Friday, February 10, 2017

Dear Liberals

Dear Liberals

We drive Jeeps and F-150’s and Harleys, not your Prius and Smart car.  We wear Red Wings and shit kickers, not your Birkenstock clogs.  Our homes smell of beef roast, firewood and Hoppe’s No. 9, not your rosemary aromatherapy and tofu casserole.

And we are coming for you, Liberals.

Our heroes are those who died on Omaha Beach, Iwo Jima and Ramadi, not your heroes who spread their legs for Planned Parenthood.  We cling to our Bibles, you cling to your Alinsky.  When we come for you, Liberals, we will show our faces so you can see the steel in our eyes and the edge of our teeth, not hide behind black masks.

Yes, we are coming for you, Liberals.

We put in 10 hours a day on a factory line or hunched over a car’s engine, not the 10 hours a day you spend in an activist forum online.  Our children do their chores, yours do meth.  Our families eat dinner together, yours meet up once a month at an LGBT rally.
We honor and glorify God the Father, not your idols of cell phones, iPads and Starbucks.

Soon, we are coming for you, Liberals.

You can spot us on the street since we walk straight and proud, holding our heads high, not slouched and stealing in and out of the shadows.  Our ancestors came to America through Ellis Island, yours came through the Rio Grande.
Watch the horizon, we are coming for you, Liberals.

Outside our homes we fly the colors of Old Glory, not a rainbow flag.  We speak English, not some third world dialect.  We embrace the Truth while you hijack it and stifle it.  We look up to Washington and Jefferson, you idolize Communist dictators and mass murders.

We are America.  You are not.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

We are coming for you, Liberals.



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