And now the Saudis have joined the car swarm of outcry over the killing of defenseless palestinians. :Spit:
Get this from the Saudis:
Well, Saudi Arabia, I have four words for you: Shut The Fuck Up.
In fact, Saudi Arabia, let's make a deal ... we'll give al Qaeda in Iraq 1000 Qassam missiles and have them start lobbing 200 a day into Riyadh and then we'll see what you do. Deal?
Here's more of the rhetoric from the Sauds:
I can't believe this - "children, women and elderly"....hahaha! Funny, but those "elderly" Hamas jihadists dressed in green and black firing missiles daily into Sderot and Ashkelon don't look a day over 25 yrs old to me! Elderly!
Well, the "Kingdom" can kiss the world's ass. If you are so concerned Saudia Arabia, section off 14 square miles of land in your own country and truck the poor palis in - give 'em a state! What's that? You don't want the flea bags in your country? That's what I thought. It's easy to defend the pali mongrels from afar isn't it, but when it comes down to putting your money where your mouth is, all is silent. You Sauds wouldn't touch the palis with a thousand foot pole.
Here's the full story from Reuters.
Get this from the Saudis:
"Saudi Arabia, which condemns the Israeli war crimes against the Palestinian people and the threats of Israeli officials to transform Gaza into an inferno, sees that Israel is simulating through these actions the Nazi war crimes," the Saudi official news agency SPA reported.
"Therefore, Saudi Arabia urges the international community, peace-sponsoring countries and the international Quartet to work to curb the Israeli military machine and stop it from carrying out mass killings and destruction against the Palestinian people and their properties."
Well, Saudi Arabia, I have four words for you: Shut The Fuck Up.
In fact, Saudi Arabia, let's make a deal ... we'll give al Qaeda in Iraq 1000 Qassam missiles and have them start lobbing 200 a day into Riyadh and then we'll see what you do. Deal?
Here's more of the rhetoric from the Sauds:
"Saudi Arabia watches with utmost concern what is happening in Gaza; the killing of children, women and elderly, the destruction of houses over their owners' heads, the intimidation at the hands of Israel's military machine," SPA said. "The kingdom strongly condemns these actions that go against international law and humanitarian norms ... and contradict what Israel says about its desire for peace."
I can't believe this - "children, women and elderly"....hahaha! Funny, but those "elderly" Hamas jihadists dressed in green and black firing missiles daily into Sderot and Ashkelon don't look a day over 25 yrs old to me! Elderly!
Well, the "Kingdom" can kiss the world's ass. If you are so concerned Saudia Arabia, section off 14 square miles of land in your own country and truck the poor palis in - give 'em a state! What's that? You don't want the flea bags in your country? That's what I thought. It's easy to defend the pali mongrels from afar isn't it, but when it comes down to putting your money where your mouth is, all is silent. You Sauds wouldn't touch the palis with a thousand foot pole.
Here's the full story from Reuters.
Saudi compares Israel Gaza offensive to Nazi crimes
RIYADH, March 2 (Reuters) - U.S. ally Saudi Arabia compared Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip to Nazi war crimes on Sunday and called on the international community to stop what it called the "mass killings" of Palestinians.
Israeli forces killed 61 people in Hamas-ruled Gaza on Saturday, the bloodiest day for Palestinians since an uprising against Israeli occupation began in 2000. Almost half the dead were civilians, including children.
Hamas, an Islamist group which seized Gaza after routing forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, held the comment up as proof their Israeli enemies were the "new Nazis."
Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak said on Sunday Israel needed to prepare for a possible escalation in Gaza. The Jewish state, which lost two soldiers in Saturday's fighting, has pushed deep into Gaza in an effort to stop Palestinian militants from firing rockets into southern Israel.
The offensive was launched after a rocket killed an Israeli on Wednesday.
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