Monday, October 6, 2008

Afghan Taliban-linked Leader Was Given Protection Inside Of Iran In 2005

Per the release of a confidential Spanish security report, Taliban-linked leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar of Hezb-e Islami , was given protection and asylum in Iran in 2005. For those not recognizing the name of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar...well, he's the Taliban (Hezb-e Islami) bad guy who took responsibility for the recent ambush of French troops in Afghanistan where Hekmatyar's Taliban jihadists killed 10 French troops. He's also the man that has a multi million dollar bounty on his head courtesy of the U.S. government. And Iran was protecting his ass in 2005. Here's the details from the report from Lloyds:

A confidential military report made public Monday charges Iran offered protection to an Afghan insurgent leader who claimed responsibility for an August ambush that killed 10 French soldiers.
The report by Spain's CIFAS military intelligence agency, which was obtained by Cadena Ser radio and posted on the station's Web site, said Gulbuddin Hekmatyar enjoyed "total freedom" when he lived at a Tehran hotel in 2005 - with his security provided by the Iranian government.
He met daily with many unidentified individuals while in Tehran, added the report which was dated Aug. 9, 2005, according to Cadena Ser.
Hekmatyar, who briefly served as prime minister during Afghanistan's civil war in the 1990s, is considered one of the country's most radical warlords who is already known to have sought refuge in Iran between 1996 and 2002.
The U.S. has offered a multi-million-dollar reward for his capture.
Last week, he said in a video message that his faction had carried out an ambush Aug. 18 that killed 10 French soldiers in Sarabi, to the east of the Afghan capital Kabul.

Further into the article, it discusses a bit about how Iran has also furnished weapons to the Taliban, so I ask you...when we add this to the list of acts by the Iranians against the world, how many violations do the Iranians have to make to get their country flattened? Who in this world is going to have the guts and the decency to finally exterminate the Iranian mullahs from the face of the earth?

We have sat through the Iranian sponsored terrorism of Hamas and Hezbollah, we have witnessed the Iranian IED's and trained personnel interfere with the War in Iraq, we are currently watching the Iranians defy the world by developing nuclear weapons and we have witnessed the threat by the Iranians to destroy Israel.

I actually thought that President Bush was going to act a couple of months ago and I've been waiting and waiting for the Israelis to take out the nukes, but with each passing day, it seems the Iranians continue to live a teflon life. We can link Iran now to U.S. troop deaths in Iraq and with this report, we can link Iran to the deaths of French soldiers in Afghanistan. I've said it several times before...there isn't a country in the world, save Russia, that will object to anyone blowing the mullahs, Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollah off the face of the earth. Just fucking do it.

Afghan Insurgent Leader Protected By Iran - Spanish Radio

MADRID (AFP)--A confidential military report made public Monday charges Iran offered protection to an Afghan insurgent leader who claimed responsibility for an August ambush that killed 10 French soldiers.
The report by Spain's CIFAS military intelligence agency, which was obtained by Cadena Ser radio and posted on the station's Web site, said Gulbuddin Hekmatyar enjoyed "total freedom" when he lived at a Tehran hotel in 2005 - with his security provided by the Iranian government.
He met daily with many unidentified individuals while in Tehran, added the report which was dated Aug. 9, 2005, according to Cadena Ser.
Hekmatyar, who briefly served as prime minister during Afghanistan's civil war in the 1990s, is considered one of the country's most radical warlords who is already known to have sought refuge in Iran between 1996 and 2002.
The U.S. has offered a multi-million-dollar reward for his capture.
Last week, he said in a video message that his faction had carried out an ambush Aug. 18 that killed 10 French soldiers in Sarabi, to the east of the Afghan capital Kabul.
The incident, in which 21 troops were also wounded, was the deadliest ground attack on international troops since their 2001 deployment in Afghanistan to oust the hardline Taliban regime.
Cadena Ser did not say how it obtained the report, which apparently was marked confidential and bore the seal of Spain's defense ministry.
The radio station also said the intelligence agency suspects Tehran supplied an allied terrorist group with U.S.-made Stinger missile launchers.
Another report says Iranian agents in April 2005 bought "several Stinger missile systems" from an Afghan arms dealer, Cadena Ser said.
"Iran buys weapons to then transfer them to a third party, probably Iranian terrorist groups," it said.
Last week, the station published yet another confidential defense report dated the same year claiming Pakistan's spy service helped arm Taliban insurgents in 2005 to carry out assassination attempts against the Afghan government.


Anonymous said...

Hekmatyar's group is not the Taliban, it is Hezb-i-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG). Hekmatyar's presence in Iran is also not unusual, he spent time there in the past.

Holger Awakens said...


Thanks for the clarification and yes, you are correct. However, I've gotten to the point where it takes me literally hours a week to try and describe minute differences between the Taliban and every off shoot sect that mirrors them in every way - Pakistan is a good example. Baitullah Mehsud is technically not Taliban but he works in unison with them, shares the same goals and kills the same targets.

I doubt any U.S. troops are going to distinguish any difference between the Taliban and Hezb-i-Islami in their crosshairs.

But I appreciate the correction for leaders....and I will amend the story.

:Holger Danske