Once again, we see 90% of the world's problems and unrest trickling back to one source....Iran. The Iranians have been in Gaza training Hamas on firing a new missile - one called the Nur C-802 that is designed to be fired from the shores of Gaza out into the Mediterranean Sea at Israeli ships so to destroy the current blockade of Gaza. Remember, at this very moment there is an Iranian ship docked at a Cyprus port that was destined for Gaza and it has been confirmed to contain rockets and/or missiles - perhaps the C-802's are part of that load as this is why the Iranians are doing their training now ....preparing Hamas for a large shipment of them. Here's some of the details from DEBKA:
So, as has been the case for the past five years, Iran continues it's big business of terror exporting to Hamas and Hezbollah and at the same time, the Iranians continue their build up of nuclear weapons capabilities. They have vowed to destroy Israel. What in the sam hell is the world waiting for? WHY is there nothing but a charred landscape in Iran at this moment? Name one country, other than Syria, that would object to the decimation of Iran? It certainly wouldn't be Saudi Arabia, Jordan or Egypt!
I have to believe the Israelis have some major plans up their sleeves...they simply cannot afford to wait any longer as they have seen Hamas armed now with much longer rockets and now these new missiles...they have Hezbollah armed to the teeth like never before and finally, they are facing the biggest threat in Iranian nuclear weapons that could easily reach Tel Aviv. My advice is to simply forget that America has a new President and do what you need to do, Israel. And do it quickly.
DEBKAfile's military sources reveal a formidable addition to Hamas' arsenal: The missile fired from Gaza out to the Mediterranean last week was not a Qassam as reported but a C-802, the Iranian shore-to-ship Nur C-802 missile, which is based on the Chinese "Silkworm."
It was launched by Iranian officers who are training Hamas operatives in its use before delivering a large consignment. With its 120-km range and 165-kilo warhead, the C-802's mission is to break Israel's 40 km blockade of Gaza's waters. This is now the key objective of Tehran and the Palestinian Islamists.
The new version has the attributes of a cruise missile: It has small radar reflectivity, is armed with a strong anti-jamming capability and can skim as low as 5-7 meters from the water's surface under the targeted ship's radar. Tehran claims its updated Nur anti-ship missile has
98 percent targeting effectiveness.
So, as has been the case for the past five years, Iran continues it's big business of terror exporting to Hamas and Hezbollah and at the same time, the Iranians continue their build up of nuclear weapons capabilities. They have vowed to destroy Israel. What in the sam hell is the world waiting for? WHY is there nothing but a charred landscape in Iran at this moment? Name one country, other than Syria, that would object to the decimation of Iran? It certainly wouldn't be Saudi Arabia, Jordan or Egypt!
I have to believe the Israelis have some major plans up their sleeves...they simply cannot afford to wait any longer as they have seen Hamas armed now with much longer rockets and now these new missiles...they have Hezbollah armed to the teeth like never before and finally, they are facing the biggest threat in Iranian nuclear weapons that could easily reach Tel Aviv. My advice is to simply forget that America has a new President and do what you need to do, Israel. And do it quickly.
Hamas fires first Iranian shore-to-ship C-802 missile from Gaza
DEBKAfile's military sources reveal a formidable addition to Hamas' arsenal: The missile fired from Gaza out to the Mediterranean last week was not a Qassam as reported but a C-802, the Iranian shore-to-ship Nur C-802 missile, which is based on the Chinese "Silkworm."
It was launched by Iranian officers who are training Hamas operatives in its use before delivering a large consignment. With its 120-km range and 165-kilo warhead, the C-802's mission is to break Israel's 40 km blockade of Gaza's waters. This is now the key objective of Tehran and the Palestinian Islamists.
The Israeli Navy's first brush with the C-802 was in the 2006 Lebanon war. On July 14, it was used by Hizballah to cripple the Hanit missile ship opposite Beirut.
The Israeli military says last week's launch was a serious provocation and a violation of Hamas' own declared ceasefire of Jan. 19. The amount of these missiles smuggled into Gaza and their date of delivery, whether before Israel's 22-day military operation or into the ceasefire, is unknown.
Our sources affirm that arms smuggling to Gaza continues by land and sea at the pre-war tempo notwithstanding the brave talk in Jerusalem, Washington and Cairo of a concerted effort to stem the flow.
An field officer dealing with the traffic says Israeli officials' threats to hit back at each smuggling incident as though it was a missile launch have not lessened the flow of weapons heading into Gaza through Egyptian Sinai and the Philadelphi border Corridor.
Since 2006, military experts note, Iran has upgraded the C-802 in an important respect. Then, Hizballah depended on the Lebanese army's sophisticated radar for accurate targeting of the Israeli warship. For Hizballah and Hamas, Iran's manufactures have come up with a version that operates without radar - 1,000 missiles have already been delivered to Hizballah.
The new version has the attributes of a cruise missile: It has small radar reflectivity, is armed with a strong anti-jamming capability and can skim as low as 5-7 meters from the water's surface under the targeted ship's radar. Tehran claims its updated Nur anti-ship missile has
98 percent targeting effectiveness.
Great analysis. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Anonymous...much appreciated. Glad you stopped by.
:Holger Danske
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