This is about us Americans, sitting in our houses, shaking our fists at the Congress of the United States and/or the President of the United States because we are so upset about high taxes, socialistic overtures and initiatives, spending of our nation's resources irresponsibly and a myriad of other reasons...the whole while telling the Federal government they better get it together. They better shape up and fix things. They better toe the line and get down to work. In other words, me, Joe Q. American, am WAY too busy to get off my fat ass and go to a local city council meeting and address local taxes. I'm too damn tired to get to the school board meeting to object to the latest sex education curriculum. I have "too many irons in the fire" to show up for a political debate where one candidate's socialistic proposals will change America forever. I'm too busy. I'm swamped. I'm up to my eyes in stuff.
Let me remind everyone of something:
That is the 10 Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. And it gives all of us the power to no longer shake our fists at the politicians and the socialists and the communists and the whacked out activists and the "community organizations"...it gives us the power to do WHAT WE WANT IN OUR OWN STATE.The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
This isn't a plea for each of us to get involved in politics or even the process. It's a plea for everyone to wake the fuck up and understand that we do NOT have to be pushed around by the bully encapsulated by the Federal government. The Leftists of America enjoy being taken care of by elitist politician nannies but the vast majority of Americans simply want to work, spend time with their families and build a future for themselves. But yet, tens of millions of us can only bitch at the state of affairs because we refuse to take the power that has been bestowed upon us.
I offer up this:
- Have any of you who are upset about the health insurance coverage of your fellow citizens ever even thought to bring this to your elected STATE officials in hopes that the State may offer an alternative to private insurance? Or are you willing to sit back and let Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Reds in D.C. shove a single payer system down your throat? Your state can have their own healthcare system and tell Chuckie and the boys to shove their national healthcare up their asses
- How many of us have worked locally to move up a piece of legislation in our states that will not require the state to have to bail out any other state due to financial mismanagement? Or...are we gonna sit around and wait for some new Federal legislation that will take our hard-earned dollars away from our well-managed state and feed it hand over fist to the Leftists states that have squandered it away on bureaucracy?
- Who among us wrote letters to our State Governor imploring him/her NOT to take Federal bailout money?
The simple fact is that most of us have not even taken the time to remind our elected local and state officials that the states OWN the power in this country and that we expect our state representatives to PROTECT our money, our interests, our way of life.
When's the last time you sat down with a bunch of your neighbors and drafted a petition? How about a petition to have the state legislature produce a document directed to the Federal government that lists the demands of the state you live in - demands to cease and decist on improper conduct and demands to fall into line with Constitutional directives. I guess we're too busy getting together on a Friday night to throw down beers around the bbq grill and talk about the new neighbors.
I don't think I can express the way it has to be in America, better than this portion of the mission statement from the American Constutition and Capitalism Defense Front (http://www.accdf.com/):
We are the people by which the government is of and for. We
are the grantors of the power that the government wields. We are the people who
can recall that power from the government at any time of our
I take you back a couple of weeks ago as the men and women of the U.S. House of Representatives debated back and forth over the Cap and Trade Climate bill. I saw a Congressman from Michigan speak passionately about how bad the bill would be for his people in Michigan. And I thought to myself: "Are the hopes, dreams and futures of every person in Michigan in the hands of this Rep's five minute speech?!!!" Hell no. Where were the hundreds of thousands of Michiganites that could have been swarming the Michigan legislature at that time demanding that the state government offer up a bill of sovereignty that would exclude the state from any Federally enacted energy program?
I'm going to leave all of you with this, this thing I call "The Tornado Effect." Every spring and summer a good sized chunk of America is affected by tornadoes. During those months, it's almost difficult to turn on the national news or see an online new report without seeing evidence of another twister that has seriously damaged a community in Oklahoma or Minnesota or Missouri or Arkansas or Tennessee. What is key to "The Tornado Effect" is what happens after every tornado harms one of those towns or cities...and you rarely see this from the media (the media is all over the place so they can show trees laying on top of cars but when the community decides to put it all together, the media leaves like bats out of Hell)....it's about the aftermath of a tornado. The citizens of that community and often those from surrounding areas flock to the stricken area and they start the clean up....and the clean up turns into a recovery....and the recovery turns into rebuilding...and the rebuilding turns into often a community better and stronger than the one that was destroyed. NO FUCKING FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS OR MONEY COMES TO THAT TOWN OR CITY DURING THE TORNADO EFFECT. I hope you heard me there. People just simply go back to their human nature and get it done. They take matters into their own hands, they chainsaw the fallen trees, they tend to the wounded, they feed the homeless, they clothe those who lost theirs....and not a soul has to ask for it to happen, no soul has to demand it happen, no soul has to order it to happen. It just happens.
Folks, what America needs now is The Tornado Effect for the entire nation but it should happen at the local, county and state level. It's time to clean up, it's time to recover, it's time to get it done.
Or, I guess we can all sit down and watch some American Idol reruns and bitch about the neighbors.
Let the "TWISTER" begin...
"there's no place like home".
This one came straight from your gut man...awesome...keep 'em coming!
Good post Holger -
Now let me see, who would I rather have in charge of taking care of poor sick people in my community, there are many- the state of Alabama or the Federal Govt.? No brainer - the Feds.
Twice the federal government has come down here to show my people who is boss - one time they freed the slaves and the next time they forced integration of public schools, I am grateful for both. If left up to the state it would still be segregated.
But yeah - in a disaster, we take care of our own, but I cannot provide medical care to those who need it. There must be some way that uninsured people can get basic preventative care. I know someone who goes to the emergency room to get a prescription renewed, because an emergency room has to treat you, that is ass backwards.
when I was uninsured as a single parent with 4 kids, and a job 20k a year, I paid for my prescriptions at the drug store. with my money. I only shopped for kid's clothes and groceries. Its not fun but its doable. Have some pride in yourself and pull yourself up by your own hardwork. Anyone can do this! I have been there, so I don't feel sorry for anyone! Uninsured folks have a system to take care of them if they need it temporarily. the fix is to GET A REAL JOB AND WORK HARD! THE REST WILL COME!
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