Okay, I'm not going to go on and on about how infuriated the Christians of America are going to be over the President's announcement in Turkey that America isn't a Christian nation...or a Jewish nation...or a Muslim nation....but I did want to point out that in America, dear leader MaObama, there are approximately 280 million Christians in America - that's 280 million sir. Okay, how many people actually voted for Barack Obama in the Presidential election? Okay, now compare that to 280 million Christians. This will not go unnoticed. Anyway, here's the quote that I had to pull from a blog called AmericanFreeThought:
What I want to point out to everyone is how the Main Stream Media has absolutely shunned themselves from this quote by Obama. SHUNNED themselves. They wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole.
I got home, went to link to this story and could not find it at any of the regular sources or feeds. So I Googled it. I encourage you to go to Google right now. Type in "Obama America is not a christian country" and then go down the list of entries there and I defy you to find ONE national news network or reporting service - no AP, no Reuters, no ABC, no CBS, no NBC, no Fox, no nothing. Do it! Look for yourself.
And what this means is simple - this is going to piss off a huge number of people but as has been the case with Obama since the presidential campaign, the MSM is shielding us from any mistakes this goofball makes. Ridiculous.
“Although…we have a large Christian population, we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, or a Jewish nation, or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values.”Okay, what I want to point out to all of my readers isn't the lunacy of this statement nor the constant degradation of faith in America by Barack Obama...by the way, remember the little church a block away from the White House that Barack and Michelle Obama stopped at on the way to the inauguration? Wanna guess how many times the Obama's have attended church SINCE he took office? Go ahead, make a wild guess.
What I want to point out to everyone is how the Main Stream Media has absolutely shunned themselves from this quote by Obama. SHUNNED themselves. They wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole.
I got home, went to link to this story and could not find it at any of the regular sources or feeds. So I Googled it. I encourage you to go to Google right now. Type in "Obama America is not a christian country" and then go down the list of entries there and I defy you to find ONE national news network or reporting service - no AP, no Reuters, no ABC, no CBS, no NBC, no Fox, no nothing. Do it! Look for yourself.
And what this means is simple - this is going to piss off a huge number of people but as has been the case with Obama since the presidential campaign, the MSM is shielding us from any mistakes this goofball makes. Ridiculous.
To paraphrase (and modify) Tonto: "Who is this 'we,' Halfrican-American in Chief?"
Sure, "we" may not be officially a Christian nation, but when 280 million (out of ~300 million) memeber of a nation claim one religion, that tends to be how others classify them. Go ahead, ask "secular" Turkey if they consider themselves Muslim. Then, ask they if we're a Christian nation or not.
Unfortunately, President Rookie still has to learn that what he speaks does not become the de-facto truth to the rest of the world.
Europeans may be going to church less - but nearly every nation in Europe officially endorses one church or another - the Church of England, Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic etc. This cheapens the spiritual aspect of faith. Government endorsement of religion is the kind of thing our founding fathers knew enough to steer clear of.
Looks at a dollar, "in God we Trust", pretty much says it all for me.
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