Thursday, September 12, 2019

A Warrior and Friend Lost

It breaks my heart to share with all of you that my good friend and one of the most valiant women in the fight against Islamofascism has passed away.  We all knew her as Kel Fritzi and as the Red Fox Blogger from Blog Talk Radio.  I would be hard pressed to find another person who has poured more soul and energy and tears and sweat and blood into defending the West from the threat of Islam as this Canadian spitfire. 

Kel is already so missed by so many.  I pray the Good Lord comforts her family in this heart-breaking loss.

In the video below, you will see Kel making a speech at an EDL Demo in England.  She traveled all of the way from Canada to the UK to make this speech.  Her commitment was unparalleled, her truth was always at the forefront.  I weep today for our loss but my chest swells with pride in having gotten to know her.


Vito said...

Well Stated Holger!

Humphrey Peterson said...
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Anonymous said...
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DR. ESTER said...
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Holger Awakens said...

Thanks Vito!
