Whoa! The article that details new finding from the British Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, can be found here at NewsOfTheWorld, contains so much new terror info, let's get right to it:
What I am reading from the Home Secretary is almost bordering on panic. She is not pulling any punches - she is saying it like it is - they either have to put away the jihadists for extended sentences and/or they have to give police and security officials more leeway in their investigations. Or there will be hell to pay.
More from the article:
And in essence, what Home Secretary Smith is complaining about is something that President Bush saw years ago - a need for greater surveillance and a whole new charge against these plotters that enables local and federal policing agencies to hold them for extended time. The people of the U.K. are going to wake up some day to a horrific set of attacks because they tried to err on the side of human rights for plotters who simply do not qualify as humans. We are at war agains jihad and if you look at it as a traditional war, would you capture an enemy combatant behind your lines and let him go in one week? Of course not, in times of war, that detainee would be in a P.O.W. camp - this is war, these plotters are the enemy and they should either see the inside of a prison cell until the war is over or they should hang in the gallows.
"There are 2,000 individuals who are being monitored. There are 200 networks involved and 30 active plots."
And she warned the menace of Islamic fanatics is mounting so fast that police will be unable to cope within a year—unless they are given new powers to lock up terror suspects for longer.
We can't wait for an attack to succeed and then rush in new powers," said Mrs Smith. "We have got to stay ahead.
What I am reading from the Home Secretary is almost bordering on panic. She is not pulling any punches - she is saying it like it is - they either have to put away the jihadists for extended sentences and/or they have to give police and security officials more leeway in their investigations. Or there will be hell to pay.
More from the article:
"The complexity of these plots is growing and the number of international investigations is greater than before. Each time a plot is uncovered, the terrorists learn and they develop.
"That's why there is a massive increase in the way they are using technology and encrypting information. So it takes time to get the evidence you need to charge somebody."
And in essence, what Home Secretary Smith is complaining about is something that President Bush saw years ago - a need for greater surveillance and a whole new charge against these plotters that enables local and federal policing agencies to hold them for extended time. The people of the U.K. are going to wake up some day to a horrific set of attacks because they tried to err on the side of human rights for plotters who simply do not qualify as humans. We are at war agains jihad and if you look at it as a traditional war, would you capture an enemy combatant behind your lines and let him go in one week? Of course not, in times of war, that detainee would be in a P.O.W. camp - this is war, these plotters are the enemy and they should either see the inside of a prison cell until the war is over or they should hang in the gallows.
30 plots on UK
HOME Secretary Jacqui Smith last night revealed security forces are investigating THIRTY deadly terror plots which threaten mayhem across Britain.
She told the News of the World: "We now face a threat level that is severe. It's actually growing.
"That's why there is a massive increase in the way they are using technology and encrypting information. So it takes time to get the evidence you need to charge somebody."
This week the Home Secretary will step up the government's "Prevent" campaign—its battle against Islamic extremists who preach hate and indoctrinate potential jihadi recruits.
On Wednesday she will announce a new deal she struck with the Pakistani government on a visit last week. It will allow respected moderate Islamic clerics to be brought over from Pakistan to help British imams combat extremism in the Islamic communities.
Mrs Smith explained: "The vast majority of British Muslims have a Pakistani heritage. If we work with the government there we can win the arguments.
"We need to do more to tackle those places where radicalisation is developing—in prisons, schools, higher education—so that people are getting the right messages about what it means to be a British Muslim."
She added: "We will also work to ensure we identify vulnerable people being groomed for terror—in the same way we protect young people from being dragged into crime and abuse
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