Well, it's not like I haven't been sounding the alarms here at Holger Awakens but man oh man, it is sobering to hear an expert on counter-terror and counter-insurgency with the kind of reputation that David Kilcullen say that the country of Pakistan could fall to the terrorists in as little as six months. Does anyone need a reminder that Pakistan has nuclear weapons? Think about it...nuclear weapons in the hands of al Qaeda and the Taliban. And you thought you were going to sleep tonight! Here's some of the details from Times of India:
The issue is time - it is running out on this newer government of Pakistan and quite frankly, President Barack Obama is so damn wrapped up in a global strategy regarding the War in Afghanistan and the Pakistani problem that no one is minding the fort as far as tactical operations. Obama is flying about Pakistan at 50,000 feet trying to swoon the world with some sort of "vision" of la la land in this region and at the same time, we are witnessing daily suicide bombings inside of Pakistan and as I blogged about this very morning, the Talibana and al Qaeda are moving into the center of the country and getting closer to all of the major population centers.
I never thought we'd run into a crisis bigger than Iran's nukes but this one has to take the cake. Hopefully, someone in the Obama administration will learn how to ACT on something instead of imbibing in the usual paralysis by analysis. Time is running out and when Pakistan falls, this world will be on course for World War 3.
Pakistan could collapse within six months in the face of the snowballing insurgency, a top expert on guerrilla warfare has said.
The dire prediction was made by David Kilcullen, a former adviser to top US military commander General David Petraeus. David Kilcullen is the best known practitioner of counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency operations and had advised Gen Petraeus on the counter-insurgency programme in Iraq. Few experts understand the nature of the insurgency in Af-Pak as well and he is now advising Petraeus in Afghanistan. Petraeus also echoed the same thought when he told a Congressional testimony last week that the insurgency could "take down" Pakistan, which is home to nuclear weapons and al-Qaida.
"We are running out of time to help Pakistan change its present course toward increasing economic and political instability, and even ultimate failure," said a recent report by a task force of the Atlantic Council that was led by former senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska and senator John Kerry of Massachusetts. The report, released in February, gave the Pakistani government 6 to 12 months before things went from bad to dangerous.
The issue is time - it is running out on this newer government of Pakistan and quite frankly, President Barack Obama is so damn wrapped up in a global strategy regarding the War in Afghanistan and the Pakistani problem that no one is minding the fort as far as tactical operations. Obama is flying about Pakistan at 50,000 feet trying to swoon the world with some sort of "vision" of la la land in this region and at the same time, we are witnessing daily suicide bombings inside of Pakistan and as I blogged about this very morning, the Talibana and al Qaeda are moving into the center of the country and getting closer to all of the major population centers.
I never thought we'd run into a crisis bigger than Iran's nukes but this one has to take the cake. Hopefully, someone in the Obama administration will learn how to ACT on something instead of imbibing in the usual paralysis by analysis. Time is running out and when Pakistan falls, this world will be on course for World War 3.
Pakistan could collapse within six months: US expert
The dire prediction was made by David Kilcullen, a former adviser to top US military commander General David Petraeus. David Kilcullen is the best known practitioner of counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency operations and had advised Gen Petraeus on the counter-insurgency programme in Iraq. Few experts understand the nature of the insurgency in Af-Pak as well and he is now advising Petraeus in Afghanistan. Petraeus also echoed the same thought when he told a Congressional testimony last week that the insurgency could "take down" Pakistan, which is home to nuclear weapons and al-Qaida. Kilcullen's comments come as Pakistan witnesses an unprecedented upswing in terror strikes and now some analysts in Pakistan and Washington are putting forward apocalyptic timetables for the country. "We are running out of time to help Pakistan change its present course toward increasing economic and political instability, and even ultimate failure," said a recent report by a task force of the Atlantic Council that was led by former senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska and senator John Kerry of Massachusetts. The report, released in February, gave the Pakistani government 6 to 12 months before things went from bad to dangerous. In an analysis piece, the New York Times cast doubts about the success of President Barack Obama's strategy offering Pakistan a partnership to defeat insurgency, as Pakistanis still consider India enemy number one. Officially, Islamabad welcomed Obama's strategy, with its hefty infusions of American money, hailing it as a "positive change", the paper said. But as the Obama administration tries to bring Pakistan to its side, large parts of the public, political class and the military have brushed off the plan, rebuffing the idea that the threat from al-Qaida and the Taliban, which Washington calls a common enemy, is so urgent, the newspaper added. Some, including Pak army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and President Asif Ali Zardari may be coming around but for the military, at least, India remains priority No. 1, as it has for the 61 years of Pakistan's existence, the paper said. How to shift that focus in time for Pakistan to defeat a fast-expanding Islamic insurgency that threatens to devour the country is the challenge facing Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, and Richard Holbrooke, the special envoy to the region, as they arrive in Pakistan for talks later this week, the Times emphasised. Strengthening Pakistan's weak civilian institutions, updating political parties rooted in feudal loyalties and recasting a military "fixated on yesterday's enemy", and stuck in the traditions of conventional warfare, are generational challenges, the paper said, warning that Pakistan may not have the luxury of the long term to meet them. Even before the insurgency has been fully engaged, however, many Pakistanis have concluded that reaching an accommodation with the militants is preferable to fighting them. Some, including mid-ranking soldiers, choose to see the militants not as the enemy, but as fellow Muslims who are deserving of greater sympathy than are the American aims, the paper added.
Not to worry, all Nukes will be destroyed soon, ours via dismantling theirs by detonation.
As the token liberal who comments on this blog I'll say this - I'd support a US invasion of Pakistan if and when it falls to the Taliban. Hopefully India and China would pitch in. I'd fully support the scrap metal drives, draft, war bonds, etc because that is what it will take to do this right - no more Republican wars on the cheap.
If GM fails who will make the tanks, planes, and jeeps when we are fully mobilized? That's why the US auto industry must be kept around in some form - national security.
WWII got us out of the first Depression - maybe WWIII will get us out of this one. Obama will be a much better wartime president than Cheney was.
Obama will make a lousy wartime president. At least Cheney had some experience. (and as I recall Cheney wasnt president) The biggest problem with the previous administration was Rumsfeld, he was the one that did the war on the cheap. He was the one that told the generals that they could only have 1/3 of what they requested for the invasion of Iraq. We had enough shooters for the war that was evident, what we did not have was the follow on guys, Security and engineers to get shit hole under control as the shooters moved on. Hence the looting and the freaking YEARS without electicity, water, etc. Had those support troops been on line right after the shooters moved on, the war might have been a hell of a lot shorter as the locals would have been better off and we could have maintained the good will that the people showed immediatly after the fall of Saddam.
Allowing Pakistan to fall to the Taliban is to late. Wouldnt take but an hour for those paki nukes to disappear into the mists only to reappear in some container in the New York harbor at a later date. No the ideal situation would be to have a president with the nads to step up and help prevent the taliwhacker take over of Pakistan.
no more Republican wars on the cheap.
WTF? Are you kidding me? If it wasn't for the left fighting Bush every step of the way, it could have been much swifter and more efficient - AND we wouldn't have spent all that time being 'diplomatic' while Saddam moved all his weapons.
With all his support from the Left, I guess Obama can get it over with fast - just drop a nuke. Why not? The left will love him no matter what
Let me get this strait - Republicans had a majority in the Senate, the House, and the White House for the first 3 YEARS of the Iraq war but the wars numerous failures are the Democrats fault? Who was Commander in Cheif?
Maybe the left fought Bush because the whole war has proven to be based on the fantasies and lies of the last administration. I've said this before - if you won't use WMDs to repell an invasion you don't have them.
Your whole comment sounds like typical Bush "pass the buck" mentality when things go wrong.
Thank God for regieme change at home
300,000 man Army all that is needed to "conquer" Pakistan?
Boy we haven't learned much have we.
American military Hubris will eventually lead to a serious military crisis
The technology gap is already shrinking. Unless you use endless robots.
HR, I wasn't saying we "only" need 300,000 to conquer Pakistan. Actualy, that is a horrible typo on my part, and meant 300 million (or roughly our entire population). But the number aside, I was merely asking Esq. here if he would be willing to volunteer for the military if "Obama's War on Pakistan" took place.
American simply does not have the manpower to control Pakistan. Sure, I feel we could win, but with much greater blood and treasure than many (yes, including myself) have the stomach for until it is absolutely necessary.
If I were young and single - yes. As it stands I'm too old for basic training, they wouldn't take me anyway - but yeah - I feel a draft, thats what it would take to go into Pakistan. India and China may jump in they are more at risk than we are by a Taliban Pakistan
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