Saturday, June 15, 2019

Why Fly THEIR Flag?

There are approximately 87,000 homosexuals in the state of Wisconsin but lo and behold, the "rainbow" flag flies over the Wisconsin state capitol building.

So, there are 363,000 veterans in the state of Wisconsin - where is THEIR flag flying over the capitol?

There are 368,000 disabled people in the state of Wisconsin - where is THEIR flag flying over the capitol?

There are approximately 55,000 Native Americans in the state of Wisconsin - where is THEIR flag flying over the capitol?

There are 896,000 senior citizens in the state of Wisconsin - where is THEIR flag flying over the capitol?


Henry Bowman said...


The state is going blue. E'nuff said...


Holger Awakens said...



That flag flies over the capitol building in MADISON. Madison makes Berkeley look like a small town with required open carry in Wyoming. The next flag flying there will more than likely depict a baby in the woman with a scalpel through his/her brain.
