There is a terrific article here at Family Security Matters written by Peter Probst that does an excellent job of detailing the movement of radical islam here in the United States. Probst does a great job of understanding not only HOW the islamists are attacking us here on American soil, but WHY they are doing it. Look at this excerpt:
Now, look at this excerpt closely:
Now I ask you ...just WHO does that describe? You got it! C.A.I.R. This is exactly the strategy employed by CAIR day in and day out. Veiled as a bridging organization that brings American and Islamic ideals together as one, CAIR is one of the most effective groups at this subtle jihad in America. Some of us are on to it, most of us are not. While the government has been busy trying to expose the link between CAIR and terrorist organizations, there needs to be a secondary campaign against CAIR and other islamic groups in America that removes the sheep's clothing that they wear - expose them not only for the terror links but expose their lies and their agenda.
Afterall, what do you think is more likely to happen in America? A jihadist army invades and conquers Chicago OR the Supreme Court upholds the application of Sharia Law in the municipality of Boca Raton, Florida?
The truth is the Islamists do not hate us because of the freedoms we enjoy. They do not hate us because we are wealthy and powerful. They do not hate us because of our support of Israel. They hate us because they see us as the prime impediment to the realization of their messianic vision of a global caliphate under Sharia law. They recognize that they cannot conquer us through force of arms, economic warfare or even terrorism. Their strategy is one of Political Warfare to sap our strength, self-confidence and will to resist and, thereby, leave us vulnerable to more conventional forms of aggression.
Now, look at this excerpt closely:
American-based Islamists intensively promote coalition building across divisions of class, party, religion and ethnicity. They are extremely adroit at exploiting the hubris, vanity and lust for power of politicians, pundits and opportunists; as well as, the best impulses of the well-meaning who are desperately seeking to build a better world through accommodations that too often paper over fundamental differences and promise peace in our time.
Now I ask you ...just WHO does that describe? You got it! C.A.I.R. This is exactly the strategy employed by CAIR day in and day out. Veiled as a bridging organization that brings American and Islamic ideals together as one, CAIR is one of the most effective groups at this subtle jihad in America. Some of us are on to it, most of us are not. While the government has been busy trying to expose the link between CAIR and terrorist organizations, there needs to be a secondary campaign against CAIR and other islamic groups in America that removes the sheep's clothing that they wear - expose them not only for the terror links but expose their lies and their agenda.
Afterall, what do you think is more likely to happen in America? A jihadist army invades and conquers Chicago OR the Supreme Court upholds the application of Sharia Law in the municipality of Boca Raton, Florida?
The Many Forms of Radical Islam All Threaten America
Part One of Three
Peter S. Probst
Most of us who study terrorism focus primarily, if not exclusively, on the violence and the carnage. But there is another aspect to terrorism that that represents a long term, sub-threshold threat and highly effective form of attack to which we are subjected on a daily basis. It is a campaign of sophisticated Political Warfare that is largely unacknowledged by the government and, as a consequence, is unappreciated by the American public.
Radical Islam in a multitude of forms and guises, using a broad array of tactics and strategies represents the prime internal security threat to our country. The government focuses primarily on the external threat but for literally decades highly trained Islamist cadre have been operating successfully and with significant effect on American soil. The nature and scope of this growing and complex internal threat is rarely addressed in public forums. Some have described it as the “third rail” of American political discourse.
These American-based Islamists and the groups they represent are increasingly reliant on sophisticated Political Action operations designed to eviscerate government capabilities to uncover and dismantle terrorist cells and support mechanisms. They capitalize on our government’s failure to recognize and counter their Political Action activities, which are being promoted through a variety of instruments including seemingly independent and benign front groups established to advance the radical Islamist agenda. They use our freedoms, constitutional guarantees, and the advantages of an open society as both a sword and shield in this latest iteration of ideological warfare.
They seek to foster malignant self-doubt as best expressed by the question so many of the well meaning ask: “Why do they hate us?” The answer should be painfully obvious but, regrettably, eludes too many political figures and pundits. The truth is the Islamists do not hate us because of the freedoms we enjoy. They do not hate us because we are wealthy and powerful. They do not hate us because of our support of Israel. They hate us because they see us as the prime impediment to the realization of their messianic vision of a global caliphate under Sharia law. They recognize that they cannot conquer us through force of arms, economic warfare or even terrorism. Their strategy is one of Political Warfare to sap our strength, self-confidence and will to resist and, thereby, leave us vulnerable to more conventional forms of aggression. History has taught that once a nation’s internal defenses are compromised and the public psychologically disarmed, a country can fall into the hands of an adversary like a ripe fruit – a strategy practiced successfully by both the Bolsheviks and the Nazis.
Although we may be loath to admit it, for years America has been used as safe haven by terrorist groups. Shielded by our constitutional guarantees, such groups have felt free to raise funds, disseminate propaganda, recruit cadre and foot soldiers, and mount operations. One of their prime goals has been to influence the American public and our elected representatives. They lobby, lie and dissemble, counting on American naiveté and good will to cut them the slack they need to promote the revolutions they seek.
They burrow deep, and integrate themselves into our communities and political fabric. They cultivate members of Congress, media, pundits, civil rights organizations, and those the Communists labeled “useful idiots.” Through a variety of mechanisms such as political fronts, mass organizations, friendly media, NGOs, charities and agents-of-influence, they mobilize support, forge alliances, and exploit the sympathy needed to provide political advantage and expand their political base.
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