Monday, October 6, 2008

Taliban Rebuild Children's Suicide Bomber Camp In Pakistan

And you wonder why the local tribes in the NWFP of Afghanistan are starting to assemble their lashkars or Awakenings. A suicide bombers' camp for children run by the Taliban was destroyed in January by the Pakistani military but has now been rebuilt. The article is here at The Long War Journal and quite frankly, it has to be read, to be believed:

The Taliban have rebuilt a camp in South Waziristan that trains children to be suicide bombers, a video from Pakistan shows. Children as young as seven years old are indoctrinated to wage jihad in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The video, obtained by AfPax Insider, was shot in August in Spinkai Ragzai, South Waziristan, a tribal area run by Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud. The Taliban are seen "training dozens of boys ranging in age from seven to 14," the news service reported. "The video attempts to justify suicide bombings as a legitimate means of attack against "infidels.'"
The images shows the children reading from the Quran and an adult Taliban training the children. One slide shows a poster board with the words “Killing a Spy” written in English.
While not explicitly stated in the AfPax Insider report, the camp is run by Qari Hussain, a senior lieutenant to Baitullah who has close links to al Qaeda. Hussain has rebuilt his child training camp after the Pakistani military demolished his suicide nursery during a short offensive in Spinkai in January 2008.
You really need to read the entire article to understand the barbarism of all of this. Yet you hear NOTHING from the supposed "moderate" muslims of this world regarding these atrocities. These are seven year old children!

I have called for the out and out extermination of the Taliban from the face of the Earth - hell, I do that nearly every day and as far as I am concerned, this is just another example of just why these minions of Satan must not roam the earth one day longer.

Taliban rebuild children’s suicide camp in South Waziristan

In May, a senior Pakistani general described the previous camp as a "factory." The military seized numerous documents and training materials in the demolished camp.
"It was like a factory that had been recruiting nine to 12-year-old boys, and turning them into suicide bombers," said Major General Tariq Khan, the commander of Pakistan's 14 Division, which led the operation in South Waziristan.
"The computers, other equipment and literature seized from the place ... give graphic details of the training process in this so-called ‘nursery,’" Dawn reported in May. "There are videos of young boys carrying out executions, a classroom where 10- to 12-year olds are sitting in formations, with white band of Quranic verses wrapped around their forehead, and there are training videos to show how improvised explosive devices are made and detonated."
The Pakistani military launched the operation in South Waziristan on Jan. 24 after Taliban forces commanded by Baitullah overran two military outposts and conducted attacks against other forts and military convoys in the tribal agency.
The Pakistani military reported that Hussain was killed in January after intercepting Taliban communications. The military later reiterated that claim during the tour of the Spinkai camp on May 18.

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