Sunday, January 12, 2020

Just a Thought....from Holger

We are a nation of people who have everything the world has to offer and we sit around and bitch about our slavery past, our lack of a right to healthcare - we have families getting $4000 a month in entitlements who have 6 cell phones and 3 plasma tvs.

Like an aged forest in need of a total gutting by fire, America perhaps needs a taste of what life is like in most of the world. Give em Hillary or Warren or Bernie - give em a Dem House and Senate - give em 4 years to taste the whip of a totalitarian state. Give em a DOW of 9000. Give em lines at Publix. Fuck em. I have my food, i have my well, i have my septic and I have my guns. I'll ride the mutherfuckers out and rejoice in their screams of agony and the gnashing of their teeth.



Murphy(AZ) said...

While I can see your point that America might need a "teaching moment," I have my doubts that the coming generations will learn the right lesson. The rapid progression of technology, the growing mindless Liberal Socialism in our institutions and political structure, is causing a growing lack of responsibility in our youth. The generation that survived the Great Depression, that fought a two-ocean war, that stared down global Communism, made the mistake of giving everything they could to their children, "to make it better than we had," instead of making them earn their gifts.

Should it pass in November that the Democrats/Socialists take control of either the Senate or the Presidency, all the evil that you describe will come to pass, and worse. Open borders and rampant migration, free college education, government mandated wage hikes, cost-free medical care for all, increased drug legalization and lack of enforcement for felony crimes, all will serve to speed the final destruction of this once brave experiment in liberty.

I do not believe that it will be very long after Election Day that we will see the unrestrained rise of violence by the government against the people, or by the people against the government.

Holger Awakens said...


I have to say you are spot on, here. You really nail it.

However, I'm not looking for a "teaching moment" - I realize that these clowns, especially the older ones, will NEVER learn from anything - when it all goes to shit they will blame Trump even tho they voted him out and a Marxist in.

Actually what I'm looking for them is to GET their miserable world, live in that miserable world....gnash their teeth when their iPhone doesn't work because the cell phone company went tits up under 1000 new regulations. I want them fighting in the aisles of a grocery store for a moldy piece of bread. And when the last of them either fade away or crawl into a big huge hole, then we'll rebuild.
