Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Replace Boehner As Speaker of the House

Okay everyone, with Speaker Boehner deciding to give Attorney General Eric Holder a free pass on his contempt of the proceedings in regards to Fast and Furious, the time has come to DEMAND the ouster of Boehner as Speaker of the House.  Boehner must be removed as a Speaker and replaced with a Republican who is willing to fight the enemies on the Left.

Feel free to use the following form letter to write your GOP Representative:

Dear Rep. ________________:

Since Speaker Boehner has decided to squash the efforts of Rep. Issa and others in the House of Representatives to call up Attorney General Eric Holder on contempt charges in regards to the Fast and Furious scandal, I implore you to immediately ask for the resignation of John Boehner as Speaker of the House.  

If Speaker Boehner will not step down, then I must insist that you submit your request to all GOP Representatives in the House to replace Boehner with another GOP Speaker.

The travesty of our Attorney General being this involved in such an illegal and Constitutionally subversive action as Fast and Furious is beyond the pale.  Need I remind you of the fact that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was removed as Attorney General in 2007 by Speaker Pelosi because Gonzales didn't use the best reasons for firing some U.S. Attorneys?  

We the People want Eric Holder removed from office and with John Boehner as Speaker, that will not happen.  I will be eagerly watching for your action regarding this request.  In case you have forgotten, I contributed generously to your last campaign, sir, and won't hesitate to withhold that support if you ignore this request.

Serious As Hell,



1 comment:

Findalis said...

This only works with Republican Congressmen and women. Democrats will give us Pelosi again.