Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Video: Commander-in-Chief Obama Knows The 10 Pillars of Communism By Heart But Can't Remember The Names of Iraq Army Units - Baghdad Speech WITH Notes


Esquerita said...

I was just watching this on the news and wondering how you would spin it. ...And yet Obama got more campaign donations from America's active armed forces than McCain. Did you see the footage of the troops cheering wildly when Obama said US troops would be out by the end of 2011?
Unfortunately they will be needed in Afghanistan and Pakistan by then - two places they should have gone instead of Iraq in the first place.

Holger Awakens said...


Are you saying that if you polled the active members of the military, meaning ALL members of the active military and asked them if they support President Obama more or less than George W. Bush, Obama would score higher?

:Holger Danske

Esquerita said...

No - I'm saying more of them supported Obama over McCain. This is easily answered with a google of military votes in 2008- I don't have time to do it right now - Anyone? I may be wrong.

Axel Myer said...

In fairness. BOTH Oblooga and Bush
would not be able to name the units in Iraq.

You don't honestly believe Bush was pouring over maps from 2004-2007 Holger. He had no clue.

The MBA Presidential style is to delegate to the "help" then either take credit for the success or pass the buck during the failure.

Very common. Fellows like me who work in the Private Secter for 16 years would no that. Many most don't know. Especially the under 40 Generation. I am an exception to that and many other rules.

The tragedy of this PR episode is of course completely missed by the Egalitarian Repubs and Dems. Which is you need to look at the race of the people behind him during his speech.

Negroes and or Women "Soldiers".

The White European American male is the "bad guy" now in Marxist/Zionist America.

Holger your avatar needs to awake.