In its article on the Gaza operation today, in my view, MSNBC has crossed the line in biased reporting. MSNBC simply has shown its anti-semitic colors, it has shown that it is shoulder to shoulder with the jihadists in this world that wish the destruction of Israel. This is not a new agency, this is a propaganda mill that would have fit in well with Hitler's regime of disinformation.
I'm going to go through today's article, " Israeli missiles slam into Hamas PM's office ", section by section to show the slant and bias and attack-like demeanor of this article. Let's start with:
Israeli aircraft sent missiles slamming into the office of the prime minister of Hamas-ruled Gaza before dawn on Sunday, pressing forward with an offensive that has killed nearly 70 Palestinians in two days of fighting. A 21-month-old girl was among the dead in new violence.
Okay, that is the very first paragraph of the piece - usually the overview of the entire situation but let's look at it carefully:
- MSNBC notes the killing of 70 Palestinians. If you read that, you will believe those are ALL civilians. Most news outlets have put the number of dead Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Popular Resistance death tolls at 45 to 60. So MSNBC decided to not mention that these are dead TERRORISTS, but wanted to deceive readers into believing Israel was killing civilians.
- MSNBC uses the opening paragrapsh to highlight a young dead pali girl. Several news services have now reported that this young girl was killed by an errant missile fired by Hamas fighters - see any mention of that here? Also, is there one mention of the dead Israeli soldiers in this opening paragraph? Is there any mention of the dead Israeli civilians from previous rocket attacks by Hamas?
Next item in the MSNBC article:
Overnight, a 14-year-old Palestinian girl and five militants died of their wounds, and four Palestinians were killed in Israeli raids, including the baby girl, who died from shrapnel wounds.
The bodies of two women also were unearthed from the rubble of an earlier Israeli airstrike, bringing the total death toll from the operation to 66 since late Friday.
At least half were militants. Gaza health officials said about 200 people were wounded, 14 critically.
Now, keep in mind, this is the SAME article but just deeper into it. Notice the following things about MSNBC's reporting:
- The emphasis on "female" casualties - a "14 year-old girl" , "baby girl" , "two women" - do you see MSNBC again try to clear up the misinformation about how the "baby girl" really died?
- It talks about the rubble of an airstrike but there is no mention of the Hamas terrorists killed in that air strike. In other words, in an airstrike that kills 8 Hamas terrorists who kidnapped a Gaza family's home in order to use the family as human shields, there is no mention of the terrorists dying in the same household.
- The death toll here is reported at 66. In the next sentence MSNBC says "at least half were militants." So, that means that 33 could be terrorists, right? It could mean that 62 were jihadists, right?
On to the next section and this is where MSNBC tries to pull at some reader heart strings - remember, MSNBC has done NO reporting of the condition of the streets of Sderot, Israel or Asheklon, Israel - look at the switch here by MSNBC to a more novel-like use of prose in its reporting:
And finally, look at how MSNBC finishes the article: >blockquote>Schools and universities were closed. The sound of verses from the Muslim holy book, the Quran, pouring forth from mosque loudspeakers mingled with the roar of Israeli warplanes and unmanned drones in the sky.
And in the West Bank city of Hebron, several hundred Palestinian youths threw
stones and bottles at an Israeli checkpoint in the city center. Israeli troops
responded with rubber bullets and gas, slightly wounding two people.
Heads should roll at MSNBC - I've seen better journalism by 8th graders doing a field trip report of a visit to the local zoo.
Good post. That disgraceful article was written by the AP, probably by a local Palestinian reporter/propagandist. This sort of biased reporting is normal for the wire new services. Reuters and AFP are just as bad.
Good post. That disgraceful article was written by the AP, probably by a local Palestinian reporter/propagandist. This sort of biased and appalling reporting is normal for the wire new services. Reuters and AFP are just as bad.
The mainstream media is losing readers/viewers-- so they are trying to hook up with alterative media --weblogs-- social networking sites and the like.
MSNBC recently bought Newsvine
--a site somewhat similar to Digg but much smaller-- and slightly less dominated by moobats and other useful idiots. [And-- no ''bury'' feature].
Links to some articles on Newsvine are now posted on an MSNBC page..
While there are some problems to participating in this site [people with varying political views]-- it might be a good place to further make our articles available- both on the Newsvine site itself as well as the links to the MSNBC page. [This would be especially true if more ''sensible'' people signed up- its free].
If you would like to know more about the possible benefits of newsvine for bloggers -- please email me...link to my address is in my Blogger profile.
[If you don't have a blog--you can still post links to articles there-- as well as write and post your own articles-- and participate in discussions. Its an easy way to have many of the features of your own weblog without having to set one up.]
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