Saturday, January 5, 2013

Iran Now Possesses 8 Chemically Altered Microbial Agents

Okay, if this paragraph from the article over at Radical Islam doesn't scare the ever-loving shit out of you, I don't know what will:

Iranian scientists, working under orders from the radicals running the Islamic regime, have genetically altered microbial agents in a nightmarish scheme to bring the West to its knees.

It's not enough that we have to deal with the mad mullahs having access to nuclear warheads but now they have germ warfare at their disposal - you know, you need to remember that these are the same guys that feel the savior of the world is going to climb out of a a dirty old well in Iran at some point.

Iran Now Possesses 8 Chemically Altered Microbial Agents

Iranian scientists, working under orders from the radicals running the Islamic regime, have genetically altered microbial agents in a nightmarish scheme to bring the West to its knees.

According to a source in the Revolutionary Guards intelligence unit with knowledge of Iran’s microbial research and development, the scientists, with Russian and North Korean help, currently possess eight extremely dangerous microbial agents that, if unleashed, could kill millions of people.

As reported on, the source revealed the existence of a plant in Marzanabad, Iran, where 12 Russian and 28 Iranian scientists are working on microbial agents for bombs. At that time, the source disclosed that Iran was working on 18 agents, with four completed. He has now provided information that with work at two other plants, Iran has created a total of eight microbial agents, with research on insects to be used as the vector to infect the societies of its enemies.

The eight agents are anthrax, encephalitis (the blueprint of this virus, Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis, was provided by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in an agreement two years ago with the Islamic regime), yellow grain (developed with the help of North Korea), SARS, Ebola, cholera, smallpox and plague.

Iran, with North Korea’s help, has genetically altered the smallpox virus that makes current vaccinations useless against it. And research at two facilities that act as drug companies but are fronts for the deadly research shows insects can be used as the vector to carry plague, infamous as the “Black Death,” according to the source.

The outbreak of plague in the Middle Ages killed one-third of Europe’s population, and it resurfaced in the 19th century in Asia, killing millions in China and India.

The radicals ruling Iran believe their planned microbial attacks cannot be traced to them, the source said. Through various commerce channels and trade with Europe and even through Mexico into the U.S., the regime could release the infected insects and small rodents into populated cities, causing an epidemic that could possibly kill tens of millions of people, he said.

“The most dangerous biological weapons agents today are genetically modified or even synthetically created in a laboratory in ways that not only make them more contagious, infectious and lethal, but also are intended to defy existing vaccine countermeasures,” said Clare M. Lopez, a senior fellow at and the Center for Security Policy, a non-profit, non-partisan think tank based in Washington, D.C. “Among such (biological weapons) agents are (genetically-modified) strains of anthrax, plague and smallpox.

“The open-source literature consistently describes Russia and North Korea as sources of such strains and the scientific know-how to create and deploy them,” Lopez said. “Likewise, Iran and Syria are reported to be among the recipients of such deadly (biological weapons) agents; each of these countries also has an extensive medical and pharmaceutical research and development infrastructure within which to produce (and also conceal) its BW programs. Both Iran and Syria also have shared not only these pathogens, but the artillery, ballistic missile and munitions technology with each other and, likely, with Hezbollah as well, for delivery of such pathogens.”

Lopez said that insects such as fleas, flies and mosquitoes long have been recognized as natural vectors for the spread of deadly diseases and that disease-bearing insects have been used in warfare for centuries, perhaps most notoriously by the Japanese during WW II against China, causing the death of hundreds of thousands. While cholera typically is not fatal if treated quickly, some strains can kill within hours. Bubonic plague has been the cause of some of the greatest pandemics in world history.

The Revolutionary Guards source added that the Islamic regime has already armed 37 of its ballistic missiles with microbial agents, which upon launch would spray targeted areas as opposed to an explosion. It has also armed cluster bombs with such agents, which could be dropped from fighter jets spraying an intended area.

What makes it worse, the source said, is that Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist proxies of the regime have now been armed with microbial weapons. As reported in the Washington Times in August, chemical and microbial weapons have been transferred to Iran’s proxies in the region.

The West, with its soft approach on the radical regime in Iran, has provided the needed time not only for it to arm itself with some of the most deadliest biological weapons but also, with the help of North Korea, to get the nuclear bomb, and, despite what the West believes, is now working to arm its missiles with such weapons of mass destruction, the source said.


Kirly said...

we are doomed. we are prevented from defending ourselves by our socalled leaders who pay homage to these pathological lying murderous savages. i can't take it anymore and have retreated to a bit of escapism into the stories i loved as a child. and with the hobbit movie just released recently, there are alot of writings on the net these days. thus, I came across a blog stating the Dwarves of Tolkien are modeled after Norse/Viking warriors. that's what we need right now. leaders who are unafraid to leap into the battle even though the odds of victory are miniscule. that's you.

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Findalis said...

Knowing Iran and how Muslims are such dunces I suspect that they will have an "accident" with their own people first.

Anonymous said...

I have to ask myself if this is a false flag. However if it is true, then immediately Obama our coward in chief needs to take Russia, North Korea and Iran to task . Iran can not only not possess nukes, they should not have biologicals weapons as well. They can not be trusted. What is TRussia doing assiting iran in creating such terror weapons. Does Russia not understand the what may well transpire .. Perhaps Russia does. Obama is a weak leadser, Russia knows this. He is more concerned with himself and his power than he is wuith actually protecting America. This revelation will play out and hopefully Obama will rise to teh occassion but I fear he will not. These weapons will first be used on ISrael, then Europe and then on America. It can not be allowed to happen. Iran getting a nuke is bad enough, having these bioo9logical weapons is worse as they can be carried secretly into a counhtry and released. Iran needs to be stopped and NOW, no more talks with Iran, this is the tresult of wasting time talking. To insure these weapons are destroyed, America may well have to Nuke Iran as conventional bombing will not assure the destruction of these weapons.

Damn Russia and North Koreas, but more so Damn Obama who has betrayed America and pout them in this weakened state.

Anonymous said...

This is one story we need to stay on top of and dig info and research and determine if this is BS or honest Injun .
Holger keep this one alive, every man woman and child is in danger .