Some may say that Barack Hussein Obama's conversion happened as a boy in Indonesia but if we are to believe our President, he says he is a Christian (cough, cough). Anyway, his little old grandmother in Kenya, Sarah Omar, has been reported to have said she is praying for her grandson's conversion to Islam - that's right, she truly wishes to see the President of the United States join the religion of death.
From the article at Israel National News:
The Kenyan grandmother of United States President Barack Obama has told a Saudi daily paper that she prays for her grandson to convert to Islam. Sarah Omar, 88, told Al-Watan that she prayed for Obama to become Muslim during her recent pilgrimage to Mecca.
Omar was in Saudi Arabia for the pilgrimage along with her son Saeed Hussein Obama, Obama's uncle, and four grandchildren.
The rumors regarding his alleged Muslim status circle around his father Barack Obama senior, who was raised as a Muslim. According to Islamic law, a child's status follows the father, making the children of a Muslim man Muslim as well.
Well, I'm not going to get into a rehash into whether or not Obama is a Christian or a muslim - I think most of you know I actually think he is an atheist or agnostic, but you can see the influences of islam surround our President.
And I'd like to point out something - never, EVER in the history of the United States of America have we had a President as sympathetic and supportive of Islam as we have in this man, Obama. And what has it gotten America? Do any of you feel "safer" knowing that this President has bent over backwards (as well as bowed at the waist) for the islamists? Has this President's attitude of reaching out to Iran stopped their nuclear weapons development? Has this President's speech in Cairo stopped the terror attacks on America by al Qaeda and the Taliban? Have you heard one Muslim in this world actually condemn another for calling America "The Great Satan?"
Of course not. What Barack Hussein Obama's spineless appeasement to Islam has gotten us is a reputation of being weak-kneed and submissive. We are MORE in Islam's sites now than ever before in our history.
Obama's Grandmother Prays for Conversion to Islam
The Kenyan grandmother of United States President Barack Obama has told a Saudi daily paper that she prays for her grandson to convert to Islam. Sarah Omar, 88, told Al-Watan that she prayed for Obama to become Muslim during her recent pilgrimage to Mecca.
Omar was in Saudi Arabia for the pilgrimage along with her son Saeed Hussein Obama, Obama's uncle, and four grandchildren.
While Omar is not Obama's biological grandmother, she raised his father after the father's mother left the family, and so is considered his grandmother according to Kenyan culture.
Obama has battled rumors that he is Muslim for years. Polls conducted in August show that approximately 20% of Americans believe him to be Muslim.
Obama says he is a “committed Christian” who has attended church regularly for decades.
The rumors regarding his alleged Muslim status circle around his father Barack Obama senior, who was raised as a Muslim. According to Islamic law, a child's status follows the father, making the children of a Muslim man Muslim as well.
Obama's parents divorced when he was young, and he lived for several years with his mother and stepfather in Indonesia, then in Hawaii with his mother and maternal grandparents. His stepfather, Lolo Soeoro, was an Indonesian Muslim.
Rumors have also been fueled in part by Obama's attempts to reach out to the Muslim world. In June 2009 he gave a speech in Cairo in which he called for "a new beginning" in U.S. ties with Muslim states, and mentioned his own Muslim ties. He bowed to the Saudi Arabian ruler when they met, hosted Muslim business leaders in April and told NASA to "reach out to Muslims", sparking a new set of rumors about his religious affiliation.
Is this the same grandmother Cohgressman Keith Muhammad (Ellison) flew to the Haj?
Are we sure she isn't praying for him to RETURN to the "faith" ?
You know, I read awhile back that Ellison visited Obama's grandmother in Kenya but I can't seem to find any details about him paying for her trip to the Hajj.
Do you have a link on that?
Good one!
:Holger Danske
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