Monday, December 3, 2007

Endangered Species: U.K. Christmas Nativity Plays

Call it multiculturalism, call it the death of Christian values, or call it chickening out in the face of threats from muslims, but the Brits have decided it is just too darn politically incorrect to allow Christmas Nativity plays in their schools. We have come to this point...where islamists have denegrated the will of society to the extent that instead of a celebration of the Birth of Jesus Christ, our children are forced to put on the alternative play called, "Whoops-a-Daisy Angel"???

I don't know about you but I've had it up to here (if you could see me, I have my hand held parallel to the ground in the vicinity of my neck) with this self-enforced appeasement of islamists. Christians around the globe celebrate this time of year with traditional gatherings, church services, parties, family remembrances and Bible readings. Yet our children now go to school and are FORBIDDEN to have the story of the Birth of the Baby Jesus told on the school's stage. Why is it apparently forbidden? Because some headmasters of the schools in Britain don't want to offend the muslim children. They won't come out and say it that way but read the quotes below. Let me get this straight. We best not named a stuffed animal toy Mohammed or we will be thrown in jail and if our children stand on a school stage and kneel next to a manger scene.....then what??

Full article of this crapola here from The Telegraph.

School nativity plays under threat
By Julie Henry and Vikki Miller

Only one in five schools are ­planning to perform a traditional nativity play this year. They are now outnumbered by schools that say they will be either putting on a non-religious play, such as Scrooge or Snow White, or giving no performance at all.
Almost half the schools said they planned to put on modern reinterpretations of the Christmas story, with extra characters, new songs and modern themes, such as The Bossy King, Whoops-a-Daisy Angel or The Hoity-Toity Angel.

The findings will add to fears that Christian teachings are being abandoned by schools, despite the wishes of parents. Recent surveys show an overwhelming majority of families would like the nativity play, telling the story of Christ's birth, to live on in schools.

A spokesman for a school in Barking, east London, where half of the intake is white British, said: "We are not putting on a play; instead we are having a talk about a Czech winter play. We don't feel the need to have the nativity. We are an ethnically diverse school and want to learn about other cultures."

Monica Galt, the head of King Road Primary in Manchester, said: "We're multicultural but we always do some form of nativity. We're doing Whoops-a-Daisy Angel this year. We'll have shepherds, donkeys, camels, cows - the lot."

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