Friday, January 10, 2020

Remember Barack Obama's Response To Iran?


Murphy(AZ) said...

Someday, possibly triggered by an act of God or the Apocalypse, the World will suddenly become enlightened, and all will see the truth of all things. Was there a conspiracy to assassinate Abraham Lincoln that included Union Generals? Did Roosevelt know the Japanese were coming to attack Pearl Harbor? Did Oswald act alone? How many other "Gulf of Tonkin" incidents have there been? Why are the Democrats so bone-deep anti-American?


Holger Awakens said...


As for why the Democrats are so anti-American, I look at it this way. Imagine a kid in high school, a bit of a loser - he gets a wedgie in gym class about once a week. He sits by himself at lunch and mumbles to himself. The night before the Homecoming football game when the whole school is at the rally in the gym, he sits by himself in the library feeling sorry for himself, red in the face. So, the next night, when the Homecoming football game is played - which team do you think our loser kid is rooting for to win?

Look at the Presidential candidates on the Dem side. One thing they all have in common is they grew up as losers, they are social misfits. They don't fit in. Politics is their "Pay Back."
