Saturday, January 16, 2010

Kenyan Police Put Down Islamist Protest, Kill 5 Muslims

And once again, we see the filthy tenacles of Islam reach deeper and deeper into the continent of Africa as the country of Kenya has seen islamic protests against the holding of a terrorist cleric and today, the Kenyan police had enough and let loose with suppressive fire and killed 5 of the islamists.

From the article at Times Online:

At least five people were killed in Nairobi when Kenyan police fired bullets and teargas at Muslims demanding the release of a radical Jamaican cleric.
Abdullah al-Faisal is on a global terror list and served four years in jail in Britain for inciting racial hatred before being deported. He has been in Kenyan custody since last week after the authorities failed in an attempt to deport him.
We have known for a long time how big a prize Africa is to the islamic terrorists with al Qaeda groups stretching across northern Africa in the countries of Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, etc. and of course, the world was rocked by a Nigerian operative of al Qaeda who tried to bring down Northwest flight #253 - and now we see the ugly face of the islamists becoming more and more volatile in Kenya.

This wave of islamofascism, this horde of islamic jihadists continues to move across the globe like a huge swarm of locusts feeding on a grain field. I've said it before, there is not a single country in this world that has not been affected by the goal of the World Caliphate of islam. Not a one.

And as far as this killing of islamists in Nairobi today, one can only imagine what this will set off over the next week or so.

Five die as Nairobi police fire on protesters demanding Abdullah al-Faisal's release

At least five people were killed in Nairobi when Kenyan police fired bullets and teargas at Muslims demanding the release of a radical Jamaican cleric.
Abdullah al-Faisal is on a global terror list and served four years in jail in Britain for inciting racial hatred before being deported. He has been in Kenyan custody since last week after the authorities failed in an attempt to deport him.
“Five people have died, some of them have been shot and there are those with other injuries but we cannot really tell who shot them because some of the protesters were armed and were shooting at our officers,” said a police officer. Crowds of bystanders joined the clashes by throwing rocks at the Muslims.

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