Okay, I just spent the last 15 minutes watching ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos and their roundtable discussion about the War in Afghanistan. Appearing with Stephanopoulos were George Will, Martha Raddatz, Bob Woodward and one other journalist I didn't catch the name of, but what I saw was the classic set up by a news program to stake out the rationale for giving up on the War in Afghanistan. First, let's look at one of the reasons why this whole discussion stood out for me - Stephanopoulos spent 15 minutes on it! If you've ever seen his show, in the round table format they tackle several issues and usually a 15 minute segment is divided up into at least three issues - not today, it was ALL about Afghanistan.
I have no video or text of their exchanges but believe me, there was about 13 minutes of pointing out the hopelessness, the cost, the futility of the U.S. being in Afghanistan. I blogged the other day about how the New York Times did the same thing in setting this up and just yesterday I blogged about how Obama has been nearly silent on the issue after talking big during the campaign.
I'm telling you folks, get ready for a ground swell of this positioning by the MSM and I firmly believe that the MSM is the set up guy here...to do all the straw man construction until finally, they have Obama in a press conference where he can rely on their groundwork to agree with them.
What I want to point out is this - many, many Americans do NOT believe that President Barack Obama will keep America as safe as George Bush did in regards to terror attacks. And this softening and backing out of Afghanistan is a perfect example. Martha Raddatz today brought up that favorite Liberal line of " we took our eye off the ball in Afghanistan when we went into Iraq" but of course, military genius Martha in the same breath went on and on and on talking about how hopeless any military strategy in Afghanistan is.
So, in a nutshell, what these pundits are saying is this: Afghanistan is hopeless, we need to leave. But do you think ANY of them have the balls to explain to the American people just what that will mean? Well, I'll tell you. It would mean a total return of Taliban power to Afghanistan. It would mean Osama bin Laden's return to Afghanistan. It would mean a return of major al Qaeda training camps to Afghanistan. It would mean a return of 9/11 type terror attack planning to Afghanistan. And, it would mean more devastating terror attacks in America.
It is that simple. Leave Afghanistan and you issue a death sentence to thousands of Americans. At the same time, I haven't even touched on what it would mean regionally in that part of the country as jihadists are free to stage attacks on vulnerable countries in the region such as Pakistan, Iraq and India.
I'm blogging about this, folks, because I think it's important that we all realize what is coming...so that we can be aware that our fears of Obama's lack of conviction against terror will cost this country dearly. I believe it is going to gain incredible momentum and before we know it, we will see some earth shattering announcements from this administration - so I think it is important that you see just how this was all set up. So we all realize that it was planned from the get go. So we all realize that Obama lied in his campaign. And we will be hard pressed to survive these lies.
1 comment:
the handwriting is on the wall
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