Saturday, January 16, 2010

Video: Do You Believe In Miracles?

(Hat tip: Maggie W.)


Henry Bowman said...

Great.....Just one thing....I never count my chickens before they're hatched....Remember the demo(n)cRATS aren't finished yet...

I pray Scott wins.......

God Bless the American Military....

God SAVE the United States.....

~Christie~ said...

Yes, I do BELIEVE in miracles. It happened then & it can happen now...history can repeat itself.
We must keep the FAITH,
We must BELIEVE,
We must PRAY...the power of prayer is just that, "powerful" indeed.
"One Nation under God...LIBERTY & JUSTICE for all." This is our foundation & we must NEVER let it go.

I pray to God to help us all!!!

GOD Bless America & Our Troops...
silence is NOT an option!