The story comes from DAWN.
Suicide attack kills 15 in north Afghanistan: officials
MAZAR-I-SHARIF: A suicide bomber on a three-wheeled motorbike killed at least 15 people at a crowded market in northern Afghanistan on Tuesday, officials said, as security is ramped up ahead of presidential elections.
“It was a suicide bombing in the middle of Maimanah city during the Tuesday bazaar,” Mohammadullah Batash, the Faryab province governor, told AFP.
“The blast happened on the main roundabout, which was very crowded. The bomber used a three-wheeler packed with explosives. All 15 of the dead are civilians or street vendors, and at least 27 are also wounded.” Toryalai Adyan, the provincial police chief, and hospital officials gave a similar account and death toll.
There was no immediate claim for the attack in the capital of Faryab, a remote province that borders Turkmenistan and has a mixed population of Uzbek, Turkmen and Pashtun ethnic groups.
A week ago, Taliban insurgent leaders vowed to target Afghanistan's presidential election on April 5, urging its fighters to attack polling staff, voters and security forces before the vote to choose a successor to Hamid Karzai.
Previous Afghan elections have been badly marred by violence, with at least 31 civilians and 26 soldiers and police killed on polling day alone in 2009, as the Islamist militants displayed their opposition to the US-backed polls.
1 comment:
I don't know why my posts didn't go through. Trying again here.
Only you Marine have I heard disparaging your own country, calling it a paper tiger, erstwhile heaping lofty praises on a foreign one, Israel.
You must be Israeli. How else to account for your poor grammatical English skills and uttering more loyalty towards Israel than America.
Israel to the contrary of what you say, does not have the capability to destroy our sites. Perhaps damage them, but not destroy entirely. They don't have the logistical means nor the bunker busters. If they did, they would have done it by now. Hence why the are prodding and nudging America to do it. Falls right in with that motto you mentioned, war through deception. Getting other countries to do their dirty work. That trick can only work for so long though. Time will come when Israel is simply labeled as a cry wolf nation. Then they'll be truly alone. You can only exacerbate the goodwill of the world for so long.
It's not like we don't have countermeasures of our own. 100,000 missiles on the northern border of Israel. 500-1,000 deep cover suicide bombers ready to go at a moments notice. All within Israel proper, furnished with proper papers, accent free Hebrew and day to day jobs.
How much did it cost Israel economically in 2006? When only 4,000 rockets rained down? Imagine 100,000? You think Iron Dome will get all of them? How much does one Iron Dome missile cost to launch?
Don't take it too lightly. Because we aren't. Israel isn't the only one with allies. We have powerful friends too.
Think before you act, Marine. WWIII is not worth the tiny sliver of land calling itself Israel.
Lt. Colonel(retired) Reza Pejman
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