The Senate briefings from General Petraeus were a chance for the three Presidential candidates to showcase themselves to the American people and Democrat candidate Barack Hussein Obama took this opportunity to look at the General and the audience of America and exclaim that "We should be talking to them as well," - meaning Iran.
Let's understand exactly what Obama's message in that statement sends to Iran:
1. Obama is calling for talks with Iran as a reward to Iran's 'in your face' posturing of their journey towards illegal nuclear weapons development.
2. Obama's message tells the Iranians - We know that your training and weapons and personnel are responsible for the deaths of U.S. troops in Iraq so you now get a chance to sit down and talk with us.
3. Obama, in an indirect way in saying this, has dismissed the calls of the Iranians for the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of Israel's people.
And that is what America can expect from a Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. Appeasement and negotiation. Now, I ask you a very serious question. When is the last time that you EVER saw ANY negotiations with an islamic regime run country end up with the islamists making ANY concessions of their own? It simply never happens. And the reason is based upon their ideology. The framework of islam calls for world submission by infidels to the islamic state - no exceptions. So, when an islamic country like Iran sits down for any talks they see that as a form of submission by the engaging country. To put it simply, the islamic country sees itself always in the right and anyone can see that when you are 100% in the right, you simply have nothing to offer in a negotiations.
Let me throw this out to you. When Nancy Pelosi made her controversial trip to Syria, do you recall now silent Pelosi was after her return to America? Think about it...she made this seemingly career defining trip to a nation the Administration has no relations with and with a chance for her to rock the political landscape of America with a breakthrough, she comes back and doesn't say a word. Why was that? Well, because Nancy Pelosi found out for herself that the Syrians had nothing to offer up on the table. She found out first hand the disgust the Syrians had for her and her country as infidels. Perhaps Nancy outta pull Obama aside give him a lesson on sitting down with islamists.
Here's the full story from Breitbart.
Let's understand exactly what Obama's message in that statement sends to Iran:
1. Obama is calling for talks with Iran as a reward to Iran's 'in your face' posturing of their journey towards illegal nuclear weapons development.
2. Obama's message tells the Iranians - We know that your training and weapons and personnel are responsible for the deaths of U.S. troops in Iraq so you now get a chance to sit down and talk with us.
3. Obama, in an indirect way in saying this, has dismissed the calls of the Iranians for the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of Israel's people.
And that is what America can expect from a Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. Appeasement and negotiation. Now, I ask you a very serious question. When is the last time that you EVER saw ANY negotiations with an islamic regime run country end up with the islamists making ANY concessions of their own? It simply never happens. And the reason is based upon their ideology. The framework of islam calls for world submission by infidels to the islamic state - no exceptions. So, when an islamic country like Iran sits down for any talks they see that as a form of submission by the engaging country. To put it simply, the islamic country sees itself always in the right and anyone can see that when you are 100% in the right, you simply have nothing to offer in a negotiations.
Let me throw this out to you. When Nancy Pelosi made her controversial trip to Syria, do you recall now silent Pelosi was after her return to America? Think about it...she made this seemingly career defining trip to a nation the Administration has no relations with and with a chance for her to rock the political landscape of America with a breakthrough, she comes back and doesn't say a word. Why was that? Well, because Nancy Pelosi found out for herself that the Syrians had nothing to offer up on the table. She found out first hand the disgust the Syrians had for her and her country as infidels. Perhaps Nancy outta pull Obama aside give him a lesson on sitting down with islamists.
Here's the full story from Breitbart.
Obama calls for talks with Iran over Iraq
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Tuesday called for a "diplomatic surge" including talks with US foe Iran, to help stabilize the situation in Iraq.
The Illinois Senator battling Hillary Clinton for his party's nomination called for more pressure on the Iraqi government to embrace political reconciliation and a regional "diplomatic surge that includes Iran."
"We should be talking to them as well," Obama told the top US General in Iraq David Petraeus and US ambassador to Baghdad Ryan Crocker.
"I do not believe we are going to be able to stabilize the situation without that" said Obama, adding that a plan for US troop withdrawals was needed to force Iraqi factions to work together.
"I think that increased pressure in a measured way, in my mind, and this is where we disagree, includes a timetable for withdrawal. Nobody is asking for a precipitous withdrawal."
Obama has taken fire from his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton and Republican presumptive nominee John McCain for his offer to talk, if elected president, with the leaders of several US foes including Iran.
He used his question period during the crucial Senate hearing to restate his initial opposition to the war in Iraq, which Clinton voted to authorize.
"We all have the greatest interest in seeing a successful resolution to Iraq," Obama told Petraeus and Crocker.
1 comment:
Obama would change everything: http://observers.france24.com/en/content/20080409-obama-iran-talk-ahmadinejad-banisadr
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