadas.
The terrorists not only expressed no regret for the brutal stabbings of their parents, the baby, and two other young children, but they also said they would have killed two other children, Roi, 8, and Shai, 2 if they had known they were in another room. The sixth child, Tamar, was out of the house at the time of the murders and discovered the shocking scene when she returned home.
The terrorists told investigators that before entering the Fogel home, they went into an adjacent home, where the residents were away. The two teenagers stole weapons from the home and also took a gun from the Fogel family after the late Friday night slaughter of their victims.
Investigators said they were shocked by the impassionate confessions and description of the murders by the teenagers, one of whom said he has been prepared to become a “martyr.”
We have to be clear on one thing in all of this - these two young men are not serial killers, they are not madmen. These two have been brainwashed from birth to hate Jews, they have more than likely spent many days chanting "Death to Israel" and they have taken literally the Qur'an when it speaks of the mission and reward of martyrdom.
These two men are not 19 and 18 years old....no, they are centuries old...you actually could trace their birth back to the days of 645 AD and those first days of Mohammed's mission to wipe out Jews from the Earth. These aren't two young men who are part of a movement or even jihad...these are two vessels for Evil. These are messengers of Lucifer.
When you consider what happened that night in the Fogel home, when the first throat was slit and the blood sprayed and flowed all over the place....99.999% of 19 and 18 year olds on this planet would have been on all fours puking their guts out at what they had done, but these two methodically did the same over and over again and as we saw above, regret the fact that they did not find the other two children.
The next time you drive through your city and you see a group of young people in America protesting in favor of a Palestinian state, holding their signs that say "Free Palestine" and "Down With Israeli Occupation" remember how these two coldblooded killers would embrace these people in America. And think about a 3 month old baby struggling and squirming under the hand of a 19 year old who looks into her eyes and slowly runs the edge of his knife deep into her throat.
Evil is spreading, America.
Two Arab Terrorists Confess to Fogel Massacre - without Regret
Security forces arrested two residents of the village of Awarta near Itamar, who have confessed to murdering the Fogel family last month. They acted out of Arab nationalist motives and have not expressed regret for their crime.
The commander of the IDF in Samaria (Shomron) said in a video briefing, "The murderers are in our hands."
Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) lifted a gag order on the investigation of the massacre at noon Sunday (5 a.m. EDT). The terrorists were indentified as Amjad Awad, 19, and Hakim Awad 18, residents of Awarta, an Arab village neighboring the Jewish community of Itamar, where the Fogel family lived.
The teenage terrorists, who are members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), were assisted by at least six others, four of them from Awad’s family.
The massacre of the Fogels took place at night on Friday night (Sabbath), March 11. The terrorists climbed over the fence surrounding Itamar, a Samaria community, and entered the Fogel family's home. They stabbed to death Rabbi Ehud (Udi) Fogel, his wife Ruth, 11-year-old Yoav, four-year-old Elad and three-month-old Hadas.
The terrorists not only expressed no regret for the brutal stabbings of their parents, the baby, and two other young children, but they also said they would have killed two other children, Roi, 8, and Shai, 2 if they had known they were in another room. The sixth child, Tamar, was out of the house at the time of the murders and discovered the shocking scene when she returned home.
The terrorists told investigators that before entering the Fogel home, they went into an adjacent home, where the residents were away. The two teenagers stole weapons from the home and also took a gun from the Fogel family after the late Friday night slaughter of their victims.
Investigators said they were shocked by the impassionate confessions and description of the murders by the teenagers, one of whom said he has been prepared to become a “martyr.”
In an unusual decision, the family agreed to release graphic photographs of the aftermath of the murder, in order to explain Israel's situation in the face of Arab barbarism.
The Prime Minister’s Office was dismayed by the halfhearted and belated denouncements issued by the Palestinian Authority after the massacre, and blamed the PA's incitement of its populace for enabling the crime.
Following the massacre, the government approved the construction of 500 new housing units to be built in Maaleh Adumim, Ariel and Kiryat Sefer, adjacent to Modi’in. No new construction was approved in smaller communities, such as Itamar.
Rabbi Yehuda Ben-Yishai, the mourning father of Ruth Fogel, told an interviewer that the grandparents of the orphans will will take upon themselves the difficult task of raising them, in order to "pave for them the path so that life will be victorious."
“Their mother and father will pray for them from the Heavens, their grandfathers and grandmothers will give them a lot of love, and the People of Israel will hug them and encourage them to grow and continue in the path of their parents," he said.
"The next time you drive through your city and you see a group of young people in America protesting in favor of a Palestinian state, holding their signs that say "Free Palestine" ---
swerve hard right until you hear thumps, squishes and muffled screams under your SUV
The twin fascisms that causes most massacres, wars, "conflicts" today:
Arabism is racism (Arab racism)
Millions upon Millions are/became victims of [pan-] Arabism which is the worst current form of racism in its gigantic proportions, like: Kurds Jews (not just in Israel) Berbers (the real natives of North Africa), Africans (not just in the genocide in the Sudan or in Egypt on native Nubians by Arab invaders – till today), Persians, etc.
Islamism is bigotry (Islamofascism)!
The Islamic supremacy that “works” towards its vision of “final Islamic domination on the entire planet”, from Middle east to Africa from Asia to Eurabia, from forced conversions, terrorism, & massacres in multiple countries (like: Thailand, Phillipines, China, Indonesia, Tunisia, Morocco, Kenya, Tanzania, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon India, USA, France, Israel, Russia, UK, etc.) to propaganda, the war includes on Muslims who are not radical enough...,
Let’s face it! that entire war on Israel & the Jews since the 1920’s by infamous facsist Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini who started the “genocide campaign” [and continues by the children, grand children of Arab immigrants into Israel - Palestine - now convenienently called "palestinians"] in a clear outlined declaration to 'kill all Jews', is nothing but out of pure Arab Muslim bigotry.
Why does biased media blame Israel defenders from vicious Arab Muslims who use civilians when they attack Israeli civilians... so that their civilians (they prefer kids to) die then parade with the casualties as "innocent victims"???
While the Islamo Arab dictatorship (& real Apartheid upon the non-Arabs, non-Muslims) goes on...
Israeli [ungrateful] Arabs won't mention FAVORITISM by democratic pluralistic multi-racial Israel in: land, courts & universities, by the same token, the totalitarian & mullahcracy dictators of Iran with its Hezbollah thugs & militant "Palestine" anti-freedom forces cast their genocide plan under "freedom fighting."
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