Thursday, July 26, 2012

Video: This Is What a Marxist Mayor Sounds Like


Henry Bowman said...

He only uses the Police when it suits his political agenda, otherwise they are his whipping boys. He should ask the typical beat cop but he won't, because they would tell him to take a hike.

On of the ultimate Nanny staters' in the country......

Anonymous said...

Most rank and file police know that gun control does not work. Only politicians and marxists think otherwise.
New zealand tried gun control and registration after five years dumped it too costly and non efective Canada tried as well 2 billion dollars later no luck criminals still gang
banging and shooting. they scrapped it as well. Bloomber I am sad to say is a lackey jew lickspittle for Obama and he is as useless as a maxed out credit card in a whorehouse. AS for teh police going on strike. How dare teh mayor of NYC suggest teh Police should withold their services. He needs to be whipped for that. To encourage essential services like police to go on strike. What is he a moron. He is a dangerous moron becauwsse he encourage police to withold services. a good reason I see to arm myself . If Bllomberg believe his shiot, they lets get a recal out to move his lickspittle ass out of office and get a real mayor in Ed Koch would never ever suggest law enforcement go on strike to prove a point. Bloombers you are an idiot
