Two separate car bombs hit Algiers, Algeria and right now, the death toll stands at 45. That will rise like it always does after these things.
The article will say that al Qaeda is suspected. Well, bank on it. Multiple bombings is an al Qaeda trademark and at the same time, Algeria has been under attack for months now from the al Qaeda franchise there.
Full story on the bombings here.
The article will say that al Qaeda is suspected. Well, bank on it. Multiple bombings is an al Qaeda trademark and at the same time, Algeria has been under attack for months now from the al Qaeda franchise there.
Full story on the bombings here.
Bomb Blasts in Algerian Capital; 45 Dead
Associated Press Writer
ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) - Two car bombs, including one that targeted the U.N. refugee agency's offices, killed at least 45 people in the Algerian capital Tuesday, authorities said.
The civil protection agency said one attack killed 30 people and that a second blast left another 15 people dead. The blasts hurled chunks of rubble across roads and peeled away parts of the facade of at least one building, exposing its brick skeleton.
Public radio, Algiers Network 3, said the two bombs went off about 10 minutes apart. Some victims of one of the attacks had been riding a school bus, the official news agency APS said.
Although there were no immediate claims of responsibility, suspicions quickly focused on the North African wing of al-Qaida.
The date - the 11th - could point to an Islamic terror link. Al-Qaida in Islamic North Africa claimed responsibility for attacks on April 11 that hit the prime minister's office and a police station, killing 33 people.
The last year has seen a series of bombings against state targets, many of them suicide attacks.
Recent bombings have been claimed by al-Qaida in Islamic North Africa. That was the name adopted in January after the remnants of the insurgency, the Salafist Group for Call and Combat, or GSPC, formally linked with al-Qaida.
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