From Family Security Matters.
Al Sharpton: Appointed To Keep Black Voters Angry, Ill-informed
You can imagine the justifiably extreme anger and outrage of black America in1987. Six white men including police officers and a New York prosecutor kidnapped, raped and smeared feces over the body of a fifteen year old black girl. Tawana Brawley was found unconscious and unresponsive lying in a garbage bag, her clothes torn and burned. In the emergency room, racial slurs and epithets were discovered written on Brawley's torso with charcoal.
Al Sharpton, eager to launch his national career, ran to the microphones and cameras as Tawana Brawley's adviser. The problem was, it was all a hoax.
Fearful of getting into trouble for staying away from home for four days, Brawley made up the whole horrific racial-hate-inspiring story. After hearing the evidence, or lack of, a grand jury concluded Brawley was lying.
The New York prosecutor whom Brawley accused of being one of her rapists sued Brawley and Sharpton for defamation and won. And yet, Sharpton still says the Brawley incident happened.
The Tawana Brawley Hoax confirms that truth and fair play are irrelevant in Sharpton's continuing quest to stir the pot-of-racial-hate to bludgeon white America and instill anger in black America for political gain. Sickeningly evil.
I remember Anthony Quinn as Barabbas in the biblical movie, “Barabbas”. Barabbas was a criminal sentenced to death. For Passover, the governor could commute the death sentence of a prisoner selected by popular demand. The multitude could save the life of Jesus or Barabbas. They yelled, “Give us Barabbas”. Barabbas was freed. Jesus was crucified.
Arrogantly usurping authority to speak on behalf of black America, the left has yelled, Give us Al Sharpton! Why have MSNBC, the mainstream media and president Obama appointed this despicable man spokesperson for black America? There are numerous honorable blacks in the national arena. Why were they not chosen?
Sharpton was selected by the left as black America's mouthpiece because his political agenda is in solidarity with their hate America Progressive movement. They are committed to government controlling our behavior and every aspect of life in America. Loyalty to their cause trumps race and even the faith of those who claim to be Christians. How else can you explain Sharpton demanding the removal of a billboard in the black community which exposed the genocide of blacks via abortion?
Rev. Al Sharpton has turned his back on the Bible's anti-abortion teachings while supporting Planned Parenthood founder's vow to exterminate blacks; in loyalty to the left's progressive agenda.
The left appointing Sharpton a spokesperson for black America is a perfect example of their moral bankruptcy and willingness to employ the devil to further their agenda. Sharpton still stands behind Tawana Brawley's absurd over-the-top evil lie that six white men including police and a New York prosecutor raped her. In a decent world, Sharpton would be disqualified for the role of national spokesperson of anything. And yet, the left has crowned Sharpton chief of black America.
As an American who happens to be black, I am outraged. The left's selection of Sharpton as our spokesperson confirms their low opinion of black America, our sense of morality, honor and decency. The left, (democrats, mainstream media and Obama) continue to tell black America, by their actions, how little they think of us. They ignore or demonize highly successful, articulate America loving black conservatives, while elevating lying, America-hating race-baiters.
In 2010, President Obama asked Sharpton to be his ambassador to the black community. Obama instructed Sharpton to tell black leaders to chill-out and stop saying his economic policy failed to help black communities hit hard by the downturn.
The foundation of Democrat politics is dealing with Americans as monolithic voting blocs. I take offense with Obama acting as if black America were a huge tribe, taking marching orders from Chief Sharpton. I am an American who happens to be black. I think for myself.
Obama and his buddies on the left promote “group think”. Their tactic for winning elections is to divide Americans into groups or voting blocs. Then they convince each group; women, minorities, gays, the poor, and etc that they are being victimized by evil Republicans. Vote for us and we'll keep the evil Republicans at bay!
Case in point: The Democrats’ latest lie claims Republicans have launched a “War on Women”. The truth is Obama, against the Constitution, is trying to force churches and taxpayers to fund abortion against their religious faith. America said, H-- no! Democrats are trying to spin America's rebuke of Obama's overreach of authority by saying Republicans wish to ban contraception. This is a lie. Republicans do not wish to ban birth control in any way.
Note the tried and true Democrat trick. They lie to rally women by claiming republicans hate them. Then democrats say vote for us to protect you.
Sharpton was appointed to lie to blacks, keep them fired up and hating Republicans, the rich, conservatives and the tea party. The left says “conservative” is code for racist whites. Such rhetoric promotes racial hatred.
A prolific liar, Sharpton attempts to rally black America – Republicans are hogging it all and dissing the first black president. Keep in mind, Sharpton still claims six white men including police officers and a New York prosecutor kidnapped, raped and smeared feces over the body of a fifteen year old black girl.
Good Lord, Black America, is this the man you want representing you? Al Sharpton does not speak for me!
Al Sharpton stood in the middle of a Jewish neighborhood and led the only Pogrom ever done in the US. Crown Heights Riots
His only Punishment was being given a TV show.
Although he is a (*&^ the pic really made me chuckle. I thank you sir.....
Glad you got a kick out of that.
:Holger Danske
Him and Jesse Jackson ... 2 of a kind
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