Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Welcome to the State of Minnesota


OC said...

This Walz fella is making Mark Dayton look like a centrist.
At least the Repubs in the MN Senate fought any and all gun control bills from the House.

Holger Awakens said...

OC, you're right about the MN Senate - at least some spine still resides there.

As for Walz, I'm not sure if he's really that much more liberal than Dayton or if we were just lulled to sleep by the fact that Dayton spent 45 weeks of the year curled up in a dope induced blackout - popping his pills and washing them down with Stoli.

Anyway, my thoughts on Walz have always been a snake oil salesman - he's always tried to smooth over socialist images with fake propaganda - he's a wolf in sheep's clothing and if he were to get a Dem majority in both legislative bodies I'm pretty sure we will see the real clown.
