The Golden Opportunity We Now Have To Expose the Marxists of America

Family Security Matters.
If There Was Ever a Golden Opportunity…
The recent "scandals" plaguing the Obama Administration serve to illustrate that nothing lasts forever. The honeymoon with the mainstream media has ended after a record run and their steamroller approach to Washington politics has hit a "bump in the road," and one they cannot circumvent. This moment in time presents some golden opportunities for those of us who identify it as one of vulnerability for those who quest to "fundamentally transform the United States of America." But in every golden opportunity exists some danger. And while we of the constitutional and conservative bent never cease to protest this truth, it is a truth nevertheless. We could be winning a baseball game by 15 runs in the bottom of the ninth inning and find a way to lose by three.
While all the so-called "Republican strategists" and conservative pundits debate the depth of the Obama Administration's "evil deeds," and while everyone in the conservative blogosphere is screeching "impeachment" at the top of their cyber-lungs, we who possess level heads; who deal in facts and realism instead of emotion and appearance, understand that the probability of impeachment is next to zero. This is because for all the misdeeds and ethical lapses of this administration; with the very serious issues they have exploited for political gain - including those that took place at the expense of American lives and the sanctity of constitutional rights, "high crimes and misdemeanors" have not been executed by Mr. Obama, personally, that anyone can prove.
Additionally, there are two reasons why impeachment would never result in the removal of President Obama from office.
First, we have a Democrat majority in the US Senate. And while impeachment happens in the US House of Representatives, the trial conducted due to impeachment is held in the Senate, presided over by the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. In the end, anyone who believes that a Democrat controlled Senate would vote to convict, thus executing Mr. Obama's removal from office, is smoking something that is now legal in Colorado.
Second, the Republican establishment and elected leadership would never agree to move on impeachment for fear of losing a messaging battle with the Progressive machine that would leave them with the scarlet letter of "racist" around their organizational neck. Moving on the impeachment of Mr. Obama on charges of "high crimes and misdemeanors" would energize the Progressive base, motivate the race-baiter activists and give the Progressive-sympathetic mainstream media a reason to re-champion Mr. Obama, thus destroying any advantage the GOP may have thought they gleaned from the Obama-induced "scandals."
And while there are some in this administration that very well should don orange jumpsuits for a period of time, the responsibility of prosecuting these people to conviction is predicated one of two events.
There can be an appointment of a special prosecutor - which requires an appointment of one by...wait for it...US Attorney General Eric Holder. With Mr. Holder's contempt for Congress and anything not Progressive or "social justice," and with his track record of biased prosecutions and non-prosecutions, pigs will fly before we see a special prosecutor appointed by Mr. Holder.
Then there is the option of the Department of Justice taking up the prosecution. Again, this would require action on behalf of Attorney General Holder. And again, because he would be - in at least one if not two of the "scandals" - implicated as a "wrong-doer," well, get the picture.
I know, it sounds as if conservatives can't win for losing. But that's not the case. There are two opportunities that could not only seal Mr. Obama's fate, but that could save the United States from one-hundred-plus years of Progressive incremental victories.
First, in light of the fact that the IRS is at the center of a scandal of mammoth proportions, a scandal that reeks of Progressive and/or Chicago-Progressive thug politics, the forces that champion comprehensive and radical tax reform could combine forces to affect true and real reforms in the tax code in either a flat tax, with absolutely no deductions, loopholes or exceptions; or a consumption tax. Either could completely replace the existing Progressive tax code (have you figured out why they call it that yet?) and literally neuter the IRS completely. Truly, it would be just desserts for an agency that has moved from the honest collection of taxes under a dysfunctional and politically charged tax code to a tyrant agency that routinely attacks the innocent, striking fear into the hearts of the law abiding.
But second, and frankly I believe more important, is the opportunity to spotlight the Progressive Movement for the tyrannical, oligarchical elitist, Fabian socialists that they really are; to educate the no- and low-information voters - in real time and with "in-the-news" issues that directly affect them - on how the Progressives actually despise the masses, even as they say they champion the worker (if they really champion the worker how come their signature achievement in Mr. Obama's tenure - Obamacare - is set to raise the taxes on union health insurance plans in 2018 by 40%?).
If, by the grace of God Almighty, conservatives can dispose of the egos and join in an effort to communicate, if establishment Republicans can lose their penchant for "know-it-all," "my-way" inside-the-beltway arrogance to provide the national apparatus by which to communicate, and if the TEA Parties can enjoin cohesively with both of the aforementioned to move the message; to educate; to inform the no- and low-information voters, in a non-aggressive and non-inflammatory way - if conservatives of all stripes can craft and move a message that defines the Progressive Movement for exactly who they are and exactly what their goal is for our country, then we have an opportunity to send their movement into a thousand years of darkness.
Of course, to do this would require conservatives to - at least for the moment - work together, something the "too-many-chiefs-and-not-enough-Indians" Conservative Movement does very poorly.
So, Conservatives of all stripes, establishment Republicans and TEA Partiers, it's the bottom of the ninth and the score is tied. We're at bat, their pitcher is tired and they have exhausted their bullpen.
How about it?...
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