Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Let THAT Sink In....Bitch


Dave Moore said...

Remember that hippie freak too lazy to earn a living as a carpenter like his Dad, the one whose bumbling followers let him get nailed to a tree, ha ha ha!

His last words were, "Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do."

But the man who nailed the six year old (admittedly only after she got to be nine), a stalwart warrior who founded his religion on the mass murder of unbelievers, died cursing the Jewish slave woman who poisoned him.

Which one do you want to model yourself on?

DJMooreTX said...

(I can at least tell you that I prefer the world that arises from following the Carpenter, the Builder, the Craftsman, not the one that seems to have been dedicated to burning down everything not built to his personal glory.)

Holger Awakens said...


Thanks for stopping by and I agree whole heartedly - course, Omar and her ilk would have told Jesus...."you didn't build that!" LOL
