Sunday, January 26, 2014

Photo of the Day: Reflection of a Nation



The Duhnmharu said...

Grace and elegance vs Crass and boorish

Unknown said...

But one is an official portrait, the other is a snapshot.

There can be no comparison.

The Duhnmharu said...

Its an attitude. Jackie always comported herself very well. Mindful she was always a public figure. No sense of entitlement. Well teh other .. an over inflated semnse of self importance and entitlement

Unknown said...

I can't really say I am that familiar with either women. I know Mrs. Kennedy was considered a fashion Icon. I am not though a connoisseur of American First Ladies. I don't know what Mrs. Obama is known for.

It could also come down to fashion sense and social graces. Some, due to the nature and quality of upbringing are destined to behave in polar opposite manners in public.

If you want the root cause of behavior; barring some physical ailment, then you have to go to the root of it: Upbringing.

The Duhnmharu said...

True enough

Unknown said...

Don't forget that culture plays a part too. Cultural Identity. Mrs. Kennedy was the Irish version of Downton Abbey, or at least married into it. It was also a different era. She grew up in an America where not everything fought for was taken for granted. Precisely because it was fought for then. By the time Mrs. Obama came of age, that is reaching adulthood the hard battles had already been won by a generation before her.

So when she proclaims to feel proud to be an American for the first time, perhaps she's not aware of the sacrifices the generation of Mr. And Mrs. Kennedy made. She might be in knowledge of it, but not having felt it, might make her de-sensitized to the reality that previous generations had to come to terms with.

Combine that with most likely radically different upbringings, values and social graces, and you are more than somewhat going to have the end result of the posted pictures.

This analysis is of course coming from a layman on American Presidential History. I don't claim to know all the reasons why Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Obama differ so vastly in the field of social etiquette. But the reasons I listed might shed some light into that question.

Bigfoot said...

I think Michelle needs to fire her hairdresser.

The Duhnmharu said...

If we examine her flirtatious relationship with some of the same people The President has been involved with, her sens of what yours is mine and whats mine is my own can be explained away. Socialism . Kennedy;s were not saint, but their sense of values far exceeded what is today displayed by the Obamas either one of them.