Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Free Speech

I feel is it WAY past overdue that someone addresses the claim this person makes on Twitter.

I want to focus on "ensuring everyone's voice be heard."  As conservatives, we ALL know that this is the biggest lie put forth by the Left.  What they REALLY mean is ...."ensuring everyone's (THAT AGREES WITH US) voice be heard."

If I was to address Eater of Souls directly, I would point out all of the aspects of my "voice" that simply are NOT allowed to be heard anymore, including:

  • Criticism of any aspect of Islam
  • My pro life stance
  • Criticism of any person who is a minority
  • Criticism of a female
  • Support of our President
  • Suggesting prayer in schools
  • Suggesting a state be a right to work state
  • Criticism of any aspect of homosexuality
  • Suggesting that we close our borders and deport all illegals immediately
Okay, you get the point - my list above could go on and on and on.  The fact of the matter is that the Left in this country has been busy destroying the First Amendment to our Constitution for decades. They simply cannot deal with someone DISAGREEING with them.  Ilhan Omar is an asshole.  Simple as that.  She's an ungrateful bitch.  She's unhappy in this country.  I have the freedom to make those statements.  But they will not allow it.  So "Eater of Souls" - will you not agree that you want to ensure that MY voice be heard?

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