Okay, the whole MSM is abuzz with Mike Huckabee's latest political campaign ad in which Huckabee has the outright gall to mention "Christmas" and Christ and even has a Cross in the background! The outrage is filling the airwaves and LAN lines as I type here.
So, of course, I have a bone to pick on this issue, or non-issue as I'd call it. Before I go any further, I will state that I am not supporting Gov. Mike Huckabee for the Republican nomination for President. Not that you care, but I have some serious issues with how adamant Huckabee is on islamofascism, the War on Terror and national security. So, I make that disclaimer so no one can accuse me of just being some tainted Huckabee campaigner.
I won't get into all of the reasons for the uproar over the Huckabee ad here but want to focus on one comment that I've heard over and over again today on newscasts when the illustrious political analsysts (75% are Dems, you ever notice that?) have been asked whether the Huckabee ad will help him or hurt him.
I heard two different analysts today say that the ad "will help Huckabee with the Evangelicals." And that is where I have this ugly old bone to pick. When is some newscaster or blogger, for that matter, ever going to look one of these analysts in the eye and ask them: "Excuse me, but what exactly determines if one is an 'Evangelical'?" That's the quetion I want answered but I'm sure these pundits have no clue. They have conjured up some idea of a cult of Evangelical Christians that meets on Sunday mornings in some cave on the border of Missouri and Kentucky...they perform eerie chants to Jesus Christ and do a whole lot of praying and then they also get up at some pulpit and review their national political strategy and battle plan.
Well, political analysts, it is my contention that Huckabee's ad is going to play well, yes, but with Christians. You don't have to compartmentalize everyone in this country folks - as much as you'd like to divide the people of faith in this country into specific categories, sometimes that just doesn't work.
I am a Christian. With that being said, I rejoiced in seeing Huckabee's ad. The United States of America is approximately 77% Christian and yet you political hacks and MSM newscasters have the nerve to cry foul at an ad that speaks of Christmas? Over 200 million people in this Country celebrate Christmas, folks! So one asks, "Holger, don't you understand that there's a conflict of church and state here?" And to that I respond, "What??!!" First off, the separation of church and state was penned by our founding fathers to keep the government out of their churches, NOT to keep the churches out of the government, so go back and read your history again. Secondly, the MSM is quick to question just how viable Mitt Romney is a candidate because he is Mormon. I cry foul! You can't have it both ways fools. You can't admit that Romney's religious persuasion affects the voters without admitting that Huckabee's preacher status and commitment to Jesus Christ has a similar affect.
I say to all of you critics of Huckabee's ad: Go and take a drive around town this Sunday morning. Drive by every church you can find and count the number of empty parking spaces in those church parking lots. Don't worry about taking a calculator because you will probably only need the fingers on one hand. That IS your electorate people. They aren't "Evangelicals", they are Christians. Their faith is key to every facet of their lives, including the people they elect to lead them. Is it the only factor they look at in a President? Of course not. But the fact of the matter is that many of us have seen the attack on Christianity in this society and it is steadily increasing. And many of us are ready to do anything to stop it. Anything.
To quote Mitt Romney, "their can be no freedom without religion." And that speaks to the fact that Huckabee's ad is spot on. Go ahead, you MSM know-it-alls, go ahead and poll the American people about that ad. I dare you. I double dare you. Oh, and report back to us exactly what percentage of Americans cheered that ad. You won't, I know you won't. Oh ye of little faith.
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