Back in April, the Russian government threw in the towel as to maintaining their counter-terrorism efforts against the islamists in Chechnya...and since then, it's been a bloody hell of a place. Today, when 15 jihadists went up against police and soldiers, the jihadists came out on top leaving 4 dead and several wounded.
I've said it before...Russia's radical islamic terror problem is growing exponentially and the Russians' track record against jihadists sucks - remember Afghanistan and now Chechnya. Putin is supposed to be such a hard ass, but the facts of the matter are that his military and security forces are a shambles (as far as I can tell). Here's the brief story from Ria Novosti:
I've said it before...Russia's radical islamic terror problem is growing exponentially and the Russians' track record against jihadists sucks - remember Afghanistan and now Chechnya. Putin is supposed to be such a hard ass, but the facts of the matter are that his military and security forces are a shambles (as far as I can tell). Here's the brief story from Ria Novosti:
Four officers killed, six wounded in Chechnya clash
MOSCOW, July 15 (RIA Novosti) - Two police officers and two servicemen were killed during a shootout with militants in the North Caucasus republic of Chechnya, a police source said on Wednesday.
The clash occurred in the southeast Chechen Vedensky district on Tuesday when police located a group of up to 15 gunmen in the forest near the village of Kirov-Yurt.
Another six officers and servicemen were injured and subsequently hospitalized. The search for the militants will continue on Wednesday.
The Kremlin announced a formal end to its 10-year counter-terrorism operation in the troubled region on April 16, but violence has continued in Chechnya and neighboring republics.
"Remember Afghanistan"? Russia invaded Afghanistan without cause (they were not attacked like we were) in order to make that country Communists - that's OK with you? The Red Army got what they deserved in Afghanistan.
Russia has no business in Chechnya either - let Russia rule the Russians, not everyone else. Police and soldiers dead is the cost of an empire. If Russian troops patrolled your neighborhood, what would you do?
I made no mention of whether or not Russia's operation in Afghanistan was valid or not - I was pointing out that their ability to fight the jihadists of the Taliban in that theater was piss poor. America protested the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and I supported that.
As for Russian troops in my neighborhood...well, I'm not as scared of that as I am of an ACORN person coming to my door to do the "Census."
:Holger Danske
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